General Provisions
157.001 Title
157.002 Purpose
157.003 Authority
157.004 Jurisdiction
157.005 Interpretation, abrogation and severability
157.006 Amendments
157.007 Enforcement and violations
157.008 Definitions
Subdivision Plan Approval Process
157.020 Applicability
157.021 Overview of approval process
157.022 Fees
157.023 Subdivision plan and plat exemptions
Concept Plan
157.035 Information required
Preliminary Subdivision Plan
157.050 General provisions
157.051 Submittal and process
157.052 Preliminary subdivision plan elements and approval criteria
157.053 Effective period of preliminary approval
157.054 Revisions to preliminary subdivision plan
Development Engineering Plans
157.065 The development engineering plans
The Plat
157.066 The plat
157.067 Plat submission
157.068 Plat approval
Subdivision Process Exemptions
157.080 Subdivision plan exemptions; minor plat, transfer of ownership plat and replat
157.081 Plat exemptions
Preliminary Subdivision Plan Lot, Block, and Street Layout Criteria
157.095 Preliminary subdivision plan intent
157.096 Preliminary subdivision plan blocks
157.097 Preliminary subdivision plan lots
157.098 Preliminary subdivision plan street system
157.099 Preliminary plan shared use paths
Development Engineering Plan Criteria
157.112 Development engineering plan lots, blocks, and streets
157.113 Development engineering plan streets system
157.114 Shared use paths
157.115 Development engineering plan minimum subdivision improvements
157.116 Private maintenance and repair agreements
157.117 Easements
Water Facilities
157.130 General requirements
157.131 Public water supply
157.132 Design standards
Sanitary Sewers
157.145 Provided for each lot
157.146 Exceptions
157.147 Design standards
Grading and Drainage
157.160 Grading plan
157.161 Drainage plan
157.162 Design standards
157.175 Specifications
157.176 Subdivisions and individual lots
Preservation of Natural Features and Amenities
157.190 Existing features
157.191 Sensitive natural areas
Rural Subdivisions
157.205 In general
157.206 Roads
157.207 Lots and blocks
157.208 Grading and drainage
157.209 Water supply
157.210 Sanitary sewers
Assurances for the Completion of Minimum Improvements
157.225 Assurances required
157.999 Penalty
Appendix A: Certificates for Preliminary Plans
Appendix B: Certificates for Plats and Replats
Appendix C: Subdivision Construction Agreement
Building, see ch. 150
Extraterritorial zoning regulations, see ch. 159
Fire protection and prevention, see ch. 91
Floodplain management, see ch. 156
Health and sanitation, see ch. 92
Manufactured homes, see ch. 152
Parks and recreation, see ch. 95
Planning, see ch. 154
Plumbing, see ch. 55
Signs and outdoor advertising, see ch. 155
Storm drainage fee, see § 51.100
Streets and sidewalks, see ch. 96
Subdivision plats to be approved after major street plan adopted, see § 154.033
Utilities, see title VII
Zoning, see ch. 160
Statutory reference:
Platting of subdivisions, see SDCL ch. 11-3
Subdivision regulations, see SDCL 11-6-27 et seq.