(a) Intent. This district is intended to provide for existing traditional and core area commercial and service areas located adjacent to collector or arterial streets that serve the area. Redeveloped core neighborhood commercial areas would be allowed only with a future land use amendment. It is the intent of this section to provide for a pedestrian-oriented commercial district, providing convenience goods and personal services to primarily serve residents within one mile of the development. Because of the very nature of commercial forms and uses, site and architectural design shall be compatible with and sensitive to adjacent residential development, striving to preserve and protect residential property values. Outdoor storage will not be allowed.
(b) Forms allowed in this district are as follows:
(1) Primary Form: limited retail employment (RE1).
(2) Form: basic utilities (UT1).
(3) Form: tower utilities (UT2).
(Ord. 9-13, passed 3-19-2013; Ord. 37-19, passed 4-2-2019)
(a) Intent. This district is intended to provide for a redevelopment of streetcar commercial along strip corridors and newer neighborhood commercial development at the intersection of two arterial roads as indicated on the future land use map. The development would include retail store forms with sizes not greater than 25,000 square feet in size. Parking is encouraged to be in the back or the side of the commercial buildings, but conventional front parking is also allowed with RE3 form standards.
(b) Forms allowed in this district are as follows:
(1) Primary Form: streetcar retail employment (RE2).
(2) Primary Form: parking-oriented retail employment (RE3).
(3) Form: basic utilities (UT1).
(4) Form: tower utilities (UT2).
(Ord. 9-13, passed 3-19-2013; Ord. 37-19, passed 4-2-2019)
(a) Intent. C-3 areas are designed to serve the entire community with retail and employment services as indicated on the future land use map. C-3 buildings are allowed to be sized up to 75,000 square feet. C-3 areas include such forms and uses as grocery stores, drug stores, sit-down restaurants, and other similar uses.
(b) Forms allowed in this district are as follows:
(1) Primary Form: community retail employment (RE4).
(2) Form: parking-oriented retail employment (RE3).
(3) Form: basic utilities (UT1).
(4) Form: tower utilities (UT2).
(Ord. 9-13, passed 3-19-2013; Ord. 37-19, passed 4-2-2019)
(a) Intent. C-4 areas are designed to serve the entire region with retail and employment services as indicated on the future land use map. The C-4 areas are the most intense business and retail area in the city. Businesses include malls, big box stores, super grocery stores, warehouse clubs, department stores, and furniture stores. C-4 centers attract shoppers from all over the city and surrounding region.
(b) Forms allowed in this district are as follows:
(1) Primary Form: regional retail employment (RE5).
(2) Form: community retail employment (RE4).
(3) Form: parking-oriented retail employment (RE3).
(4) Form: basic utilities (UT1).
(5) Form: tower utilities (UT2).
(Ord. 9-13, passed 3-19-2013; Ord. 37-19, passed 4-2-2019)
(a) Intent. This district is intended to provide for a number of light manufacturing, offices, wholesale, warehousing, service forms and uses, and supporting retail uses in an attractive industrial or office park setting. It is the intention of this district to provide high-amenity industrial or office development along the major streets and adjacent to higher density residential areas, while allowing for more traditional industrial development in the interior of the industrial areas.
(b) Forms allowed in this district are as follows:
(1) Primary Form: warehousing and manufacturing-light (WM1).
(2) Form: business and community facilities —small (BCF1).
(3) Form: business and community facilities —community service (BCF2).
(4) Form: business and community facilities-large (BCF3).
(5) Form: parking-oriented retail employment (RE3).
(6) Form: basic utilities (UT1).
(7) Form: tower utilities (UT2).
(Ord. 9-13, passed 3-19-2013; Ord. 37-19, passed 4-2-2019)
(a) Intent. This district is intended to provide for heavy industrial uses that may create some nuisance and which are not properly associated with, nor compatible with, residential, office, institutional, or planned or neighborhood commercial establishments. Additional standards are included within this district to help mitigate some of the operations of these forms and uses.
(b) Forms allowed in this district are as follows:
(1) Primary Form: warehousing and manufacturing-heavy (WM2).
(2) Primary Form: warehousing and manufacturing-mining and waste (WM3).
(3) Form: warehousing and manufacturing —light (WM1).
(4) Form: business and community facilities —large (BCF3).
(5) Form: business and community facilities —community service (BCF2).
(6) Form: business and community facilities —small (BCF1).
(7) Form: limited retail employment (RE1).
(8) Form: basic utilities (UT1).
(9) Form: tower utilities (UT2).
(Ord. 9-13, passed 3-19-2013; Ord. 37-19, passed 4-2-2019)
(a) Intent. It shall be the intent of this district to encourage and support the continued operation and vitality of the Sioux Falls Regional Airport by allowing certain airport-related commercial/industrial and recreational uses in accordance with this chapter, state law, and Federal Aviation Administration regulations. All regulations within this zoning chapter shall be administered by the Sioux Falls Regional Airport Authority.
(b) Forms allowed in this district are as follows:
(1) Primary Form: warehousing and manufacturing —airport facilities (WM4).
(2) Form: basic utilities (UT1).
(3) Form: tower utilities (UT2).
(Ord. 9-13, passed 3-19-2013; Ord. 37-19, passed 4-2-2019)