Editor’s note:
Printed herein is a charter resolution, as adopted at a special city election held on September 13, 1994.
Amendments to the charter are indicated by parenthetical history notes following amended provisions. The absence of a history note indicates that the provision remains unchanged from the original charter. Obvious misspellings have been corrected without notation. For stylistic purposes, a uniform system of headings, catchlines and citations to state statutes has been used. Additions made for clarity are indicated by brackets.
Article I. Powers of the City
1.01 Powers of the city
1.02 Construction
1.03 Intergovernmental relations
1.04 Limitations
1.05 New taxes
Article II. City Council
2.01 General powers and duties
2.02 Composition, eligibility, election, and terms
2.03 Mayor
2.04 Compensation; expenses
2.05 Prohibitions
2.06 Vacancies; forfeiture of office; filling of vacancies
2.07 Judge of qualifications
2.08 City clerk
2.09 Investigations
2.10 Independent audit
2.11 Procedure
2.12 Action requiring an ordinance
2.13 Ordinances in general
2.14 Updating the Code of Ordinances
Article III. Mayor
3.01 Executive power
3.02 Election and qualifications of mayor
3.03 Mayor’s duties and responsibility
3.04 Mayor’s power to veto legislation
Article IV. Departments, Offices, and Agencies
4.01 General provisions
4.02 Personnel system
4.03 Legal officer
4.04 Planning
Article V. Financial Procedures
5.01 Fiscal year
5.02 Submission of budget and budget message
5.03 Budget message
5.04 Budget
5.05 City council action on budget
5.06 Reserved
5.07 Amendments after adoption
5.08 Lapse of appropriations
5.09 Administration of the budget
5.10 Overspending of appropriations prohibited
5.11 Capital program
5.12 City council action on capital program
5.13 Public records
Article VI. Elections
6.01 City elections
6.02 Council districts: adjustment of districts
6.03 Initiative and referendum
Article VII. General Provisions
7.01 Conflicts of interest; board of ethics
7.02 Prohibitions
Article VIII. Charter Amendment
8.01 Proposal of amendment
8.02 Election
8.03 Adoption of amendment
Article IX. Transition/Separability Provision
9.01 Officers and employees
9.02 Departments, offices, and agencies
9.03 Pending matters
9.04 State and municipal laws
9.05 Schedule
9.06 Separability
We the people of Sioux Falls in order to establish a more representative and effective city government, do adopt this Charter in accordance with the Home Rule power granted in Article IX of the Constitution of South Dakota.