(a) Intent. This district is intended to provide for both developing and redeveloping areas of moderate density residential. This district provides for single- family and two-family residential uses, plus support facilities such as schools, parks, community buildings, and places of worship.
(b) Forms allowed in this district are as follows:
(1) Primary Form: attached dwelling—suburban twin home/duplex (AD1).
(2) Form: attached dwelling—suburban four-unit townhome (AD2).
(3) Form: detached dwelling—suburban (DD2).
(4) Form: neighborhood facilities (NF1).
(5) Form: basic utilities (UT1).
(Ord. 9-13, passed 3-19-2013; Ord. 37-19, passed 4-2-2019)
(a) Intent. The RD-2 district is intended to provide for both developing and redeveloping areas of moderate density residential. This district provides for single-family, two-family, and townhome residential uses. The district also includes support facilities such as schools, parks, community buildings, and places of worship.
(b) Forms allowed in this district are as follows:
(1) Primary Form: attached dwelling—suburban eight-unit townhome (AD3).
(2) Form: attached dwelling—suburban four-unit townhome (AD2).
(3) Form: attached dwelling—suburban twin home/duplex (AD1).
(4) Form: detached dwelling—suburban (DD2).
(5) Form: neighborhood facilities (NF1).
(6) Form: neighborhood residential facilities (NF2).
(7) Form: basic utilities (UT1).
(Ord. 9-13, passed 3-19-2013; Ord. 37-19, passed 4-2-2019)
(a) Intent. The RT-2 district shall allow core area neighborhoods and neighborhoods that desire higher densities to construct or reconstruct townhomes on lots that are difficult to develop with conventional suburban-style standards such as within RD and RA-1 zones. Lot density is higher with this zone and the traditional style is allowed to better fit into the higher density and more traditional-style homes and row houses that were typical of core areas.
(b) Forms allowed in this district are as follows:
(1) Primary Form: attached dwelling—traditional eight-unit townhome (AD4).
(2) Form: detached dwelling—traditional (DD3).
(3) Form: neighborhood facilities (NF1).
(4) Form: neighborhood residential facilities (NF2).
(5) Form: basic utilities (UT1).
(Ord. 9-13, passed 3-19-2013; Ord. 37-19, passed 4-2-2019)
(a) Intent. The RA-1 district is intended to provide for areas of lower density multiple-family townhomes and apartments. This district provides for neighborhood facilities such as schools, places of worship, nursing homes, assisted living center facilities, and community residential homes. Because RA-1 districts are one important method to transition to residential areas, an emphasis will be put on the quality of the development with regard to its landscaping, setbacks, and site arrangement.
(b) Forms allowed in this district are as follows:
(1) Primary Form: multiple dwelling—small (MD1).
(2) Form: attached dwelling—suburban twin home/duplex (AD1).
(3) Form: attached dwelling—suburban four-unit townhome (AD2).
(4) Form: attached dwelling—suburban eight-unit townhome (AD3).
(5) Form: attached dwelling-traditional eight-unit townhome (AD4).
(6) Form: detached dwelling—suburban (DD2).
(7) Form: neighborhood facilities (NF1).
(8) Form: neighborhood residential facilities (NF2).
(9) Form: basic utilities (UT1).
(10) Form: tower utilities (UT2).
(Ord. 9-13, passed 3-19-2013; Ord. 37-19, passed 4-2-2019; Ord. 106-23, passed 11-7-2023)
(a) Intent. The RA-2 district is intended to provide for areas of moderate multi-family residential density up to 48-unit apartments three stories high. This district also provides for two-family, town home, and support facilities such as schools, nursing homes, places of worship, and community residential homes.
(b) Forms allowed in this district are as follows:
(1) Primary Form: multiple dwelling—medium (MD2).
(2) Form: multiple dwelling—small (MD1).
(3) Form: attached dwelling—suburban twin home/duplex (AD1).
(4) Form: attached dwelling—suburban four-unit townhome (AD2).
(5) Form: attached dwelling—suburban eight-unit townhome (AD3).
(6) Form: neighborhood facilities (NF1).
(7) Form: neighborhood residential facilities (NF2).
(8) Form: basic utilities (UT1).
(9) Form: tower utilities (UT2).
(Ord. 9-13, passed 3-19-2013; Ord. 37-19, passed 4-2-2019)
(a) Intent: The RA-3 district is intended to provide for areas of the highest density of multi-family residential apartments. This district also provides for support facilities such as schools, nursing homes, places of worship, and community residential homes.
(b) Forms allowed in this district are as follows:
(1) Primary Form: multiple dwelling—large (MD3).
(2) Form: multiple dwelling—medium (MD2).
(3) Form: multiple dwelling—small (MD1).
(4) Form: neighborhood facilities (NF1).
(5) Form: neighborhood residential facilities (NF2).
(6) Form: basic utilities (UT1).
(7) Form: tower utilities (UT2).
(Ord. 9-13, passed 3-19-2013; Ord. 37-19, passed 4-2-2019)
(a) Intent. This district is intended to provide for developing and redeveloping areas primarily consisting of a mixture of office, institutional, and limited commercial uses. This district is intended to be located on arterial streets in close proximity to commercial forms and uses or used as a transition zone between commercial and residential uses. Because office districts are one important method to transition to residential areas, an emphasis will be put on the quality of the development with regard to its landscaping, setbacks, and site arrangement.
(b) Forms allowed in this district are as follows:
(1) Primary Form: business and community facilities —small (BCF1).
(2) Form: neighborhood facilities (NF1).
(3) Form: neighborhood residential facilities (NF2).
(4) Form: limited retail employment (RE1).
(5) Form: basic utilities (UT1).
(6) Form: tower utilities (UT2).
(Ord. 9-13, passed 3-19-2013; Ord. 37-19, passed 4-2-2019)
(a) Intent. The S-1 district is intended to provide a well-planned area for larger institutional buildings that can act as a good transition to commercial or industrial areas. The institutional forms and uses may include schools and places of worship. Hospitals, human service facilities, halfway houses, drug or alcohol rehabilitation clinics, detention facilities and temporary emergency shelters are also allowed within the S-1 district, but additional transitions and conditions may be required to allow for appropriate transitions to residential areas.
(b) Forms allowed in this district are as follows:
(1) Primary Form: business and community facilities — community service (BCF2).
(2) Primary Form: business and community facilities — large (BCF3).
(3) Form: business and community facilities — small (BCF1).
(4) Form: limited retail employment (RE1).
(5) Form: neighborhood facilities (NF1).
(6) Form: neighborhood residential facilities (NF2).
(7) Form: basic utilities (UT1).
(8) Form: tower utilities (UT2).
(Ord. 9-13, passed 3-19-2013; Ord. 37-19, passed 4-2-2019; Ord. 106-23, passed 11-7-2023)