(a)   Intent. In urban villages, densities are high and projects frequently have the scale and character of a downtown or town center district. This street orientation creates a much tighter streetscape setting, reducing traffic speeds and increasing walkability. In vertical mixed-use or urban villages, the building, rather than parking lots, define the street and structures typically have two or more stories. Urban villages also create populated places rather than just providing lots for development; consequently, appearance, design, and function of the development is emphasized along with land use.
   (b)   Scope of regulations. The regulations set forth in this subchapter or set forth elsewhere in this chapter when referred to in this subchapter are the district regulations in the village V-PUD district.
   (c)   Forms allowed.
      (1)   Village Mixed-Use (RE6).
      (2)   Basic Utilities (UT1).
      (3)   Tower Utilities (UT2).
      (4)   Conservation Open Space (OPEN1).
      (5)   Recreation Open Space (OPEN2).
   (d)   Transitions to adjacent districts. Transition may include some step-down standards and buffer yard standards to transition to adjacent development areas. The initial development plan shall include all existing and proposed development within the area. Adjacent development land uses shall be included in the initial development plan.
   (e)   Initial development plan standards.
      (1)   Form setbacks. The forms of development shall generally follow the yard setbacks of all applicable forms allowed except in the following situations as shown on the initial development plan.
      (2)    The amount of residential and non-residential development within the V-PUD shall be indicated on the initial development plan by the number of acres and number of units. The mix of residential, commercial and office land uses shall be guided by chapter 4 of Shape Sioux Falls 2035 Comprehensive Plan.
      (3)   Land use transitions. The initial development plan must show appropriate transitions of land uses at the edges of the PUD. The transitions to adjacent district land uses are based upon the Shape Sioux Falls 2035 Comprehensive Plan including the land use compatibility chart and policies within chapters 3, 4, and 5.
      (4)   Parking. The general parking standards shall be applied except the entire PUD may be looked at as a whole in regards to parking calculations as referenced by the initial development plan. An alternative parking plan may be incorporated into the initial development plan.
      (5)   Signage. The signage standards within §§ 160.570 et seq. (On-Premises Sign Regulations) shall be applied except that the entire PUD may be looked at as a whole in regards to signage calculations as referenced by the initial development plan. An alternative signage plan may be incorporated into the initial development plan.
      (6)   Landscaping. The general landscape standards of the zoning ordinance shall be applied except an alternative landscape plan may be incorporated as a part of the initial development plan. Common open space may be counted toward the site’s landscape requirement if the open space is adjacent to the site as allowed within chapter 5 of the Shape Sioux Falls 2035 Comprehensive Plan. However, a common open space site may not be counted twice toward any site's landscape requirement.
      (7)   On-street parking. On-street parking is important to the character of a village downtown area and should be incorporated where possible.
      (8)   Building height. All adjacent buildings shall generally be of the same height, but all should at least be two stories. An amended initial development plan may be approved with architectural methods incorporated to mitigate the height differences and ensure compatibility.
      (9)   Orientation to street. Public and private internal streets should be defined and oriented to the adjacent buildings. Buildings should be sited relatively close to the street property line. Off-street parking lots should not separate the building and its entrances from the adjacent public street.
      (10)   Parking orientation.
         A.   Parking shall be located for convenient access, but subordinated to the buildings in the project environment. Recommended parking locations for vertical mixed-use development include the rear or sides of buildings, provided that the exposure of surface parking to streets is limited. Parking lots or structures may also be surrounded by mixed-use buildings, hidden from direct view. Multiple-building complexes should avoid parking lots that separate major buildings from each other. Also, parking should not separate or surround major project features such as plazas, parks, water features, and open spaces.
         B.   When parking lots oriented to the street cannot be avoided, the perimeters of surface parking lots adjacent to a street or sidewalk should be provided with an edge treatment designed to define the edge and to separate the lot from the street or sidewalk. Preferred treatments include a landscape setback, a screen wall, masonry piers, bollards, and wrought iron fencing. New curb cuts crossing the pedestrian sidewalk are discouraged. Where curb cuts are necessary for access to parking facilities and drive-through services, such as banks, the curb cuts should be located on streets with little pedestrian traffic; good sight lines for both the pedestrian and the motorist should be provided; and the number of curb cuts should be kept to a minimum along any given block.
      (11)   Façades. Façades should be articulated. A base or street level that is differentiated from upper levels by materials, window and door treatments, and features such as awnings and signage. Buildings should not present long, unarticulated walls to adjacent public or private streets.
      (12)   Open space. Create at least one active and strategically located open space.
      (13)   Building entrances. Entrances are clearly defined and visible. Entrances need to be directly accessible without interruption from adjacent sidewalks or pathways. Each mixed-use building should have more than one entrance, with entrances defining individual storefronts, business establishments, and/or uses.
      (14)   Building color and texture. Color selection shall complement the color of adjoining buildings and the use of extremely bright and dark colors shall be limited to smaller accent features of the building. Color schemes shall be simple, using the minimum number of colors necessary to accentuate architectural features.
      (15)   Roof forms. The predominant roof form downtown is a flat roof. This roof form is appropriate in nearly all areas of the downtown district. The use of pitched roofs is generally discouraged, except when the building is historical in nature; geographically isolated from nearby construction; or when there is a strong visual connection with an existing building with a pitched roof. The use of a decorative cornice as a building element is a desirable feature to maintain or to incorporate into new construction.
      (16)   Signage. The size, location, and readability of signs for private businesses should be orientated toward pedestrian traffic. The design of buildings should take precedence over the design of business signs.
      (17)   Other considerations. Landscaping, planter boxes, hanging flower baskets, window boxes, outdoor furniture, outdoor dining areas, and public art are encouraged wherever appropriate.
      (18)   Materials. Materials for the building should be compatible with those used for adjacent buildings.
(Ord. 9-13, passed 3-19-2013; Ord. 51-18, passed 6-5-2018)