(a)   Intent. It shall be the purpose of the DT-PUD district to make the central business district the focal point of the city, encouraging private and public investment which will preserve the central business district as a regional office, retail, hotel, institutional, cultural, residential, and entertainment center of the city. It is further the purpose of this district to encourage a strong supportive retail center in the central business district which will complement other downtown uses and the surrounding neighborhoods. It is the intent of this district to place a high priority on the quality of design, integrating new uses with existing structures in a cohesive and attractive manner. Uses along the riverfront should be oriented towards the greenway and riverwalk system. Development should facilitate the transportation needs of individuals and businesses and a well-balanced transportation system which would recognize the importance of all forms of movements, be it pedestrian, bicycling, transit, automobile, or truck in nature.
   (b)   Scope of regulations. The regulations set forth in this subchapter or set forth elsewhere in this chapter when referred to in this subchapter are the district regulations in the DT-PUD district.
   (c)   Forms.
      (1)   Village Mixed-Use (RE6).
      (2)   Basic Utilities (UT1).
      (3)   Tower Utilities (UT2).
      (4)   Conservation Open Space (OPEN1).
      (5)   Recreation Open Space (OPEN2).
   (d)   Special downtown PUD initial development plan requirements. One overall initial development plan shall be maintained and updated by the city planning office including all existing and approved buildings and development.
   (e)   Design standards.
      (1)   Intent. It is the intent of these regulations to protect major public and private investments that exist downtown and to enhance the positive visual character of the district.
         A.   The primary objective is to ensure buildings, parking, open space and signage are compatible with the character of the district and fit in with their surroundings, thereby reinforcing the visual quality of the area, preserving the property values, and supporting the tourism potential of downtown.
         B.   Compatibility calls for a building design which fits in with its surroundings, without requiring uniformity of design, and without dictating specific architectural styles. The design of a building must consider the context of the site. The downtown PUD district recognizes that the overall context of downtown includes variations, and is intended to allow both flexibility and creativity in devising compatible design solutions. Therefore, it is the city’s intent to encourage new developments, redevelopments, and the remodeling of existing building exteriors which are substantially consistent with the below design standards.
      (2)   Form setbacks. The forms of development shall generally follow the yard setbacks of all applicable forms allowed except in the following situations as shown on the initial development plan.
      (3)   Buildings above the first story. Buildings should have residential units above the first story unless it is found that first story residential units will enhance and not detract from the mixed-use character of the area as required as a standard of a conditional use permit.
      (4)   Land use transitions. The initial development plan must show appropriate transitions of land uses at the edges of the PUD. The transitions to adjacent district land uses are based upon the Shape Sioux Falls 2040 Comprehensive Plan including the land use compatibility chart and policies within chapters 3, 4, and 5.
      (5)   Parking. The general parking standards shall be applied, except the entire PUD may be looked at as a whole in regard to parking calculations as referenced by the initial development plan. An alternative parking plan may be incorporated into the initial development plan.
      (6)   Signage. The signage standards within §§ 160.570 et seq. (On-Premises Sign Regulations) shall be applied except that the entire PUD may be looked at as a whole in regard to signage calculations as referenced by the initial development plan. An alternative signage plan may be incorporated into the initial development plan.
      (7)   Landscaping. The general landscape standards of the zoning ordinance shall be applied, except an alternative landscape plan may be incorporated as a part of the initial development plan. Common open space may be counted toward the site’s landscape requirement if the open space is adjacent to the site as allowed within chapter 5 of the Shape Sioux Falls 2040 Comprehensive Plan. However, a common open space site may not be counted twice toward any site’s landscape requirement.
      (8)   On-street parking. On-street parking is important to the character of the downtown area and should be incorporated where possible.
      (9)   Building orientation and setback. The placement of new construction shall reflect the setback already established by surrounding buildings unless the new proposed building creates a setback that is more pedestrian-oriented than the existing building with a setback that is closer to the Village Mixed-Use form (RE6).
      (10)   Building height. Unless and there is an amendment to the initial development plan, adjacent buildings shall generally be of the same height or the same as the existing initial development plan shows, but all should at least be two stories. An amended initial development plan may be approved with architectural methods incorporated to mitigate the height differences and ensure compatibility.
      (11)   Orientation to street. Public and private internal streets should be defined and oriented to the adjacent buildings. Buildings should be sited relatively close to the street property line. Off-street parking lots should not separate the building and its entrances from the adjacent public street.
      (12)   Parking orientation.
         A.   Parking shall be located for convenient access, but subordinated to the buildings in the project environment. Recommended parking locations for vertical mixed-use development include the rear or sides of buildings, provided that the exposure of surface parking to streets is limited. Parking lots or structures may also be surrounded by mixed-use buildings, hidden from direct view. Multiple-building complexes should avoid parking lots that separate major buildings from each other. Also, parking should not separate or surround major project features such as plazas, parks, water features, and open spaces.
         B.   When parking lots oriented to the street cannot be avoided, the perimeters of surface parking lots adjacent to a street or sidewalk should be provided with an edge treatment designed to define the edge and to separate the lot from the street or sidewalk. Preferred treatments include a landscape setback, a screen wall, masonry piers, bollards, and ornamental wrought iron-style fencing. New curb cuts crossing the pedestrian sidewalk are discouraged. Where curb cuts are necessary for access to parking facilities and drive-through services, such as banks, the curb cuts should be located on streets with little pedestrian traffic; good sight lines for both the pedestrian and the motorist should be provided; and the number of curb cuts should be kept to a minimum along any given block.
            1.   Ground level parking ramps located along primary streets shall be behind office or retail uses.
            2.   Parking ramp façades above ground level and on primary streets shall have horizontal banding to screen angled parking ramps.
      (13)   Façades. Façades should be articulated. A base or street level that is differentiated from upper levels by materials, window and door treatments, and features such as awnings and signage. Buildings should not present long, unarticulated walls to adjacent public or private streets.
         A.   Buildings shall have a front façade with primary entrances facing the street. Buildings shall be aligned so that dominant lines of a façade to parallel the line of the street and create a well-defined street edge.
         B.   Ground floor and upper floors shall be differentiated through the use of color, material changes, reveals, window, or other design conventions.
         C.   Primary façades shall be articulated into smaller increments through one or more of the following:
            1.   Stepping back or extending forward a portion of the façade.
            2.   Use of different textures or contrasting but compatible materials.
            3.   Division into storefronts to separate entrances and display windows.
            4.   Arcades, awnings, window bays, balconies, or similar ornamental features.
         D.   Rear and side façades shall be designed as an integral part of the overall building with similar materials and treatment.
         E.   Buildings over four stories shall have a well-defined base, middle, and top. The ground floor shall appear visually distinct from the upper stories through the use of a change in building materials, window shape or size, an intermediate cornice line, and awning, arcade or portico, or similar techniques.
            1.   Building "tops" shall be articulated with discernable cornice lines, parapets, and fascias.
      (14)   Open space. Develop connections to at least one new or existing active and strategically located open space that is within the initial development plan.
      (15)   Building entrances. Entrances are clearly defined and visible. Entrances need to be directly accessible without interruption from adjacent sidewalks or pathways. Each mixed-use building should have more than one entrance, with entrances defining individual storefronts, business establishments, and/or uses.
         A.   The primary entrance shall be designed with one or more of the following:
            1.   Canopy, portico, arcade, or arch above an entrance.
            2.   Recess or projection in the building façade at an entrance.
            3.   Display windows.
            4.   Architectural detailing or ornamental moldings.
         B.   Primary entrances should be set back three (3) feet to emphasize entries, provide area for plantings, or create areas for seating and/or gathering.
      (16)   Scale. New buildings shall be designed with a pedestrian scale aesthetic establishing a layering of rhythmic patterns and architectural elements such as windows, building materials, and colors. The buildings shall also provide visually legible building proportions that relate to the human scale, define the street edge, and provide visual continuity through the following methods.
         A.   Subdivide large building façades such that no design segment is more than 100 feet in length.
         B.   Primary façades shall be further articulated into smaller increments through one or more of the following techniques:
            1.   Stepping back or extending forward a portion of the façade.
            2.   Use of different textures and materials.
            3.   Division into storefronts with separate display windows and entrances.
            4.   Arcades, awnings, window bays, balconies, or similar ornamental features.
            5.   Variations in rooflines to reinforce the articulation of the primary façade.
      (17)   Windows. At upper stories, windows shall be designed as punched recessed openings in order to create a rhythm of light and shadow.
         A.   Shape, size, and patterns of windows shall be consistent with the organization of the façade and definition of the building architecture.
         B.   Glass on street-facing doors and windows shall be clear, allowing views into and out of the interior.
         C.   Mirrored, dark tinted, opaque, or glass block shall not be used on street-facing façades.
         D.   A minimum of 20 percent of all sides of upper story façades shall consist of window, balcony, or door openings.
         E.   A minimum of 20 percent of all ground level side and rear façades not fronting a public street shall consist of window and door openings.
         F.   A minimum of 40 percent of primary (street-facing) façades and 20 percent of other façades for residential shall consist of windows, balconies, and/or door openings to provide a visual connection to activity on the street.
      (18)   Balconies. Balconies may not extend over property lines or a public right-of-way.
      (19)   Awnings and canopies. Canvas or fabric awnings are preferred. If metal is used, it should complement the building character and aesthetic. Side panels are not allowed so that the greatest degree of openness and visual access is ensured.
      (20)   Lighting. Quality lighting design and use of fixtures shall promote the existing character of the downtown. Exterior light fixtures shall minimize glare and negative effects upon the nighttime character of the district. Lighting of structures shall be minimized to reduce ambient light pollution.
         A.   Lighting shall be located at the entrance of a front and rear façade.
         B.   Parking lot illumination shall provide levels of safety while minimizing over-lighting and excessive spillover of ambient light onto adjacent properties as required by § 160.491.
         C.   Appropriate light fixtures:
            1.   Pole mounted.
            2.   Recessed.
            3.   Shielded lighting.
         D.   Inappropriate light fixtures:
            1.   Internally lit awnings.
            2.   Blinking or flashing.
            3.   Exposed conduit and electrical sources.
      (21)   Building color and texture. Color selection shall complement the color of adjoining buildings, and the use of extremely bright and dark colors shall be limited to smaller accent features of the building. Use of different textures or contrasting but compatible materials and color schemes shall be simple, using the minimum number of colors necessary to accentuate architectural features.
      (22)   Roof forms. The predominant roof form downtown is a flat roof. This roof form is appropriate in nearly all areas of the downtown district. The use of pitched roofs is generally discouraged, except when the building is historical in nature, geographically isolated from nearby construction, or when there is a strong visual connection with an existing building with a pitched roof. The use of a decorative cornice as a building element is a desirable feature to maintain or to incorporate into new construction.
         A.   Variations in rooflines shall be provided to reinforce the articulation of the primary façade.
         B.   Pitched roofs shall be clad with highly durable materials such as slate, composite tiles, or standing seam.
      (23)   Rooftops. Rooftop equipment should be screened from view from adjacent streets, properties, and public right-of-way or screened by the building parapet. If necessary, equipment should be grouped with an enclosure. The enclosure should be set back a distance matching half the distance of the primary façade. Screens should be compatible with primary building materials.
         A.   Stair and/or elevator enclosures located on a building's rooftop shall be compatible with the primary building materials and set back a minimum of 20 feet.
         B.   Rooftop and balcony decorative railings shall be used for decks, balconies, porticos, porches, and rooftops. The following materials are acceptable:
            1.   Decorative metal.
            2.   Cable (aluminum and stainless).
            3.    Aluminum.
            4.   Glass.
      (24)   Signage. The size, location, and readability of signs for private businesses should be orientated toward pedestrian traffic. The design of buildings should take precedence over the design of business signs.
      (25)   Street furnishings. Café furnishings, bike racks, trash containers, benches, and sign boards shall be made of durable materials. Molded plastic tables and chairs are prohibited.
      (26)   Other considerations. Landscaping, planter boxes, hanging flower baskets, window boxes, and public art are encouraged wherever appropriate.
      (27)   Downtown design review. Any amendment to the DT-PUD initial development plan shall be reviewed by the planning commission.
      (28)   Plan review best design practices. The planning staff should encourage design that may help the developer and architect with methods to enhance the design and appearance of the proposed building and development.
      (29)   Materials. Materials for the building shall be compatible with those used for adjacent buildings.
         A.   Buildings shall include up to three different exterior materials, excluding windows, doors, and foundation materials.
         B.   Brick tile may be used, provided tiles do not create continuous seams at corners.
         C.   Materials encouraged:
            1.   Quartzite.
            2.   Brick.
            3.   Natural stone.
            4.   Architectural precast panels.
         D.   In addition to the materials noted above for primary façades, the following materials may be used on façades not fronting on a street and as accents not exceeding 10 percent:
            1.   Stucco or EIFS.
            2.   Split face or burnished CMU (concrete masonry unit).
            3.   Textured patterned or integrally colored cast-in-place concrete.
            4.   Architectural metal, decorative panels, structural elements, and decorative support or trim members.
         E.   Building materials shall only terminate or change at inside building corners.
      (30)   Proportion of openings on historical buildings. Any building within a historic preservation district in the DT-PUD shall reflect the same size, spacing, horizontal alignment, and proportions of doors and window predominating along the block.
      (31)   Historic building remodeling. Projects involving the renovation or remodeling of downtown historic buildings should reflect the original architectural character of the building. Introduction of new design elements should be consistent with the traditional features of the building. All historic building remodeling projects shall be reviewed by the board of historic preservation and shall be consistent with the Secretary of Interior’s Standards.
(Ord. 9-13, passed 3-19-2013; Ord. 106-17, passed 10-3-2017; Ord. 51-18, passed 6-5-2018)