Residential Code
   150.001   Adopted
   150.002   Amendments, additions, and deletions to the 2021 International Residential Code
Building Code
   150.015   Adopted
   150.016   Conflicts
   150.017   Amendments, additions, and deletions to the 2021 International Building Code
Mechanical and Fuel Gas Code
   150.030   Adopted
   150.031   Amendments, additions, and deletions to the 2021 International Mechanical Code
   150.032   Amendments, additions, and deletions to the International Fuel Gas Code
   150.033   Definitions
   150.034   License required
   150.035   Employment of master mechanic
   150.036   Termination of master mechanic or refrigeration mechanic
   150.037   License use restricted
   150.038   Bond required
   150.039   Vehicle identification
   150.040   License application
   150.041   License term and renewal
   150.042   Examination
   150.043   Installation by owner
   150.044   Suspension or revocation of license
   150.045   Administrative appeal of license suspension, revocation or refusal to renew
   150.046   Time of hearing and notice
   150.047   Hearing procedures
   150.048   Appeal to circuit court
Existing Building Code
   150.060   Adopted
   150.061   Amendments, additions, and deletions to the 2021 International Existing Building Code
Building Security
   150.075   Purpose
   150.076   Scope
   150.077   Obstructing exits
   150.078   Entry vision
   150.079   Doors
   150.080   Windows
   150.081   Alternate materials or methods
Property Maintenance Code
   150.095   Adopted
   150.096   Amendments, additions, and deletions to the 2021 International Property Maintenance Code
Residential Building Contractors
   150.125   Definitions
   150.126   License required
   150.127   License application
   150.128   Inactive construction supervisor’s license
   150.129   Bond required
   150.130   General liability insurance required
   150.131   Construction supervisor’s examination
   150.132   Designation of construction supervisor
   150.133   Termination of designated construction supervisor
   150.134   License use restricted
   150.135   License term renewal
   150.136   Continuing education requirements
   150.137   Suspension, revocations, and censure of license
   150.138   Administrative appeal of license suspension, revocation or refusal to renew
   150.139   Time of hearing and notice
   150.140   Hearing procedures
   150.141   Appeal to circuit court
Vacant Buildings
   150.155   Purpose
   150.156   Definitions
   150.157   Vacant building registration
   150.158   Vacant building fees
   150.159   Exemptions
   150.160   Inspections
   150.161   Alternative procedures
Rental Housing
   150.175   Purpose
   150.176   Definitions
   150.177   Residential rental permit requirements
   150.178   Permit revocation
   150.179   Correction of defects and enforcement
   150.180   Property transfers
   150.181   No waiver of code compliance
   150.182   Short-term rental unit guest notice/information
   150.201   Electrical code adopted
   150.201.1      Amendments, additions, and deletions to the 2020 National Electrical Code
   150.202   Title
   150.203   Purpose
   150.204   Scope
   150.205   New electrical work
   150.206   Application to existing electrical systems
   150.207   Powers and duties of building official
   150.208   Liability
   150.209   Cooperation of other officials and officers
   150.210   Unsafe electrical systems, apparatus, wiring or equipment
   150.211   Electrical board of appeals and examiners
   150.212   Violations and prosecution thereof
   150.213   Permits required
   150.214   Permit application
   150.215   Plan review fees
   150.216   Homeowner permit expiration
   150.217   Permit suspension or revocation
   150.218   Fees
   150.219   Inspections
   150.220   Connection approval
   150.221   Temporary connections
   150.222   Definitions
   150.223   License required
   150.224   Apprentice ratio
   150.225   License use restricted
   150.226   Bond required
   150.227   Vehicle identification
   150.228   License application
   150.229   License term and renewal
   150.230   Examinations
   150.231   [Reserved]
   150.232   Bond required
   150.233   Installation by owner
   150.234   Termination or death of electrical contractor
   150.235   Suspension or revocation of license
   150.236   Administrative appeal of license suspension, revocation or refusal to renew
   150.237   Time of hearing and notice
   150.238   Hearing procedures
   150.239   Appeal to circuit court
   150.301   Plumbing Code adopted
   150.302   Modifications by the city to the 2015 Uniform Plumbing Code
   150.303   Definitions
   150.304   Licenses
   150.305   Registrations
   150.306   License use restricted
   150.307   Bond required
   150.308   Vehicle identification
   150.309   License and registration application
   150.310   License term and renewal
   150.311   Examination
   150.312   Installation by owner
   150.313   Suspension or revocation of license
   150.314   Administrative appeal of license suspension, revocation or refusal to renew
   150.315   Time of hearing and notice
   150.316   Hearing procedures
   150.317   Appeal to circuit court
Swimming Pool and Spa Code
   150.401   Adopted
   150.402   Amendments, additions, and deletions to the 2021 International Swimming Pool and Spa Code
   150.999   Penalty
   Certificate of occupancy under zoning ordinance, see §§ 160.725 through 160.730
   Electric lines and wires in parks, see § 95.027
   Electric utility, see §§ 51.025 through 51.033
   Electricity in mobile home parks, see § 152.069
   Extraterritorial zoning regulations, see ch. 159
   Fire protection and prevention, see ch. 91
   Floodplain management, see ch. 156
   Historic preservation, see ch. 151
   Licenses issued by planning and building services, see § 110.028
   Manufactured homes, see ch. 152
   Permit to raze or remove building connected to utility, see § 50.020
   Planning, see ch. 154
   Plumbing, see §§ 150.301 et seq.
   Signs and outdoor advertising, see ch. 155
   Storm drainage fee, see § 51.100
   Streets and sidewalks, see ch. 96
   Subdivisions, see ch. 157
   Utilities, see title V
   Utility service to comply with technical regulations, see § 50.004
   Work in mobile home parks exempt from building code, see § 152.049
   Zoning, see ch. 160
Statutory references:
   Authority to regulate electrical work and electricians, see SDCL 9-33-5, 9-34-12, 36-16-35
   Municipal building regulations, see SDCL 9-33-4 et seq.