20.14.040   Building height.
   A.   In the public institutional district, the height of each building shall not exceed the maximum stated below:
      District   Feet/Stories
      PI      25 - 2-1/2
   B.   Within the public institutional district, building heights may be permitted in excess of the maximum listed, subject to approval of a conditional use permit. In granting a conditional use permit for additional building height, the planning commission shall determine that three or more of the following conditions have been met:
   1.   Required building and/or parking setbacks along street frontages have been increased by at least fifty percent and have been fully landscaped and irrigated;
   2.   Parking has been provided within a subterranean facility of a multilevel parking structure;
   3.   On-site use amenities have been provided, such as public eating facilities, outdoor courtyards, or plaza areas which will serve the public.
   C.   Within the public institutional district, outdoor advertising structures may be permitted up to 90' in height, subject to approval of a conditional use permit.
   D.   Exceptions. Rooftop appurtenances such as air-conditioning equipment, skylights, elevator shafts, etc., shall not be considered as contributing to building height, but must be completely screened from public view.
   E.   The provisions of Sections 20.04.102, Building Height and 20.66.090, Building Height, shall apply.
(Ord. 2018-01-1499 § 4; Ord. 2008-07-1381 § 1 (part))