20.14.060   Required setbacks.
   A.   Distance from Property Line. In the public institutional district, the required setback lines shall be the number of feet stated below, measured from established future right-of-way line.
Side Setback
Lot Area (Sq. Ft.)
Front Setback
Rear Setback
Less than 20,000
20,000 and above
   B.   Through Lots. The required rear yard setback on a through lot shall be equal to the required front setback.
   C.   Lots Adjacent to Residential Districts. Wherever a lot in the public institutional is adjacent to a residential zone along common property line or an alley, one or a combination of the following shall be required at the discretion of the director of planning:
   1.   A ten-foot landscaped and irrigated buffer shall be provided along the boundary between the public institutional and residential districts.
   2.   A solid masonry wall not less than three or more than six feet in height shall be required at the required setback line. Bermed landscaping may be permitted to contribute to the wall height. The required setback shall be fully landscaped and irrigated.
   3.   A solid masonry wall not more than six feet in height shall be provided at the property line. A building wall greater than six feet may be used to satisfy this requirement.
(Ord. 2008-07-1381 § 1 (part))