General Provisions
   52.001   Water system generally
   52.002   Availability of water service
   52.003   Installation and ownership of mains and service pipes
   52.004   Connection with city system required
   52.005   Duty of owner to make and maintain connection
   52.006   Making or repair of connection by city; collection of costs
   52.007   Notice to make or repair connection
   52.008   Water service generally; provisions constitute contract with consumer
   52.009   Service contracts non-transferable; notice to discontinue service to premises
   52.010   Duty of Water Division to maintain water supply
   52.011   Fee for resuming service after discontinuance of service for violation
   52.012   Application for service
   52.013   Remedies for failure to pay charges
   52.014   Supplying water to other premises
   52.015   Written authorization required to turn on water
   52.016   Access to premises
   52.017   Turning water off in case of fire
   52.018   Replacement of galvanized iron service pipes
   52.019   Charge for installation of service connection
   52.020   Curbstops
   52.021   Private fire hydrants
   52.022   Tapping of mains to be done by authorized personnel
   52.023   Injuring or tampering with system
   52.024   Opening or tampering with fire hydrants
   52.025   Excavations when ground is frozen
   52.026   Duty of police to report violations or waste of water
   52.027   Computation of charges in case of defective meter
   52.028   Definitions
   52.029   Repair of leaks required
   52.030   Disconnection of service for failure to repair leaks
   52.031   Installation of service
   52.032   Use of same service pipe by separate premises
   52.033   Service charge and main assessments for customers outside city
   52.034   Water supply not to be contaminated
   52.035   Disclaimer of liability
   52.036   Right of city to shut off water; amendment of regulations or rates
   52.037   Payment of water district assessment cost
   52.038   Fluoride
   52.050   Meter required
   52.051   Type and placement of meters; access to meter
   52.052   Installation of meters
   52.053   Furnishing and ownership of meters
   52.054   Protection of meters; responsibility for damage
   52.055   Rates; billing; payment of bills; delinquency
   52.056   Meter testing
   52.057   Repair of meters
Cross Connection Control
   52.070   General policy and purpose; applicability of subchapter
   52.071   Definitions
   52.072   Cross connections prohibited
   52.073   Survey and investigations; responsibilities of consumer
   52.074   Type of protection required
   52.075   Premises where protection is required
   52.076   Approved backflow prevention devices
   52.077   Installation of backflow prevention devices
   52.078   Inspection and maintenance of backflow prevention devices
   52.079   Violations; abatement actions