406.9.5 Curbs and bumpers.
Open parking lots shall be completely separated from adjoining premises and public sidewalks by curbs or bumpers of concrete, masonry, steel, heavy timber, or other similar and equally substantial materials, and shall be securely anchored so as to stop motor vehicles. Curbs and bumpers shall be at least 8 inches (203 mm) high and 8 inches (203 mm) wide.
406.9.5.1 Openings.
Openings in required perimeter curbs and bumpers shall be permitted only for drainage, for motor vehicle entrances and exits, and for pedestrian entrances and exits. The width of an opening for motor vehicle access shall not exceed the length of the curb cut, not including the lengths of the splays. When an opening for pedestrian access is adjacent to a motor vehicle access opening, the two openings shall be separated by a permanent and substantial post. In no case shall any pedestrian entrance or exit exceed 5 feet (1524 mm) in width.
406.9.6 Accessory uses and occupancies.
Parking lot offices, attendant shelters, storage facilities, and similar structures used in conjunction with open parking lots may be provided as an accessory use and shall comply with the applicable code provisions. Such accessory structures may be constructed of combustible materials subject to the limitations of Section D105.1 of Appendix D.
406.9.6.1 Motor fuel-dispensing facilities.
Motor fuel-dispensing facilities, accessory to open parking lots, shall comply with the requirements of the New York City Fire Code and Section 406.8 of this code. Motor fuel pumps shall be located at least 30 feet (9144 mm) from any parking space or interior lot line.
406.9.7 Special provisions applicable to large open parking lots.
Open parking lots storing ten or more motor vehicles shall also be subject to the special provisions of this section.
406.9.7.1 Curbs and bumpers.
Bumpers shall be situated not less than 1 foot (305 mm) from the perimeter edge of the open parking lot where vehicles are parked parallel to such perimeter edge, and not less than 4 feet (1219 mm) from the perimeter edge where vehicles are parked perpendicular to such perimeter edge. Openings shall be limited as provided for in Section 406.9.5.1.
Exception: A steel guardrail or other substantial barrier designed in accordance with the provisions of Section 1607.9, that will prevent any part of a vehicle from extending across a property line, may be accepted in lieu of bumpers.
406.9.7.2 Screen enclosures.
Open parking lots shall provide a perimeter screen enclosure as per this section unless otherwise required by the New York City Zoning Resolution. Such screen enclosure may be constructed as a masonry wall, woven wire fence, iron picket fence, or uniformly painted fence of fire-resistant material at least 4 feet (1219 mm) high, but not more than 8 feet (2438 mm) above finished grade, subject to the limitations of Section 3111. Such enclosures shall completely separate the lot from adjoining premises and public sidewalks. Openings shall be limited as provided for in Section 406.9.5.1.
Exception: Screening shall not be required for any portion of the lot adjacent to an existing wall located at the lot line.