406.3.5 Automatic garage door openers.
Automatic garage door openers, if provided, shall be listed in accordance with UL 325.
406.4 Public parking garages.
Parking garages, other than private parking garages, shall be classified as public parking garages and shall comply with the provisions of Sections 406.4.2 through 406.4.10 and shall be classified as either an open parking garage or an enclosed parking garage. Open parking garages shall also comply with Section 406.5. Enclosed parking garages shall also comply with Section 406.6. See Section 510 for special provisions for parking garages.
406.4.1 Clear height.
The clear height of each floor level in vehicle and pedestrian traffic areas shall be not less than 7 feet (2134 mm). Vehicle and pedestrian areas accommodating van-accessible parking shall comply with Section 1106.5.
406.4.3 Vehicle barrier systems.
Vehicle barriers not less than 2 feet 9 inches (835 mm) in height shall be placed where the vertical distance from the floor of a drive lane or parking space to the ground or surface directly below is greater than 1 foot (305 mm). Vehicle barriers shall comply with the loading requirements of Section 1607.9.
Exception: Vehicle barriers are not required in vehicle storage compartments in a mechanical access parking garage.
406.4.4 Ramps.
Ramps shall have a gradient not exceeding one in seven, with non-slip surfaces. A level landing having a minimum dimension of 20 feet (6096 mm) shall be provided at the discharge point of all ramps at the street level, within the property line. Ramps used for the movement of motor vehicles need not be enclosed when serving tiers above grade. Vehicle ramps may serve as part of a means of egress in accordance with Section 1006.4.
406.4.5 Floor surface.
Parking surfaces shall be of concrete or similar noncombustible and nonabsorbent materials. The area of floor used for parking of vehicles shall be sloped to facilitate the movement of liquids to a drain.
1. Asphalt parking surfaces shall be permitted at ground level.
2. Floors of Group S-2 parking garages shall not be required to have a sloped surface.
406.4.6 Separation.
Parking garages shall be separated from other occupancies in accordance with Section 508.1.