406.6.2 Ventilation.
A mechanical ventilation system shall be provided in accordance with the New York City Mechanical Code.
406.6.3 Automatic sprinkler system.
Automatic sprinkler systems and standpipes shall be installed in accordance with the provisions of Section 903. An automatic dry sprinkler system may be installed in unheated garages.
406.6.4 Means of egress.
Enclosed parking garages shall meet the means of egress requirements of Chapter 10.
406.7 Motor fuel-dispensing facilities.
Motor fuel-dispensing facilities shall be designed and constructed in accordance with the New York City Fire Code and Sections 406.7.1 through 406.7.3 of this code.
406.7.1 Vehicle fueling pad.
The vehicle shall be fueled on noncoated concrete or other approved paving material having a resistance not exceeding 1 megohm as determined by the methodology in CEN 1081.
406.7.2 Canopies.
Canopies under which fuels are dispensed shall have a clear, unobstructed height of not less than 14 feet (4267 mm) to the lowest projecting element in the vehicle drive-through area. Canopies and their supports over pumps shall be of noncombustible materials. However, panels constructed of light-transmitting plastic materials shall be permitted to be installed in canopies erected over motor vehicle fuel-dispensing station fuel dispensers, provided the panels are located not less than 10 feet (3048 mm) from any building on the same property and face yards or streets not less than 40 feet (12 192 mm) in width on the other sides. The aggregate areas of plastics shall be not greater than 1,000 square feet (93 m
). The maximum area of any individual panel shall shall be not greater than 100 square feet (9.3 m
406.7.2.1 Canopies used to support gaseous hydrogen systems.
Where flammable compressed gases are permitted by the New York City Fire Code to be located on the roof of a canopy that is used to shelter dispensing operations, such canopy shall be in accordance with the following:
1. The canopy shall meet or exceed Type I construction requirements.
2. Operations located under canopies shall be limited to refueling only.
3. The canopy shall be constructed in a manner that prevents the accumulation of hydrogen gas.