406.7 Motor fuel-dispensing facilities.
Motor fuel-dispensing facilities shall be designed and constructed in accordance with the New York City Fire Code and Sections 406.7.1 through 406.7.3 of this code.
406.7.1 Vehicle fueling pad.
The vehicle shall be fueled on noncoated concrete or other approved paving material having a resistance not exceeding 1 megohm as determined by the methodology in CEN 1081.
406.7.2 Canopies.
Canopies under which fuels are dispensed shall have a clear, unobstructed height of not less than 14 feet (4267 mm) to the lowest projecting element in the vehicle drive-through area. Canopies and their supports over pumps shall be of noncombustible materials. However, panels constructed of light-transmitting plastic materials shall be permitted to be installed in canopies erected over motor vehicle fuel-dispensing station fuel dispensers, provided the panels are located not less than 10 feet (3048 mm) from any building on the same property and face yards or streets not less than 40 feet (12 192 mm) in width on the other sides. The aggregate areas of plastics shall be not greater than 1,000 square feet (93 m
). The maximum area of any individual panel shall shall be not greater than 100 square feet (9.3 m
406.7.2.1 Canopies used to support gaseous hydrogen systems.
Where flammable compressed gases are permitted by the New York City Fire Code to be located on the roof of a canopy that is used to shelter dispensing operations, such canopy shall be in accordance with the following:
1. The canopy shall meet or exceed Type I construction requirements.
2. Operations located under canopies shall be limited to refueling only.
3. The canopy shall be constructed in a manner that prevents the accumulation of hydrogen gas.
406.7.3 Storage tanks.
Motor fuel storage tanks shall be installed below ground, except as authorized by the rules of the Fire Department. The installation and venting of storage tanks shall be in accordance with the rules of the Fire Department and the requirements of the New York City Fire Code. Storage tanks installed below ground shall comply with the following:
1. The top of the storage tanks shall be at least 24 inches (below finished grade and at least 24 inches (610 mm) below the level of any cellar or basement floor within 10 feet (3048 mm) of the tanks.
2. Storage tanks shall be located so that the forces from any building foundation and support loads are not transmitted to the tanks. The distance from any part of a storage tank to the nearest wall of any basement, pit or cellar, or from any property line that may be built upon, shall not be less than 36 inches (914 mm).
3. Storage tanks shall be covered with a structurally supported reinforced concrete slab at least 8 inches (203 mm) thick, extending at least 12 inches (305 mm) beyond the horizontal outlines of the storage tanks, and placed over a cover of suitable clean backfill material. Such slab shall be designed and reinforced in accordance with ACI 318. All concrete shall have a minimum compressive strength of 4,000 pounds per square inch (27 580 kPa) at 28 days.
4. Storage tanks shall be placed on a 12-inch (305 mm) thick concrete base slab or installed in such other manner, secured against flotation, and approved by the department.
406.8 Repair garages.
Repair garages shall be constructed in accordance with the New York City Fire Code and Sections 406.8.1 through 406.8.6 of this code. This occupancy shall not include motor fuel-dispensing facilities, as regulated in Section 406.7.
406.8.1 Mixed uses.
Mixed uses shall be allowed in the same building as a repair garage subject to the provisions of Section 508.1.
406.8.2 Ventilation.
Repair garages shall be mechanically ventilated in accordance with the New York City Mechanical Code. The ventilation system shall be controlled at the entrance to the garage.