426.1.6 Coal pockets.
Coal pockets located less than 30 feet (9144 mm) from interior lot lines or from structures on the same lot shall be constructed of not less than Type IB construction. Where more than 30 feet (9144 mm) from interior lot lines, or where erected along a railroad right-of-way, the minimum type of construction of such structures not more than 65 feet (19 812 mm) in building height shall be Type IV.
426.1.7 Tire rebuilding.
Buffing operations shall be located in a room separated from the remainder of the building housing the tire rebuilding or tire recapping operation by a 1-hour fire barrier.
Exception: Buffing operations are not required to be separated where all of the following conditions are met:
1. Buffing operations are equipped with an approved continuous automatic water-spray system directed at the point of cutting action;
2. Buffing machines are connected to particle-collecting systems providing a minimum air movement of 1,500 cubic feet per minute (cfm) (0.71 m
/s) in volume and 4,500 feet per minute (fpm) (23 m/s) in-line velocity; and
3. The collecting system shall discharge the rubber particles to an approved outdoor noncombustible or fire-resistant container, which is emptied at frequent intervals to prevent overflow.
427.1 General.
The provisions of this section shall govern the design, construction and chemical quantity limitations of buildings and portions thereof occupied or designed to be occupied as a nonproduction laboratory. Nonproduction laboratories shall be classified into occupancy groups in accordance with Section 427.5. The provisions of this section shall not apply to production laboratories classified in Occupancy Group F or H.
427.2 Standards.
Except as otherwise provided in this section, nonproduction laboratories shall meet the design, construction and chemical quantity limitation requirements for laboratory unit fire hazard Class D, as set forth in NFPA 45 as modified by the New York City Fire Code, and the New York City Mechanical Code. The storage arrangement, handling and use of chemicals within nonproduction laboratories and accessory storage rooms, and the operation and maintenance of nonproduction laboratories shall comply with the requirements of the New York City Fire Code, and the rules of the Fire Commissioner.