406.8.5.3 Failure of the gas detection system.
Failure of the gas detection system shall result in the deactivation of the heating system, activation of the mechanical ventilation system where the system is interlocked with the gas detection system and cause a trouble signal to sound in an approved location.
406.8.6 Automatic sprinkler system.
A repair garage shall be equipped with an automatic sprinkler system in accordance with Section 903.2.4.2.
406.9 Open Parking Lots.
The provisions of this section shall govern the construction of open parking lots and to all such existing premises hereafter enlarged or changed in location.
406.9.2 Permit required.
Any premise intended to be occupied for the storage or sale of motor vehicles on an open parking lot shall require an application to be filed with the department in order to obtain a Certificate of Occupancy. Such Certificate of Occupancy shall indicate the maximum number of vehicles to be accommodated and the type of vehicle, whether private passenger or commercial, to be stored. An application for or including an open parking lot shall be accompanied by a plan exhibiting the following:
1. Dimensions of the lot and its location in relation to adjoining streets;
2. Any structure(s) existing or to be erected on the plot;
3. The relative elevations of the parking area, curbs and adjoining yards or courts;
4. Structures, retaining walls, and open spaces on adjoining premises;
5. Retaining walls to be built;
6. Location and dimensions of curb cuts, driveways, and enclosures;
7. Drainage diagram;
8. Specification of surfacing material;
9. Parking stall layout with dimensions;
10. Analysis exhibiting compliance with the New York City Zoning Resolution; and
11. Other information as may be requested by the commissioner.
A copy of the plan or diagram approved by the department shall be kept on the premises. Certified, reduced size, legible copies may be used for this purpose. When an attendant's shelter is provided on the parking lot, the Certificate of Occupancy issued shall be posted and maintained under glass in the shelter.
406.9.3 Locations prohibited.
All vehicular activities associated with the operation of open parking lots shall be entirely within the property lines of the premises. Vehicles shall not be permitted to encroach upon the sidewalks. No motor vehicle may be stored or parked in any location where it would obstruct a required window or required exit of any adjacent building.
406.9.4 Surfacing.
All driveways, parking stalls, and open spaces used for the parking or storage of motor vehicles shall be surfaced with concrete asphalt, or equivalent durable, dustless material.