406.8 Repair garages.
Repair garages shall be constructed in accordance with the New York City Fire Code and Sections 406.8.1 through 406.8.6 of this code. This occupancy shall not include motor fuel-dispensing facilities, as regulated in Section 406.7.
406.8.1 Mixed uses.
Mixed uses shall be allowed in the same building as a repair garage subject to the provisions of Section 508.1.
406.8.2 Ventilation.
Repair garages shall be mechanically ventilated in accordance with the New York City Mechanical Code. The ventilation system shall be controlled at the entrance to the garage.
406.8.3 Floor surface.
Repair garage floors shall be of concrete or similar noncombustible and nonabsorbent materials.
Exception: Slip-resistant, nonabsorbent, interior floor finishes having a critical radiant flux not more than 0.45 W/cm
, as determined by NFPA 253, shall be permitted.
406.8.4 Heating equipment.
Heating equipment shall be installed in accordance with the New York City Mechanical Code.
406.8.5 Gas detection system.
Repair garages used for the repair of vehicles fueled by CNG, LNG, or hydrogen, shall be provided with an approved flammable gas-detection system.
406.8.5.1 System design.
The flammable gas-detection system shall be listed or approved and shall be calibrated to the types of fuels or gases used by vehicles to be repaired. The gas detection system shall be designed to activate when the level of flammable gas exceeds 25 percent of the lower flammable limit (LFL). Gas detection shall be provided in lubrication or chassis service pits of repair garages used for repairing nonodorized LNG-fueled vehicles.
406. Gas detection system components.
Gas detection system control units shall be listed and labeled in accordance with UL 864 or UL 2017. Gas detectors shall be listed and labeled in accordance with UL 2075 for use with the gases and vapors being detected.
406.8.5.2 Operation.
Activation of the gas detection system shall result in all of the following:
1. Initiation of distinct audible and visual alarm signals in the repair garage.
2. Deactivation of all heating systems located in the repair garage.
3. Activation of the mechanical ventilation and exhaust system, where the system is interlocked with gas detection.