409.3.3 Projection Machines.
Each projection machine shall be provided with an exhaust duct that will draw air from each lamp and exhaust it directly to the outside of the building. The lamp exhaust is permitted to serve to exhaust air from the projection room to provide room air circulation. Such ducts shall be of rigid materials, except for a flexible connector approved for the purpose. The projection lamp or projection room exhaust system, or both, is permitted to be combined but shall not be interconnected with any other exhaust or return system, or both, within the building.
409.4 Lighting control.
Provisions shall be made for control of the auditorium lighting and the means of egress lighting systems of theaters from inside the projection room and from not less than one other convenient point in the building.
409.5 Miscellaneous equipment.
Each projection room shall be provided with rewind and film storage facilities.
410.1 Applicability.
The provisions of Sections 410.1 through 410.11 shall apply to all parts of buildings and structures that contain stages or platforms and similar appurtenances as herein defined.
410.2 Definitions.
This section contains terms defined elsewhere in the code, and terms with definitions that are specific to this section.