The following regulations shall apply in the “R3” Multiple Dwelling Zone:
A. Use – No building, structure or land shall be used and no building or structure shall be erected, structurally altered, enlarged, or maintained, except for the following uses, and, when a “Supplemental Use District” is created by the provisions of Article 3 of this chapter, for such uses as may be permitted therein:
1. Any use permitted in the “R2” Two- family Zone.
2. Group dwellings.
3. Multiple dwellings.
4. Apartment houses. (Added by Ord. No. 107,884, Eff. 9/23/56.)
5. Boarding houses, rooming houses or light housekeeping rooms. (Amended by Ord. No. 113,548, Eff. 6/28/59.)
5.5. Child care facilities for not more than 20 children. (Added by No. 145,474, Eff. 3/2/74.)
6. Accessory uses and home occupations, subject to the conditions specified in Section 12.05 A.16. of this Code. (Amended by Ord. No. 171,427, Eff. 1/4/97, Oper. 3/5/97.)
7. (None)
8. Accessory buildings – Same as R1 Zone – Sec. 12.08 A. (Amended by Ord. No. 107,884, Eff. 9/23/56.)
9. (Deleted by Ord. No. 171,427, Eff. 1/4/97, Oper. 3/5/97.)
10. Name plates and signs, and required automobile parking spaces as provided for in Section 12.21 A. of this Code. (Amended by Ord. No. 171,427, Eff. 1/4/97, Oper. 3/5/97.)
11. Senior Independent Housing. (Added by Ord. No. 178,063, Eff. 12/30/06.)
12. Assisted Living Care Housing. (Added by Ord. No. 178,063, Eff. 12/30/06.)
B. Restriction. (Amended by Ord. No. 173,268, Eff. 7/1/00, Oper. 7/1/00.) For any lot designated as Public, Quasi-Public, Public/Quasi-Public Use, Other Public, or Open Space on the land use map of the applicable community or district plan; any lot shown on the map as having existing lakes, waterways, reservoirs, debris basins, or similar facilities; any lot shown on the map as the location of a freeway right-of-way; and any property annexed to the City of Los Angeles where a plan amendment was not adopted as part of the annexation proceedings:
Any of the uses permitted by Subsection A. of this section shall require prior approval in accordance with the provisions of Section 12.24.1 of this Code.
C. Area – No building or structure nor the enlargement of any building or structure shall be hereafter erected or maintained unless the following yards and lot areas are provided and maintained in connection with such building, structure or enlargement:
1. Front Yard – There shall be a front yard of not less than 15 feet; provided, however, that on key lots the minimum front yard shall be 10 feet. (Amended by Ord. No. 138,744, Eff. 12/24/69.)
2. Side Yards – For a main building not more than two stories in height there shall be a side yard on each side of said building of not less than five feet, except that where the lot is less than 50 feet in width, the side yard may be reduced to 10% of the width of the lot, but in no event to less than three feet in width. For a building more than two stories in height, one foot shall be added to the width of such side yard for each additional story above the second story, but in no event shall a side yard of more than 16 feet in width be required. (Amended by Ord. No. 110,225, Eff. 11/23/57.)
3. Rear Yard – There shall be a rear yard of not less than 15 feet in depth. (Amended by Ord. No. 121,925, Eff. 6/4/62.)
4. Lot Area – (Amended by Ord. No. 174,994, Eff. 1/15/03.) Every lot shall have a minimum width of 50 feet and a minimum area of 5,000 square feet. The minimum lot area per dwelling unit shall be 800 square feet.
However, where a lot has a width of less than 50 feet or an area of less than 5,000 square feet and was held under separate ownership or was of record as of September 23, 1956, and the lot was created in conformance with the Subdivision Map Act, the lot may be occupied by any use permitted in this section, except for those uses explicitly requiring more than 5,000 square feet of lot area. In no case, however, shall more than two dwelling units be permitted where a lot has an area of less than 4,000 square feet.
The minimum lot area per guest room shall be 500 square feet.
Exceptions to area regulations are provided for in Section 12.22 C.
(Added by Ord. No. 174,999, Eff. 1/15/03.)
The purpose of this zone is to provide a mechanism to increase housing opportunities, enhance neighborhoods, and revitalize older commercial corridors. The RAS3 Zone is intended to provide a tool to accommodate projected population growth in mixed use and residential projects that is compatible with existing residential neighborhoods.
The following regulations shall apply in the RAS3 Residential/Accessory Services Zone:
A. Use. No building, structure or land shall be used and no building or structure shall be erected, structurally altered, enlarged, or maintained, except for the following uses:
1. Any use permitted in the “R3” Multiple Dwelling Zone.
2. The following uses when located on the ground floor of any residential building permitted in the “R3” Multiple Dwelling Zone when conducted in accordance with the limitations specified in Subsection B., below:
(a) Bakery goods shop;
(b) Bank;
(c) Barber shop or beauty parlor;
(d) Book or stationery store;
(e) Childcare facility;
(f) Clothes cleaning agency or pressing establishment (excluding chemical processing);
(g) Clothing store;
(h) Clubs or lodges, bridge clubs, fraternal or religious associations;
(i) Community facilities as defined in Section 13.09 B.3.;
(j) Recreation centers owned and operated by governmental agencies;
(k) Confectionery stores;
(l) Counseling and referral facilities;
(m) Custom dressmaking or millinery stores;
(n) Drug stores or pharmacies;
(o) Dry goods or notions stores;
(p) Florist or gift shops;
(q) Grocery, fruit, or vegetable stores;
(r) Hardware or electric appliance stores (no repairs on premises);
(s) Jewelry stores;
(t) Joint Live/work quarters;
(u) Meat markets or delicatessens;
(v) Offices, business or professional;
(w) Photographer;
(x) Property management office;
(y) Restaurants, tea rooms or cafes (excluding dancing or entertainment and excluding restaurants with drive-through services);
(z) Schools;
(aa) Shoe stores or shoe repair stores;
(bb) Laundries or cleaning establishments or a self-service type, using only automatic machines with non- flammable cleaning fluid;
(cc) Other uses similar to the above list, when determined as provided for in Section 12.21 A.2.;
(dd) Uses (not involving open storage) customarily incident to any of the above- named uses and accessory buildings (including storage garages) when located on the same lot. Automobile parking space required in connection with permitted uses as provided for in Section 12.21 A.4.;
(ee) Facilities for the development of software (including the reproduction of software and data) and other computer and media-related projects and services, not including hardware.
3. Uses permitted in a “Supplemental Use District” when created pursuant to the provisions of Article 3 of this chapter.
B. Restrictions and Limitations.
1. All merchandise shall be new and shall be sold at retail only.
2. All activities are conducted wholly within an enclosed building, except that restaurants may have Outdoor Dining Areas. (Amended by Ord. No. 188,073, Eff. 1/31/24.)
3. All products produced, whether primary or incidental, are sold on the premises, and not more than five persons are engaged in the production or in servicing of materials.
4. Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 12.21 A.7., each tenant space may only have one exterior wall sign or projecting sign, not exceeding 20 feet square feet in area, provided the sign does not extend more than two feet beyond the wall of the building, and does not project above the floor of the story immediately above the ground floor. Signs shall not be internally illuminated.
5. Prior approval in accordance with the provisions of Section 12.24.1 shall be required for any lot designated as Public, Quasi-Public, Public/Quasi-Public Use, other Public, or Open Space on the land use map of the applicable community or district plan; any lot shown on the map as having existing lakes, waterways, reservoirs, debris basins, or similar facilities; any lot shown on the map as the location of a freeway right-of-way; and any property annexed to the City of Los Angeles where a plan amendment was not adopted as part of the annexation proceedings.
C. Area. No building or structure nor the enlargement of any building or structure shall be erected or maintained unless the following yards and lot areas are provided and maintained in connection with the building, structure or enlargement.
1. Front Yard. There shall be a front yard of not less than five feet in depth, except that where the adjoining building on each side maintains a front yard of less than five feet in depth, the required front yard shall be the average of the front yards of the existing building or buildings.
2. Side Yard. Not required for the ground floor portion of buildings, when the ground floor is used exclusively for commercial purposes. For all portions of buildings erected and used for residential purposes, there shall be side yards of not less than five feet in width along the residential potion of the perimeter of the building.
3. Rear Yard. There shall be a rear yard of not less than 15 feet in depth when the subject property is located adjacent to property zoned RD or more restrictive, otherwise there shall be a rear yard of not less than five feet in depth.
4. Lot Area. Every lot shall have a minimum width of 50 feet and a minimum area of 5,000 square feet. The minimum lot area per dwelling unit shall be 800 square feet of lot area for each dwelling unit.
Provided, that where a lot has a width of less than 50 feet or an area of less than 5,000 square feet and was held under separate ownership or was of record as of September 23, 1956, and the lot was created in conformance with the Subdivision Map Act, the lot may be occupied by any use permitted in this section, except for those uses explicitly requiring more than 5,000 square feet of lot area, and the lot area per dwelling unit shall be not less than 800 square feet. In no case, however, shall more than two dwelling units be permitted where a lot has an area of less than 4,000 square feet.
The minimum lot area per guest room shall be 200 square feet.
Exceptions to area regulations are provided for in Section 12.22 C.
5. Loading Space. A loading space shall be provided in accordance with Section 12.21 C.6. for any building that contains a commercial use on the ground floor.
The following regulations shall apply in the “R4” Multiple Dwelling Zone:
A. Use – No building, structure or land shall be used and no building or structure shall be erected, structurally altered, enlarged, or maintained, except for the following uses, and, when a “Supplemental Use District” is created by the provisions of Article 3 of this chapter, for such uses as may be permitted therein:
1. Any use permitted in the “R3” Multiple Dwelling Zone.
2. Churches (except rescue mission or temporary revival) or philanthropic institutions, with yards as required in Sec. 12.21 C.
3. Child care facilities or nursery schools. (Amended by Ord. No. 145,474, Eff. 3/2/74.)
4. (Deleted by Ord. No. 188,072, Eff. 7/1/24.)
5. Fraternity or sorority houses and dormitories.
6. Schools, elementary and high, or educational institutions, with yards as required in Sec. 12.21 C.3.
7. Museums or libraries (non-profit) with yards as required in Sec. 12.21 C.3.
8. Accessory uses and home occupations, subject to the conditions specified in Section 12.05 A.16. of this Code. (Amended by Ord. No. 171,427, Eff. 1/4/97, Oper. 3/5/97.)
9. Retirement hotels, as defined in Section 12.03. (Added by Ord. No. 159,714, Eff. 4/8/85.)
10. Accessory buildings, including private garages, accessory living quarters, guest homes, recreation rooms, or private stables, provided that:
(a) No stable is located or maintained on a lot having an area of less than 20,000 square feet and its capacity does not exceed one equine for each 5,000 square feet of lot area. (Amended by Ord. No. 157,144, Eff. 11/22/82.)
(b) Accessory living quarters, a guest house, recreation room or a private garage or any combination of said uses may be included in one building, not exceeding two stories in height;
(c) An accessory living quarters or guest house shall be considered as a dwelling unit in determining the minimum lot area necessary for the proposed development.
11. (Deleted by Ord. No. 171,427, Eff. 1/4/97, Oper. 3/5/97.)
12. Name plates and signs, and required parking spaces as provided for in Section 12.21 A. of this Code. (Amended by Ord. No. 171,427, Eff. 1/4/97, Oper. 3/5/97.)
It is not an unreasonable exercise of the police power to prohibit the maintenance of signs respecting a person’s business in front of a dwelling house in an R-4 district.
Kort v. City of Los Angeles. 52 Cal. App. 2d 804.
It is within the police power to regulate the size of signs and the information contained thereon.
Serve Yourself Gas, etc. v. Brock, 39 Cal. 2d 813.
13. Shelter for the homeless (as defined in Section 12.03 of this Code) containing not more than 30 beds and designed to serve not more than 30 persons. Except within the Central City Community Plan area, any shelter for the homeless established pursuant to this subdivision shall be located at least 600 feet from another such shelter. The minimum number of off-street parking spaces provided in conjunction with such use shall comply with the requirements of Section 12.21 A.4.(w) of this Code. (Added by Ord. No. 161,427, Eff. 8/2/86.)
14. Eldercare Facility. (Added by Ord. No. 178,063, Eff. 12/30/06.)
B. Restriction. (Amended by Ord. No. 173,268, Eff. 7/1/00, Oper. 7/1/00.) For any lot designated as Public, Quasi-Public, Public/Quasi-Public Use, Other Public, or Open Space on the land use map of the applicable community or district plan; any lot shown on the map as having existing lakes, waterways, reservoirs, debris basins, or similar facilities; any lot shown on the map as the location of a freeway right-of-way; and any property annexed to the City of Los Angeles where a plan amendment was not adopted as part of the annexation proceedings:
Any of the uses permitted by Subsection A. of this section shall require prior approval in accordance with the provisions of Section 12.24.1 of this Code.
C. Area. No building or structure nor the enlargement of any building or structure shall be hereafter erected or maintained unless the following yards and lot areas are provided and maintained in connection with such building, structure or enlargement.
2. Side Yards – For a main building not more than two stores in height, there shall be a side yard on each side of said building of not less than five feet, except that where the lot is less than 50 feet in width, the side yard may be reduced to 10% of the width of the lot, but in no event to less than three feet in width. For a building more than two stories in height, one foot shall be added to the width of such side yard for each additional story above the second story, but in no event shall a side yard of more than 16 feet in width be required. (Amended by Ord. No. 110,225, Eff. 11/23/57.)
3. Rear Yard – There shall be a rear yard of not less than 15 feet in depth. For a building more than three stories in height, one foot shall be added to the depth of such rear yard for each additional story above the third story, but such rear yard need not exceed 20 feet. (Amended by Ord. No. 121,925, Eff. 6/4/62.)
4. Lot Area – (Amended by Ord. No. 174,994, Eff. 1/15/03.) Every lot shall have a minimum width of 50 feet and a minimum area of 5,000 square feet. The minimum lot area per dwelling unit shall be 400 square feet.
However, where a lot has a width of less than 50 feet or an area of less than 5,000 square feet and was held under separate ownership or was of record as of September 23, 1956, and the lot was created in conformance with the Subdivision Map Act, the lot may be occupied by any use permitted in this section, except for those uses explicitly requiring more than 5,000 square feet of lot area. In no case, however, shall more than two dwelling units be permitted where a lot has an area of less than 4,000 square feet.
The minimum lot area per guest room shall be 200 square feet.
Exceptions to area regulations are provided for in Section 12.22 C.
5. Loading space as required by Section 12.21 C.6.
Exceptions to Area regulations are provided for in Sec. 12.22 C.
(Added by Ord. No. 174,999, Eff. 1/15/03.)
The purpose of this zone is to provide a mechanism to increase housing opportunities, enhance neighborhoods, and revitalize older commercial corridors. The RAS4 Zone is intended to provide a tool to accommodate projected population growth in mixed use and residential projects that is compatible with existing residential neighborhoods.
The following regulations shall apply in the RAS4 Residential/Accessory Services Zone:
A. Use. No building, structure or land shall be used and no building or structure shall be erected, structurally altered, enlarged, or maintained, except for the following uses,
1. Any use permitted in the “R4” Multiple Dwelling Zone.
2. The following uses when located on the ground floor of any residential building permitted in the “R4”
(a) Bakery goods shop;
(b) Bank;
(c) Barber shop or beauty parlor;
(d) Book or stationery store;
(e) Childcare facility;
(f) Clothes cleaning agency or pressing establishment (excluding chemical processing);
(g) Clothes store;
(h) Clubs or lodges, bridge clubs, fraternal or religious associations;
(i) Community facilities as defined in Section 13.09 B.3.;
(j) Recreation centers owned and operated by governmental agencies;
(k) Confectionery stores;
(l) Counseling and referral facilities;
(m) Custom dressmaking or millinery stores;
(n) Drug stores or pharmacies;
(o) Dry goods or notions stores;
(p) Florist or gift shops;
(q) Grocery, fruit, or vegetable stores;
(r) Hardware or electric appliance stores (no repairs on premises);
(s) Jewelry stores;
(t) Joint Live/work quarters;
(u) Meat markets or delicatessens;
(v) Offices, business or professional;
(w) Photographer;
(x) Property management office;
(y) Restaurants, tea rooms or cafes (excluding dancing or entertainment and excluding restaurants with drive-through services);
(z) Schools;
(aa) Shoe stores or shoe repair stores;
(bb) Laundries or cleaning establishments or a self-service type, using only automatic machines with non- flammable cleaning fluid;
(cc) Other uses similar to the above list, when determined as provided for in Section 12.21 A.2.;
(dd) Uses (not involving open storage) customarily incident to any of the above-named uses and accessory buildings (including storage garages) when located on the same lot. Automobile parking space required in connection with permitted uses as provided for in Section 12.21 A.4.;
(ee) Facilities for the development of software (including the reproduction of software and data) and other computer and media-related projects and services, not including hardware.
3. Uses permitted in a “Supplemental Use District” when created pursuant to the provisions of Article 3 of this chapter.
B. Restrictions and Limitations.
1. All merchandise shall be new and shall be sold at retail only.
2. All activities are conducted wholly within an enclosed building, except that restaurants may have Outdoor Dining Areas. (Amended by Ord. No. 188,073, Eff. 1/31/24.)
3. All products produced, whether primary or incidental, are sold on the premises, and not more than five persons are engaged in the production or in servicing of materials.
4. Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 12.21 A.7., each tenant space may only have one exterior wall sign or projecting sign, not exceeding 20 feet square feet in area, provided the sign does not extend more than two feet beyond the wall of the building, and does not project above the floor of the story immediately above the ground floor. Signs shall not be internally illuminated.
5. Prior approval in accordance with the provisions of Section 12.24.1 shall be required for any lot designated as Public, Quasi-Public, Public/Quasi-Public Use, other Public, or Open Space on the land use map of the applicable community or district plan; any lot shown on the map as having existing lakes, waterways, reservoirs, debris basins, or similar facilities; any lot shown on the map as the location of a freeway right-of-way; and any property annexed to the City of Los Angeles where a plan amendment was not adopted as part of the annexation proceedings:
C. Area. No building or structure nor the enlargement of any building or structure shall be erected or maintained unless the following yards and lot areas are provided and maintained in connection with the building, structure or enlargement.
1. Front Yard. There shall be a front yard of not less than five feet in depth, except that where the adjoining building on each side maintains a front yard of less than five feet in depth, the required front yard shall be the average of the front yards of the existing building or buildings.
2. Side Yard. Not required for the ground floor portion of buildings, when the ground floor is used exclusively for commercial purposes. For all portions of buildings erected and used for residential purposes, there shall be side yards of not less than five feet in width along the residential potion of the perimeter of the building.
3. Rear Yard. There shall be a rear yard of not less than 15 feet in depth when the subject property is located adjacent to property zoned RD or more restrictive, otherwise there shall be a rear yard of not less than five feet in depth.
4. Lot Area. Every lot shall have a minimum width of 50 feet and a minimum area of 5,000 square feet. The minimum lot area per dwelling unit shall be 400 square feet of lot area for each dwelling unit.
Provided, that where a lot has a width of less than 50 feet or an area of less than 5,000 square feet and was held under separate ownership or was of record as of September 23, 1956, and the lot was created in conformance with the Subdivision Map Act, the lot may be occupied by any use permitted in this section, except for those uses explicitly requiring more than 5,000 square feet of lot area, and the lot area per dwelling unit shall be not less than 400 square feet. In no case, however, shall more than two dwelling units be permitted where a lot has an area of less than 4,000 square feet.
The minimum lot area per guest room shall be 200 square feet.
Exceptions to area regulations are provided for in Section 12.22 C.
5. Loading Space. A loading space shall be provided in accordance with Section 12.21 C.6. for any building that contains a commercial use on the ground floor.
The following regulations shall apply in the “R5” Multiple Dwelling Zone:
A. Use. No building, structure or land shall be used and no building or structure shall be erected, structurally altered, enlarged, or maintained, except for the following uses, and, when a “Supplemental Use District” is created by the provisions of Article 3
of this chapter, for such uses as may be permitted therein:
1. Any use permitted in the “R4” Multiple Dwelling Zone.
2. (Deleted by Ord. No. 188,072, Eff. 7/1/24.)
3. Retirement hotels, as defined in Section 12.03. (Added by Ord. No. 159,714, Eff. 4/8/85.)
4. Clubs or lodges (private non-profit), chartered as such by the State, with yards as required in Sec. 12.21 C.3.
5. Hospitals or sanitariums (except animal hospitals), with yards as required in Sec. 12.21 C.3. (Amended by Ord. No. 177,325, Eff. 3/18/06.)
6. Accessory uses and home occupations, subject to the conditions specified in Section 12.05 A.16. of this Code. (Amended by Ord. No. 171,427, Eff. 1/4/97, Oper. 3/5/97.)
7. (None)
8. Accessory buildings – Same as R4 Zone – Sec. 12.11 A. (Amended by Ord. No. 107,884, Eff. 9/23/56.)
9. (Deleted by Ord. No. 171,427, Eff. 1/4/97, Oper. 3/5/97.)
10. Name plates and signs, and required parking spaces as provided for in Section 12.21 A. of this Code. (Amended by Ord. No. 171,427, Eff. 1/4/97, Oper. 3/5/97.)
11. Skilled Nursing Care Housing. (Added by Ord. No. 178,063, Eff. 12/30/06.)
12. Alzheimer’s/Dementia Care Housing. (Added by Ord. No. 178,063, Eff. 12/30/06.)
B. Restriction. (Amended by Ord. No. 173,268, Eff. 7/1/00, Oper. 7/1/00.) For any lot designated as Public, Quasi-Public, Public/Quasi- Public Use, Other Public, or Open Space on the land use map of the applicable community or district plan; any lot shown on the map as having existing lakes, waterways, reservoirs, debris basins, or similar facilities; any lot shown on the map as the location of a freeway right-of-way; and any property annexed to the City of Los Angeles where a plan amendment was not adopted as part of the annexation proceedings:
Any of the uses permitted by Subsection A. of this section shall require prior approval in accordance with the provisions of Section 12.24.1 of this Code.
C. Area. No building or structure nor the enlargement of any building or structure shall be hereafter erected or maintained unless the following yards and lot areas are provided and maintained in connection with such building, structure or enlargement:
4. Lot Area – (Amended by Ord. No. 174,994, Eff. 1/15/03.) Every lot shall have a minimum width of 50 feet and a minimum area of 5,000 square feet. The minimum lot area per dwelling unit shall be 200 square feet.
However, where a lot has a width of less than 50 feet or an area of less than 5,000 square feet and was held under separate ownership or was of record as of September 23, 1956, and the lot was created in conformance with the Subdivision Map Act, the lot may be occupied by any use permitted in this section, except for those uses explicitly requiring more than 5,000 square feet of lot area. In no case, however, shall more than two dwelling units be permitted where a lot has an area of less than 4,000 square feet.
Exceptions to area regulations are provided for in Section 12.22 C.
Land classified as a “P” Zone may also be classified in either an “A” or “R” Zone. The following regulations shall apply to the “P” Automobile Parking Zone:
A. Use – No building, structure or land shall be used and no building or structure shall be erected, structurally altered, enlarged, or maintained, except for the following uses, and, when a “Supplemental Use District” is created by the provisions of Article 3 of this chapter, for such uses as may be permitted therein:
1. Public or private parking areas (subject to the regulations of Section 12.21 A.5. and 6.), including the use of such parking areas for ingress to and egress from adjoining buildings. (Amended by Ord. No. 144,082, Eff. 12/11/72.)
2. Parking buildings which are located entirely below the natural or finished grade of the lot whichever is lower, and are designed to be obscured from view, including parking buildings which are attached to or integrated with buildings in other zones. Ducts and penthouses enclosing ventilating equipment, if not closer than 50 feet to an A or R Zone, stair shafts and guard railings around depressed ramps, may be located not to exceed 4 feet above grade. (Amended by Ord. No. 117,399, Eff. 12/4/60.)
3. (Amended by Ord. No. 140,890, Eff. 10/17/70.) — The following signs located on a public parking area or parking building:
(a) Internal traffic directional signs indicating entrance or exit at each permitted driveway. Not more than two such signs shall be permitted at each driveway nor shall any such sign have a surface area in excess of six square feet.
(b) Identification signs displaying only the names of the operators or sponsors of the parking area (including customary emblems or trademarks), the hours of operation and the parking charges made in accordance with the following regulations:
(1) On any lot there may be one such sign not exceeding 25 square feet in area adjacent to any one street, except when required by Sec. 103.202 of this Code. Such sign shall not be located within 30 feet of an A or R Zone.
(2) On a lot having at least 100 feet of frontage along a major or secondary highway in lieu of the sign permitted by Subparagraph (1), there may be an identification sign, the size of which shall be calculated at a ratio of .25 square feet of sign area for each foot of said frontage for the first 100 feet; at a ratio of.50 square feet of sign area for each foot of said frontage beyond the initial 100 feet and up to a total of 200 feet of frontage; and at a ratio of .75 square feet of sign area for each foot of said frontage beyond 200 feet and up to a total of 300 feet of frontage. In no case shall this sign exceed 150 square feet in area, in which, if applicable, advertising may be placed on both a front and back side; a dimension greater than 15 feet on any one side; and on an overall height of 30 feet. Such sign shall not be located within 50 feet of an A or R Zone, and not more than one such sign may be located on any one lot frontage. Said sign may be of a pylon type providing that the combined area of all individual identification plaques do not exceed that allowed for the total lot frontage. Where such identification sign is directly opposite and across the street from an A or R Zone, all lettering and identifying matter shall be placed on a face of the sign which is at right angles to the lot line abutting the highway at the nearest point to the sign.
All signs permitted in the P Zone may be illuminated but shall comply with the requirements set forth in Sec. 62.200 of this Code and shall not contain any flashing, moving or animated parts or features.
(3) All such signs abutting a major or secondary highway or a local street shall be placed clear of the ultimate street dedication line determined in accordance with the current Standard Street Dimensions adopted by the City Planning Commission.
(4) Where the sign area has been previously determined and the lot frontage subsequently altered either by sale, division of land, or other means, a new determination based on the new lot frontages must be made by the Department of City Planning for allowable sign areas in accordance with the provisions of this section. Notwithstanding any other provision of this article, any existing signs which are in excess of the size limitations contained in this section may be maintained, provided that the owner or owners of record of all lots whose frontages were included in the original frontage, record in the office of the County Recorder a covenant or covenants, running with the land, in which said owner or owners agree to erect no new signs until the existing signs which are in excess of the size limitations contained in this section have been removed or are made to conform to said size limitations. A copy of said recorded covenant or covenants shall be filed with the Department of Building and Safety by said owner or owners. Further, if said covenant or covenants are not recorded, any existing signs which are in excess of the size limitations contained in this section must be removed or made to conform to said size limitations within six months of the date on which the frontage was altered. In addition, the applicant shall advise the Superintendent of Building and Safety in writing within six months that the existing signs which are in excess of the size limitations have been removed.
EXCEPTION: The foregoing provisions shall not apply in those instances where a sign island of C2 Zone has been established within a P-zoned area by means of a Zone Change pursuant to Sec. 13B.1.4. (Zone Change) of Chapter 1A
of this Code and/or the adjustment to a zone boundary pursuant to Sec. 13B.5.2. (Adjustment) of Chapter 1A
of this Code. In those instances, no building permits for the erection of signs in the surrounding P Zone shall be issued without prior determination and authorization by the action of the decision maker. (Amended by Ord. No. 187,712, Eff. 1/23/23, Oper. 1/22/24; Ord. No. 187,930, Eff. 7/7/23.)
4. Uses customarily incident to the operation of a public parking area, including parking guard or attendant shelters. There may be one such shelter on each public parking area, and one additional shelter for each 300 feet of street frontage in excess of 300 feet. No such shelter shall have a floor area in excess of 50 square feet. Such shelter shall not be located within 15 feet of any street, in any required yard area, not within 30 feet of an A or R Zone. (Added by Ord. No. 117,399, Eff. 12/4/60.)
5. Where a lot in a P Zone is also classified in an A or R Zone, such lot may be used either for any purpose permitted in such A or R Zone, or for any purpose enumerated in this subsection but in no event for both purposes. (Added by Ord. No. 117,399, Eff. 12/4/60.)
6. (Amended by Ord. No. 134,633, Eff. 7/17/67.) Where a combination of the C and P Zones has been established on a lot, a sign or cantilevered canopy, which is permitted on the C Zone portion and is attached to a building thereon, may project not more than 15 feet into the P Zone, provided that such sign or cantilevered canopy is at least eight feet above the subjacent walkway or established grade and that no vertical supports are located in the P Zone.
Where an automobile service station development is to be located on property part of which is in a “C” Zone and part of which is in a “P” Zone, the underground storage tanks which are incidental to the service station my be located in the “P” Zone, and the temporary parking of trucks for purposes of servicing such tanks may be permitted in the “P” Zone.
7. Conditional uses as allowed pursuant to Section 12.24 W.49. of this Code when the location is approved pursuant to the provisions of that section. (Added by Ord. No. 174,132, Eff. 9/3/01.)
8. Dwelling unit or units constructed on a lot in a small lot subdivision and approved by the Advisory Agency, pursuant to Article 7 of this Chapter and Div. 13B.7. (Division of Land) of Chapter 1A
of this Code, in conformity with the provision of 12.22 C.27. of this Chapter. (Amended by Ord. No. 187,712, Eff. 1/23/23, Oper. 1/22/24; Ord. No. 187,930, Eff. 7/7/23.)
B. Restriction. (Amended by Ord. No. 173,268, Eff. 7/1/00, Oper. 7/1/00.) For any lot designated as Public, Quasi-Public, Public/Quasi-Public Use, Other Public, or Open Space on the land use map of the applicable community or district plan; any lot shown on the map as having existing lakes, waterways, reservoirs, debris basins, or similar facilities; any lot shown on the map as the location of a freeway right-of-way; and any property annexed to the City of Los Angeles where a plan amendment was not adopted as part of the annexation proceedings:
Any of the uses permitted by Subsection A. of this section shall require prior approval in accordance with the provisions of Section 12.24.1 of this Code.
C. Area. Where a lot in a “P” zone is also classified as an “A” or “R” Zone, the area regulations of such “A” or “R” Zone shall apply, except that for a public parking area the front yard may be as provided for in Section 12.21 A.6.(a) of this Code. (Amended by Ord. No. 152,467, Eff. 7/14/79.)
* All property within the City of Los Angeles in the PB Zone on the effective date of this ordinance shall hereafter by classified as being in Height District No. 1. The Director of Planning is hereby instructed to make all changes necessary to carry out the purposes and intent of this ordinance.
The following regulations shall apply in the “PB” Parking Building Zone:
A. Use – No building, structure or land shall be used and no building or structure shall be erected, structurally altered, enlarged or maintained, except for the following uses, and, when a “Supplemental Use District” is created by the provisions of Article 3 of this chapter, for such uses as may be permitted therein:
1. Any use permitted in the “P” Automobile Parking Zone.
2. (Amended by Ord. No. 138,040, Eff. 3/23/69.) Parking buildings, including those which are attached to or integrated with buildings in other zones, provided that:
(a) The buildings are constructed with a continuous, enclosing wall at least three and one-half feet in height at each floor level, except that the wall shall not be more than three feet in height along those portions of the building within 15 feet of an entrance or exit driveway opening. Said enclosing wall need not be solid but it shall be constructed of material designed and arranged so as to effectively block light emitted on a horizontal plane from the building. (Amended by Ord. No. 160,273, Eff. 9/16/85.)
(b) The vehicular entrances and exits to the building are located and maintained in accordance with a plan approved by the Department of Traffic so as to interfere as little as possible with pedestrian and vehicular traffic on the adjacent street.
3. Uses customarily incident to the operation of a parking garage, including the furnishing of gasoline and oil, and lubrication and polishing of automobiles and the exchanging of tires and batteries, provided that all of such uses are conducted completely within the building and not above the ground floor, and that no sign advertising such uses is visible from outside the building. In no event shall the repairing or washing of automobiles be permitted. (Amended by Ord. No. 122,569, Eff. 9/2/62.)
4. Conditional uses as allowed pursuant to Section 12.24 W.49. of this Code when the location is approved pursuant to the provisions of that section. (Added by Ord. No. 174,132, Eff. 9/3/01.)
B. Restriction. (Amended by Ord. No. 173,268, Eff. 7/1/00, Oper. 7/1/00.) For any lot designated as Public, Quasi-Public, Public/Quasi- Public Use, Other Public, or Open Space on the land use map of the applicable community or district plan; any lot shown on the map as having existing lakes, waterways, reservoirs, debris basins, or similar facilities; any lot shown on the map as the location of a freeway right-of-way; and any property annexed to the City of Los Angeles where a plan amendment was not adopted as part of the annexation proceedings:
Any of the uses permitted by Subsection A. of this section shall require prior approval in accordance with the provisions of Section 12.24.1 of this Code.
C. Area. No building or structure, nor the enlargement of any building or structure shall be erected or maintained unless the following yards are provided and maintained in connection with such building, structure or enlargement:
1. Front Yard. Wherever any portion of a frontage in which a “PB” zoned lot is located, is classified in an “A”, “RE”, “RS”, “R1” or “R2” Zone or wherever the portion of the frontage directly opposite and across the street from the lot in the “PB” Zone is classified in an “A”, “RE”, “RS”, R1”, or “R2” Zone, a front yard at least ten feet in depth shall be provided and maintained; except that wherever any portion of a frontage in which a “PB” zoned lot is located, is classified in an “RD”, “R3”, “R4”, or “R5” Zone, or wherever the portion of the frontage directly opposite and across the street from the lot in the “PB” Zone is classified in an “RD”, “R3”, “R4” or “R5” Zone, a front yard at least five feet in depth shall be provided and maintained. Except for the necessary driveway approaches, the required front yard space shall be fully landscaped with lawn, trees, shrubs or suitable ground cover, which shall be maintained in good condition at all times. In no event shall said required front yard space be used for the parking of automobiles. (Amended by Ord. No. 127,777, Eff. 8/1/64.)
2. Side Yard. Where the side of a lot in the PB Zone abuts upon the side of a lot in an A or R Zone, a five foot side yard shall be provided and maintained for buildings not more than two stories in height. Where the side of a lot in the PB Zone abuts upon a public street and is located in a frontage in which any portion is classified in an A or R Zone, or is directly opposite and across the street from frontage in the A or R Zone, a five-foot side yard shall be provided and maintained adjoining said street line for buildings not more than two stories in height. For buildings more than two stories in height, one foot shall be added to the width of a required side yard for each additional story above the second story. Except for the necessary driveway approaches or paved pedestrian access ways, the required side yard space shall be landscaped with shrubs, trees or suitable ground cover, which shall be maintained in good condition at all times. (Amended by Ord. No. 138,040, Eff. 3/23/69.)
3. Rear Yard. Where the rear of a lot in the PB Zone abuts upon a lot in an A or R Zone, a rear yard at least five feet in depth shall be provided and maintained for a building not more than two stories in height. For a building more than two stories in height, one foot shall be added to the depth of such rear yard for each additional story above the second story. Except for the necessary driveway approaches or paved pedestrian access ways, the required rear yard space shall be landscaped with shrubs, trees or suitable ground cover, which shall be maintained in good condition at all times.
4. Exception. The provisions of this subsection concerning the requirements for front, side and rear yards shall not apply to the basement portions of a building which are completely below the natural or finished grade of the lot, whichever is lower. (Amended by Ord. No. 122,569, Eff. 9/2/62.)