(Amended by Ord. No. 187,712, Eff. 1/23/23, Oper. 1/22/24; Ord. No. 187,930, Eff. 7/7/23.)
See Sec. 13B.7.7. (Private Street Map) of Chapter 1A of this Code.
(Amended by Ord. No. 158,691, Eff. 3/12/84.)
A. Private street names shall be established or changed pursuant to procedures set forth in this section in the event no Private Street Map is required under Section 18.03.
B. For purposes of this section only, “private street” shall mean only ingress and/or egress easement, roadway, walkway, or other right of way open to travel by pedestrians, non-motorized vehicles, or motor vehicles which is not a public street or way whether or not the instrument creating it has been recorded or filed in the Office of the Recorder of Los Angeles County.
C. Applications to establish or change the name of a private street shall be filed with the City Engineer. They shall be signed by a majority of the owners of properties abutting the private street or that portion of the street to be named or renamed, and be accompanied by:
1. Payment of the required application processing fees;
2. A map, drawn to scale, delineating the location, extent, width, and alignment of the private street, the approximate location and frontage dimensions of said parcels on said street and the location of existing public streets which it may ingress or egress; and
3. Identity of the maker of the map and of the names and addresses of owners of record of property abutting the private street or that portion of the street to be named or renamed.
D. The Council may initiate proceedings to name or rename a private street. In such event the Council action shall be referred to the City Engineer. That office shall process said action in the manner set forth in Subdivision E. and, if necessary or appropriate under the circumstances, shall prepare a map in the manner which satisfies the requirements set forth in Subdivision 2. of Subsection C. of this section.
E. Where there is an application filed to name or rename a private street and no new Private Street Map is required pursuant to Section 18.03, or there is a Council- initiated request, a private street may be named or renamed to a requested new name and the necessary documents recorded by the City Engineer with respect thereto, pursuant to the following procedure:
1. The City Engineer shall determine whether the proposed new name or change of name of a street is in the public interest and will not create confusion, be misleading, or be unduly long or carry connotations offensive to good taste and decency;
2. The City Engineer shall give notice of the proposed new street name or name change to the record owners and occupants of all real property abutting such private street. The notice shall designate the location of the private street or portion thereof to which the proposed new name is to apply. The street, or the affected portion thereof, shall be described in the notice with reference to other streets, and by the name or names, if any, which it bears or by which it, or any portion thereof, may be or may have been known, and the notice shall also state the proposed new street name. The notice shall further set forth whether or not the City Engineer’s determination recommends disapproval of the proposed name for reasons provided in Subdivision 1. above, and shall state that any written objections with respect to the proposed new name or name change or the City Engineer’s recommendation, shall be filed with the City Engineer within 30 days after a date designated on the notice as applicable for said purpose, and that said objections shall be signed by each person so objecting.
In the event any objections are filed within the 30–day time limit, or within said time period any objections are filed with respect to a City Engineer’s recommendation of disapproval, the City Engineer shall forward these, together with the City Engineer’s determination and recommendations and the applicable file to the City Council. The Council shall set the matter for hearing and the City Clerk shall thereupon notify by mail each person objecting to the proposed street name or to the City Engineer’s recommendation of disapproval and inform that person of the time and place for hearing. At the time specified, the Council shall hear all objections and shall thereafter approve or disapprove the proposed street name. The City Council’s decision shall be final and conclusive.
In the event no objections are filed with the City Engineer within 30 days of the date prescribed on the notice and the City Engineer has not recommended disapproval of the proposed new name, the application for that name shall be deemed approved. In the event the City Engineer has recommended disapproval of the proposed name, and no objections to that recommendation have been filed, the application shall be deemed denied.
If the new name is either approved by the Council, or in the event no Council hearing was required, and the application is deemed approved, the new private street name shall be effective and, the City Engineer shall cause any necessary indexing and/or recordation of documents to be accomplished and shall provide a copy of the determination to all City Departments rendering emergency service to the affected properties and to the United States Postal Service.
F. The approval or deemed approval of a private street name as provided for in this Chapter is not, and shall not be construed to be, an acceptance of a private street as a public street, nor shall it create any public warranty or liability or legal status as a public street or be so construed with respect thereto.
G. 1. Application processing fees shall be non-refundable.
2. The application processing fee shall be $4,326. (Amended by Ord. No. 184,054, Eff. 3/6/16.)
(Amended by Ord. No. 187,712, Eff. 1/23/23, Oper. 1/22/24; Ord. No. 187,930, Eff. 7/7/23.)
See Sec. 13B.7.7.F. (Private Street Map; Scope of Decision) of Chapter 1A of this Code.
(Amended by Ord. No. 187,712, Eff. 1/23/23, Oper. 1/22/24; Ord. No. 187,930, Eff. 7/7/23.)
See Sec. 13B.7.7. H. (Private Street Map; Modification of Entitlement) of Chapter 1A of this Code.
(Added by Ord No. 125,030, Eff. 8/15/63.)
19.00 Filing of Applications and Appeals.
19.01 Filing Fee – Applications and Appeals.
19.02 Filing Fees – Division of Land and Private Street Maps and Appeals.
19.03 Fees for General Plan Consistency.
19.04 Fees for Sign-off or Clearance Requests.
19.05 Filing Fees for Environmental Clearances.
19.06 Filing Fees for Coastal Development Permits.
19.07 Fees for Flood Hazard Reports and Compliance Checks.
19.08 Surcharge for Development Services Centers.
19.09 Project Development and Counseling Services.
19.10 Development Agreement Fees.
19.11 Annual Inspection of Compliance with Floor Area Ratio Averaging and Residential Density Transfer Covenants.
19.13 Surcharge for Automated Systems for the Department of City Planning.
19.14 Fees for Enforcement of Housing Covenants.
19.15 Department of Transportation Traffic Study Review, Condition Clearance and Permit Issuance Fees.
19.16 General Plan Maintenance Surcharge for the Department of City Planning.
19.17 Park Fee.
19.18 Affordable Housing Linkage Fee.
19.19 Westside Mobility Transportation Fees.
(Amended by Ord. No. 188,063, Eff. 2/10/24.)
A. Filing Date. See Sec. 13A.2.3. (Applications) of Chapter 1A of this Code.
B. Time Limit – Appeals. See Sec. 13A.2.8. (Appeals) of Chapter 1A of this Code.
C. Place of Filing. See Sec. 13A.2.3. (Applications) of Chapter 1A of this Code.
D. Notice of Public Hearing. See Sec. 13A.2.4. (Notice of Public Hearing) of Chapter 1A of this Code.
E. Annual Inflation Adjustment. The fees in Sections 19.01 through 19.10 and Section 19.12 shall be automatically adjusted annually with the base fee amount to be the fee amount set forth herein for previously-adopted fees or, for newly-adopted fees, the base fee is the fee amount in the effective implementing ordinance, subject to an Annual Inflation Adjustment, in accordance with the latest change in year-over-year Consumer Price Index for Urban Consumers (CPI-U) in the Los Angeles area, as published by the United States Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics.
2. Annual Adjustment of Fee Schedule. The next annual inflation adjustment shall automatically take effect on July 1, 2024. The Department of City Planning shall provide an updated fee schedule on an annual basis, which reflects the annual inflation adjustment calculated in accordance with the latest change in year-over-year CPI-U in the Los Angeles area from the previous calendar year. Notice of the updated fee schedule showing the current fee amounts inclusive of annual adjustments shall be published on the Department of City Planning website, as well as the Council File, no less than 30 days in advance of July 1 of every year. An updated fee schedule shall be maintained by the Department of City Planning, which shall provide a copy of the adjusted schedule to the Mayor and City Council each year.
The Director of Planning shall have the authority to adopt guidelines consistent with this chapter for the posting of notices of updated fee schedules if the Director determines that guidelines are necessary and appropriate.
(Amended by Ord. No. 188,063, Eff. 2/10/24.)
Before accepting for filing any application or appeal involving any of the matters specified in this section, the Department of City Planning shall charge and collect the following filing fees for each application or appeal:
A. Establishment or Change of Zones, Height Districts, or Supplemental Use Districts and Other Related Actions. The following fees shall be charged for a zone change, height district, or supplemental use district when that action is consistent with the General Plan. (See Section 19.03
for zone change requests that are not consistent with the General Plan.)
Establishment or Change of Zones, Height Districts, or Supplemental Use Districts and Other Related Actions | Base Fee* |
Establishment or Change of Zones, Height Districts, or Supplemental Use Districts and Other Related Actions | Base Fee* |
Zone Change - No New Construction (Sections 12.32 C. and F.; Section 13B.1.4.) | $26,062 |
Zone Change - With New Construction (Sections 12.32 C. and F.; Section 13B.1.4.) | $30,912 |
Clarification of Q Classifications or D Limitations (Section 12.32 H.; Section 13B.1.4.) | $10,085 |
Amendment of Council’s Instructions involving (T) Tentative Classifications (Section 12.32 H.; Section 13B.1.4.) | $7,058 |
Height District Change (Section 12.32 F.; Section 13B.1.4.) | $30,781 |
Supplemental Use District - Boundary Change or Repeal (Section 12.32 S.; Section 13B.1.4.) | $72,601 |
Supplemental Use District - Establishment (Section 12.32 S.; Section 13B.1.4.) | $142,533 |
Conditions of Approval for Oil Drilling (Section 13.01; Section 13B.2.2.) | $59,191 |
Zone Boundary Line Adjustment (Sections 12.30 H. and K.; Section 13B.5.2.) | $11,050 |
Building Line - Establishment, Change or Removal (Section 12.32 R.; Section 13B.1.4.) | $12,912 |
Surface Mining Permits (Sections 13.03 D. and F.; Section 13B.2.3.) | $3,678 |
* See Section 19.01 Q. for multiple applications.
B. Appeal Fees.
1. Except as expressly provided in Subdivision 2., below, the following fees shall be charged and collected with the filing of all appeals.
a. A fee equal to 85 percent of the total underlying application fees or $16,586 for first level appeal and $12,153 for additional level appeals, whichever is less when the appeal is made by the applicant.
b. A fee of $166 in the case of an appeal by an aggrieved person, other than the applicant.
2. An appeal filed pursuant to Section 12.26 K.2. or Section 13B.10.2. of this Code shall be accompanied by a filing fee as specified in Table 4-A of Section 98.0403.2 of this Code, to be collected by the Department. An appeal filed pursuant to Section 12.26 K.6. or Section 13B.10.2.G. of this Code shall be charged a fee in accordance with Subdivision 1., above.
3. An appeal filed pursuant to Section 12.37 of this Code shall be accompanied by a filing fee in the amount of $1,647, to be collected by the Department.
Type of Application | Base Fee |
Appeal Fee - Applicant (first level appeal) | $16,586 |
Appeal Fee - Applicant (additional level of appeal) | $12,153 |
Person other than the Applicant | $166 |
C. Commission Conditional Uses and Other Similar Quasi-judicial Approvals and Public Benefit Approvals.
Type of Application | Base Fee* |
Class 3 Conditional Use Permit | $26,248 |
Public Benefits Class 2 Conditional Use Permit (Section 14.00 B.; Section 13B.2.2.) | $12,688 |
Modification of Existing Class 3 Conditional Use Permit | $21,679 |
Letters of Correction, Modification or Clarification of a determination by a ZA or the Director initiated by Applicant | $4,904 |
* See Section 19.01 Q. for multiple applications.
D. Variances, Adjustments, or Modifications from the Regulations and Requirements of the Zoning Ordinances.
* See Section 19.01 Q. for multiple applications.
E. Zoning Administrator Conditional Uses, Interpretations, and Various Quasi-judicial Approvals.
1. The following fees shall be charged pursuant to Section 12.24, Section 13B.2.1., or Section 13B.2.2. of this Code to applicants seeking the following permits, interpretations or approvals:
Type of Application | Base Fee* |
Type of Application | Base Fee* |
Zoning Administrator Interpretation of Yard or Use Regulations (Section 12.21 A.2.; Section 13A.1.7.D.2.) | $10,725 |
Class 2 Conditional Use Permit - Alcohol and Entertainment | $10,967 |
Class 2 Conditional Use Permit - all other uses (Section 12.24 W.; Section 13B.2.2.) | $15,364 |
Modification or Review by Zoning Administrator | $6,731 |
Relief from Fence Height Limitation | $10,377 |
Child Care less than or equal to 50 children in the R3 zone or Large Family Daycare (Section 12.24 X.24.; Section 13B.2.1.) | $5,653 |
Certified Farmers’ Market (Section 12.24 X.6.; Section 13B.2.1.) | $4,685 |
Service of Alcohol in a small restaurant less than or equal to 50 seats (Section 12.24 X.2.; Section 13B.2.1.) | $8,127 |
Approval to Erect Amateur Radio Antenna (Section 12.24 X.3.; Section 13B.2.1.) | $2,700 |
Zoning Administrator Determination under Section 12.24 X. unless listed separately (Section 12.24 X.; Section 13B.2.1.) | $8,362 |
* See Section 19.01 Q. for multiple applications.
3. The following fees shall be charged pursuant to Sections 12.24 F. and 12.24 Z.2. or Sections 13B.2.1.D.5., 13B.2.2.D.5., 13B.2.3.D.5., and 13B.6.1. of this Code for costs associated with permit clearance, condition compliance monitoring and inspections conducted by the City, and revocation proceedings:
Type of Application | Base Fee |
Monitoring of Conditional Use Permits | $1,878 |
Inspection and Field Compliance Review of Operations | $816 |
F. Fees for Historic Related Applications.
Type of Application | Base Fee* |
Type of Application | Base Fee* |
Historic Preservation Overlay Zone (HPOZ): Establishment, Change or Removal (Section 12.20.3 F.; Section 13B.8.2.) | $140,589 |
HPOZ Preservation Plan (Section 12.20.3 E.; Section 13B.8.3.) | $40,345 |
HPOZ Certificate of Appropriateness: not involving new construction or additions (Section 12.20.3; Section 13B.8.5.) | $1,776 |
HPOZ Certificate of Appropriateness or Compatibility: for additions to existing square footage, up to a 20% increase in building coverage (Section 12.20.3; Section 13B.8.5.) | $1,855 |
HPOZ Certificate of Appropriateness or Compatibility: for additions to existing square footage, greater than a 20% increase in building coverage (Section 12.20.3; Sections 13B.8.5. and 13B.8.7.) | $2,295 |
HPOZ Certificate of Appropriateness or Compatibility: for new residential construction, 1 to 4 units, or for new commercial and mixed-use construction, up to 5,000 square feet (Section 12.20.3; Sections 13B.8.5. and 13B.8.7.) | $2,562 |
HPOZ Certificate of Appropriateness or Compatibility: for new residential construction, 5 units or more, or for new commercial and mixed-use construction, 5,000 square feet or greater (Section 12.20.3; Sections 13B.8.5. and 13B.8.7.) | $3,062 |
HPOZ Certificate of Appropriateness or Compatibility: for new accessory building construction (Section 12.20.3; Sections 13B.8.5. and 13B.8.7.) | $1,805 |
Major Conforming Work on Contributing and Non-Contributing Elements (Section 12.20.3; Section 13B.8.4.) | $595 |
Modification of a Certificate Determination | $642 |
Historic Resources Building Permit Clearance (Larger Project**) (Section | $1,127 |
COA-DEM: Demolition of Main Structure (Section 12.20.3; Section 13B.8.6.) | $11,475 |
Mills Act Application Processing Fee (LAAC Section 19.144) | $711 |
Mills Act Contract Execution Fee (LAAC Section 19.144) | $2,984 |
Mills Act Application Valuation Exemption (LAAC Section 19.144) | $3,242 |
Mills Act Application (Appeal of Staff Determination to Cultural Heritage Commission) (LAAC Section 19.144) | $2,504 |
Mills Act Contract Compliance Inspection (once every 5 years) (LAAC Section 19.144) | $2,825 |
Technical Corrections to previously certified Historic Resource (Applicant Initiated) | $3,547 |
Historic Resources - Environmental Impact Report Review (hourly) | $209 |
Preliminary Evaluation of Demolition or Relocation without Permit (Section 12.20.3 Q.; Section 13B.8.1.E.) | $10,223 |
Historic Resource Assessment Review | $1,044 |
* See Section 19.01 Q. for multiple applications.
** Larger Project, for purposes of this section, is defined as any project so determined by the Director of Planning of the Department of City Planning for which the planning or processing of requests for administrative permit clearances will significantly impact departmental resources.
G. Commission or Director Approvals.
Type of Application | Base Fee* |
Type of Application | Base Fee* |
Project Compliance, Design Overlay Plan Approvals, or other Director’s Determination (DIR) cases - Minor (Sections 11.5.7 and 11.5.14 and Chapter I, Article 3; Section 13B.4.2.) | $2,649 |
Project Compliance, Design Overlay Plan Approvals, or other DIR cases - Standard (Sections 11.5.7 and 11.5.14 and Chapter I, Article 3; Section 13B.4.2.) | $5,610 |
Project Compliance, Design Overlay Plan Approvals, or other DIR cases - Standard (Single-Family) (Sections 11.5.7 and 11.5.14 and Chapter I, Article 3; Section 13B.4.2.) | $2,623 |
Project Compliance, Design Overlay Plan Approvals or other DIR cases - Major (Sections 11.5.7 and 11.5.14 and Chapter I, Article 3; Section 13B.4.2.) | $6,444 |
Project Compliance, Design Overlay Plan Approvals, or other DIR cases - Major (Single-Family) (Sections 11.5.7 and 11.5.14 and Chapter I, Article 3; Section 13B.4.2.) | $2,884 |
Project Compliance with Design Review Board - Minor (Sections 11.5.7 and 11.5.14 and Chapter I, Article 3; Section 13B.4.3.) | $3,426 |
Project Compliance with Design Review Board - Standard (Sections 11.5.7 and 11.5.14 and Chapter I, Article 3; Section 13B.4.3.) | $7,060 |
Project Compliance with Design Review Board - Standard (Single-Family) (Sections 11.5.7 and 11.5.14 and Chapter I, Article 3; Section 13B.4.3.) | $3,426 |
Project Compliance with Design Review Board - Major (Sections 11.5.7 and 11.5.14 and Chapter I, Article 3; Section 13B.4.3.) | $7,999 |
Project Compliance with Design Review Board - Major (Single-Family) (Sections 11.5.7 and 11.5.14 and Chapter I, Article 3; Section 13B.4.3.) | $3,635 |
Design Review Board - Preliminary Design Review (Section 16.50 E.3.; Section 13B.4.3.) | $4,650 |
Design Review Board - Preliminary Design Review for Single-Family Residential Dwelling (Section 16.50 E.3.; Section 13B.4.3.) | $2,326 |
Project Adjustment | $4,880 |
Project Exception (Section 11.5.7 F.; Section 13B.4.5.) | $15,885 |
Specific Plan Amendment (Section 11.5.7 G.; Section 13B.1.2.); Redevelopment Plan Amendment (Section 11.5.14; Section 13B.1.2.) | $35,417 |
Specific Plan Interpretation (Section 11.5.7 H.; Section 13B.4.6.) | $5,600 |
Waiver of Dedications and Improvements (Section 12.37 I.) | $7,165 |
Alternative Compliance (Section 13B.5.1) | $7,060 |
* See Section 19.01 Q. for multiple applications.
The following definitions shall be used in the categories for Project Compliance:
Minor cases are defined as three or less signs or a change of use.
Standard cases are defined as more than three signs, wireless cases, or projects with additions of less than 200 square feet.
Major cases are all other projects not falling into the categories of Minor or Standard cases.
H. Fees – Exceptions. The fees as provided for in this section shall be subject to the following exceptions:
1. The fees contained in this section shall apply to the City departments of Airports, Harbor, and Water and Power, but shall not apply to any other governmental agency.
2. No fee shall be required in connection with an application for variance from the minimum lot area requirements of an improved lot, or on appeal from a ruling on the variance application, where it is shown that the lot neither conformed with the minimum lot area requirements at the time of issuance of the original building permit nor constituted a nonconforming lot.
3. No fee shall be required in connection with an application, appeal, or approval of plans for a conditional use for a child-care facility or nursery school which is determined to be nonprofit, including, but not limited to, parent-cooperatives and facilities funded by a governmental agency or owned or operated by a philanthropic institution, religious institution, or similar institution. A facility funded by a governmental agency shall indicate the principal current and anticipated source of funds. Where any uncertainty exists as to the nonprofit status of the facility, the applicant shall file a copy of the articles of incorporation or an affidavit, to the satisfaction of a Zoning Administrator, showing that the child-care facility will be nonprofit.
4. No fee shall be required in connection with an application, appeal, or approval of plans for a conditional use or variance for a nonprofit counseling and referral facility.
5. At the discretion of the appropriate decision-maker, an applicant for any determination for which fees are required by this section may be allowed credit for the fees paid upon a reapplication for the same project under a different procedure when the decision-maker finds:
(a) That the applicant made a good-faith attempt to file the application properly, and
(b) That the application could be more appropriately approved if filed under a different procedure.
This subdivision shall not be construed to allow credit to be given at the applicant’s option, nor to allow refunds of any fees paid on the original application.
6. No fee shall be required in connection with an initial application for continuation of a nonconforming use made pursuant to Section 12.24 X.27. of this Code.
7. Where an exception from a specific plan and a variance or conditional use or other similar quasi-judicial approval are both required for a project, the lower of the fees charged for the exception and variance, conditional use or other similar quasi-judicial approval shall be waived.
8. No fee shall be required in connection with an initial application for a site plan review for a project within a designated Enterprise Zone or Employment and Economic Incentive Zone.
9. In addition to the fees set forth in this article, the Department of City Planning may negotiate with an applicant, pursuant to LAAC Section, for reimbursement of the actual costs associated with the City’s processing of discretionary actions or other Planning reviews and processes for applications involving extraordinary projects, which require unusually heavy commitments of department resources but not involving a “major project”, as that term is defined in LAAC Section 5.121.9(b).
I. Transfer Plan.
Type of Application | Base Fee* |
Approval of Transfer of Floor Area Plan - less than and including 49,999 square feet (Section 14.5.7 and Chapter I, Article 4.5) | $16,500 |
Approval of Transfer of Floor Area Plan - 50,000 square feet or greater (Section 14.5.6 and Chapter I, Article 4.5) | $26,723 |
* See Section 19.01 Q. for multiple applications.
J. Extension of Time or Suspension of Time Limits for Planning and Zoning Matters.
Type of Application | Base Fee |
Time Extension for Planning and Zoning Matters other than Maps | $582 |
K. Adult Entertainment Business Exception.
Type of Application | Base Fee* |
Adult Entertainment Business Exception within 500 feet of another Adult Entertainment Establishment (Section 12.22 A.20.) | $17,520 |
* See Section 19.01 Q. for multiple applications.
L. Modification of Entitlement.
Type of Application | Base Fee* |
Director Approval - First Entitlement (Section 13B.5.4) | $3,978 |
Director Approval - Each Additional Entitlement (Section 13B.5.4) | $199 |
Zoning Administrator Approval - First Entitlement (Section 13B.5.4) | $4,773 |
Zoning Administrator Approval - Each Additional Entitlement (Section 13B.5.4) | $199 |
City Planning Commission / Area Planning Commission Approval - First Entitlement (Section 13B.5.4) | $5,966 |
City Planning Commission / Area Planning Commission Approval - Each Additional Entitlement (Section 13B.5.4) | $398 |
M. Density Increase.
Type of Application | Base Fee* |
Application for a Density Bonus including a request for one or more Incentives included in the Menu of Incentives (Section 12.22 A.25.(g)(2); Section 13B.2.5.) | $9,459 |
Application for a Density Bonus including a request for one or more Incentives not included in the Menu of Incentives (Section 12.22 A.25.(g)(3); Section 13B.2.3.) | $24,349 |
Application for a Density Bonus in excess of that permitted by Section 12.22 A.25. (Section 12.24 U.26.; Section 13B.2.3.) | $24,359 |
* See Section 19.01 Q. for multiple applications.
N. Modifications or Discontinuance of Use Pursuant to Nuisance Abatement Proceedings.
Type of Application | Base Fee |
Home-Sharing Administrative Hearing (Section 12.22 A.32.; Sections 13B.6.1. and 13B.6.2.) | $20,980 |
Imposition of Conditions (City Initiated) (Section 12.27.1; Section 13B.6.2.) | $55,495 |
Modification (Applicant Initiated) (Section 12.27.1; Section 13B.6.2.) | $44,646 |
Plan Approval for Revocation Case (Section 12.27.1; Section 13B.6.2.) | $52,783 |
Revocation, Suspension or Restriction Proceedings for Non-Compliance of Conditions (Initial Deposit)* (Section 12.24 Z.; Section 13B.6.1.) | $5,000 |
* With respect to Section 12.24 Z. and Section 13B.6.1., fees shall be paid for the actual costs associated with the revocation process that exceed the initial deposit amount. The Department of City Planning shall calculate the actual costs and resultant fee, in accordance with Section of LAAC Chapter 6 of Division 5 and shall maintain appropriate accounting records of the actual costs. The Director of Planning shall resolve any dispute related to the fee. The Director shall exclude from consideration any cost incurred or attributed to the processing of appeals.
O. Project Review.
* See Section 19.01 Q. for multiple applications.
P. Hillside Permit Filing Fees. The following applications are subject to Hillside Permit Filing Fees:
2. Applications to permit construction of or addition to Single-Family Dwellings on properties designated Hillside Area on the Department of City Planning Hillside Area Map which front onto Substandard Hillside Limited Streets, which are improved to a width of less than 20 feet;
3. Applications to permit construction of, or addition to, Single-Family Dwellings on properties designated Hillside Area on the Department of City Planning Hillside Area Map on Substandard Hillside Limited Streets where providing parking requires the Grading of 1,000 or more cubic yards from the Lot (Section 12.24 X.21.).
(a) Reduce Front and Side Yard setback requirements;
(b) Permit additions of up to 1,000 square feet to Structures existing prior to August 1, 2010;
(c) Exceed the maximum envelope height;
(d) Increase the maximum Lot coverage;
(e) Exceed the Grading, import and export limits;
(f) Reduce the number of required off-street parking; or
(g) Permit construction of or addition to Single-Family Dwellings on properties which front onto Substandard Hillside Limited Streets, which are improved to a width of less than 20 feet.
Type of Application | Base Fee |
Hillside Permit Filing Fee | $11,834 |
Q. Multiple or Combination Applications. If more than one application is filed at the same time for the same project and the fee for each separate application is set forth in Sections 19.01, 19.03, or 19.06, then the charges will be as follows: 100% for the highest application fee, 50% for the second application (second highest fee), and 25% for each additional application fee.
R. Expedited Permit Fee. At the request of the applicant, the Department may charge a fee to offset expenses for additional human and physical resources necessary to expedite the permit process for development projects upon application by an applicant. A minimum initial deposit of $8,500 or, as adjusted by the Director of Planning, in addition to fees charged elsewhere in this Code, shall be collected at the time of the request. In addition, fees shall be paid by the applicant for any additional costs that exceed the initial deposit.
The Department of City Planning shall calculate the costs and resultant fee, at the hourly rate in this section, in accordance with LAAC Section of Chapter 6 of Division 5 and shall maintain appropriate accounting records of the actual costs. The Director of Planning shall resolve any dispute related to the fee. The Director shall exclude from consideration any cost incurred or attributed to the processing of appeals.
The Department shall cause all money collected pursuant to this section to be deposited into the Planning Case Processing Fund as prescribed in LAAC Section of Chapter 6 of Division 5 for purposes of disbursement as permitted therein.
Type of Application | Base Fee |
Expedited Review Services (hourly) | $240 |
S. Eldercare Facility Unified Permit Application.
Type of Application | Base Fee* |
Eldercare Facility Unified Permit Application (Section 14.3.1; Section 13B.2.2.) | $14,206 |
* See Section 19.01 Q. for multiple applications.
T. Home-Sharing Registration Application Fee.
The Department of City Planning shall cause all money collected pursuant to this section to be deposited into the Short-Term Rental Enforcement Trust described in LAAC Section 5.576(b) of Chapter 170 of Division 5 for purposes of disbursement as permitted therein.
(Amended by Ord. No. 188,063, Eff. 2/10/24.)
The following fees and charges shall be paid to the Department, except as otherwise specified here, in connection with the following:
A. Subdivision Maps.
1. Tentative Map.
(a) Single-Family Residential Dwellings:
Type of Application | Base Fee |
Tentative Map - Single-Family Zones - 5-49 Lots | $13,579 |
Tentative Map - Single-Family Zones - Each additional Set of 50 Lots over 49 Lots | $6,895 |
(b) Multi-Family Residential Dwellings:
Type of Application | Base Fee |
Tentative Map - MF Residential - 5-49 Units | $13,893 |
Tentative Map - MF Residential - 50-99 Units | $15,788 |
Tentative Map - MF Residential - 100 Units or More | $19,316 |
(c) Commercial/Industrial:
(1) With Building:
Type of Application | Base Fee |
Tentative Map - Commercial/Industrial w/ Building - Less than 50,000 square feet of Floor Area | $13,579 |
Tentative Map - Commercial/Industrial w/ Building - 50,000-99,999 square feet of Floor Area | $14,727 |
Tentative Map - Commercial/Industrial w/ Building - 100,000-249,999 square feet of Floor Area | $16,083 |
Tentative Map - Commercial/Industrial w/ Building - 250,000 square feet of Floor Area or More | $18,013 |
(2) Without Building:
Type of Application | Base Fee |
Tentative Map - Commercial/Industrial w/o Building - Less than 1 Acre | $12,641 |
Tentative Map - Commercial/Industrial w/o Building - 1 to Less than 5 Acres | $13,579 |
Tentative Map - Commercial/Industrial w/o Building - 5 Acres or More | $14,006 |
(d) Phasing of Map. For each request for the Advisory Agency to approve the recording of a final map which covers only a portion of the property shown on an approved tentative map pursuant to the provisions of Section 17.07 B. and Section 13B.7.4. of this Code, a fee of $9,859.
(e) Very High Fire Hazard Severity Zone. For tentative maps within Very High Fire Hazard Severity Zones, as described in Section 57.4908 of this Code, a surcharge of one-half the sum of the fees paid pursuant to Paragraphs (a) through (c) shall be paid.
(f) Mixed-Use. Where the project involves a combination of Single-Family, Multi-Family, Commercial, and/or Industrial uses, the highest fee, including modifications to the base fee, shall be charged at 100%, the second highest at 50%, and the third and subsequent fee at 25%. This fee discounting shall not apply to the surcharge required by Paragraph (e) of this subdivision.
(g) Bureau of Engineering Fees. In addition to the fees imposed pursuant to the provisions of this subdivision, before acceptance for examination by the City Engineer, the Bureau of Engineering shall charge and collect for each application the following nonrefundable fees applicable to the project for which the application is made:
(1) For each subdivision tract of fewer than 20 lots, a fee of $8,240. For each modified or revised subdivision tract of fewer than 20 lots requiring a revised engineering report, a fee of $1,854.
(2) For each subdivision tract of 20 or more lots, actual Bureau of Engineering costs and a deposit for such costs as determined and collected pursuant to the provisions of Section 61.15 of this Code. For each modified or revised subdivision tract of 20 or more lots requiring a revised engineering report, a fee of $1,854.
2. Final Map.
(a) Before acceptance for examination by the City Engineer, the Bureau of Engineering shall charge and collect for each application the following nonrefundable fees that apply to the project for which the application is made:
(1) For each subdivision tract of fewer than 20 lots, a fee of $8,240.
(2) For each subdivision tract of 20 or more lots, actual Bureau of Engineering costs and a deposit for such costs as determined and collected pursuant to the provisions of Section 61.15 of this Code.
(3) For each airspace subdivision, actual Bureau of Engineering costs and a deposit for such costs as determined and collected pursuant to the provisions of Section 61.15 of this Code.
(b) For each subdivision that is located entirely or partly within a Very High Fire Hazard Severity Zone as determined pursuant to the provisions of Section 57.4908 of this Code, the Bureau of Engineering shall charge and collect a surcharge in the amount of 50% of the fee imposed pursuant to the provisions of Paragraph (a) of this Subdivision.
(c) In addition to the fee and surcharge imposed pursuant to the provisions of Paragraphs (a) and (b) of this subdivision, the Bureau of Engineering shall charge and collect a resubmission fee of $824 for each and every map or any part of a map submitted to the City Engineer more than three times, including the original submission, and the fee shall be paid to the Bureau of Engineering upon each and every submission to the City Engineer thereafter.
(d) In addition to all other fees charged pursuant to the provisions of this subdivision, if a final map is filed for the purpose of reverting subdivided land to acreage or for merger and re-subdivision of land pursuant to the provisions of Section 17.10 or 17.10.1 of this Code, the Bureau of Engineering shall charge and collect a fee of $2,549.
4. Appeals. Each appeal of a tentative or final map shall be accompanied by the payment of a fee pursuant to Section 19.01 B.
5. Modifications. Each request for a modification of an approved Tentative Map or Recorded Final Map shall be accompanied by the payment of the appropriate fee indicated in Section 19.02 F.
B. Parcel Maps.
1. Preliminary Parcel Map.
(a) Residential Dwellings, up to 4 Lots:
Type of Application | Base Fee |
Preliminary Parcel Map - Residential Dwellings, up to 4 Lots - Single-Family Zones | $13,204 |
Preliminary Parcel Map - Residential Dwellings, up to 4 Lots - Multi-Family | $13,621 |
(b) Commercial/Industrial, up to 4 Lots:
(1) With Building:
Type of Application | Base Fee |
Preliminary Parcel Map - Commercial/Industrial (w/ Building), up to 4 Lots - Less than 50,000 square feet of Floor Area | $13,726 |
Preliminary Parcel Map - Commercial/Industrial (w/ Building), up to 4 Lots - 50,000 to Less than 100,000 square feet of Floor Area | $14,717 |
Preliminary Parcel Map - Commercial/Industrial (w/ Building), up to 4 Lots - 100,000 to Less than 250,000 square feet of Floor Area | $16,125 |
Preliminary Parcel Map - Commercial/Industrial (w/ Building), up to 4 Lots - 250,000 square feet of Floor Area or More | $18,013 |
(2) Without Building:
Type of Application | Base Fee |
Preliminary Parcel Map - Commercial/Industrial (w/o Building), up to 4 Lots - Less than 1 Acre in Area | $12,975 |
Preliminary Parcel Map - Commercial/Industrial (w/o Building), up to 4 Lots - 1 to Less Than 5 Acres in Area | $12,975 |
Preliminary Parcel Map - Commercial/Industrial (w/o Building), up to 4 Lots - 5 Acres or More in Area | $12,975 |
(c) Other Parcel Map Actions:
(d) Very High Fire Hazard Severity Zone. For preliminary parcel maps within the Very High Fire Hazard Severity Zones, as described in Section 57.4908 of this Code, a surcharge of one-third the sum of the fees paid pursuant to Paragraphs (a) and (b) shall be paid.
(e) Mixed-Use. Where the project involves a combination of Single-Family, Multi-Family, Commercial, and/or Industrial uses, the highest fee, including modifications to the base fee, shall be charged at 100%, the second highest at 50%, and the third and subsequent fee at 25%. This fee discounting shall not apply to the surcharge required by Paragraph (d) of this subdivision.
(f) Bureau of Engineering Fees. In addition to the fees imposed pursuant to the provisions of this subdivision, before acceptance for examination by the City Engineer, the Bureau of Engineering shall charge and collect for each application the following nonrefundable fees applicable to the project for which the application is made:
(1) For each map, a fee of $8,240.
(2) For each modified or revised map requiring a revised engineering report, a fee of $824.
(3) For each parcel map exemption, a fee of $1,262.
2. Certificate or Conditional Certificate of Compliance. A fee of $4,920 shall be paid for each determination of the Advisory Agency with respect to a certificate or conditional certificate of compliance pursuant to the Subdivision Map Act in California Government Code Section 66499.35. The above fee shall be waived when the Advisory Agency has approved a division of land and collected a fee without the requirement of a final map being filed with the County Recorder. In every case, the applicant shall also pay a fee equal to the amount required by law for recording any certificate or conditional certificate of compliance issued in connection with the decision. Before acceptance for examination by the City Engineer, the Bureau of Engineering shall charge and collect a fee of $1,262 for the review and processing of each application for a Certificate of Compliance.
Type of Application | Base Fee |
Certificate or Conditional Certificate of Compliance - Determination | $4,920 |
3. Final Parcel Map.
(a) Before acceptance for examination by the City Engineer, the Bureau of Engineering shall charge and collect a nonrefundable fee of $8,240 for each final parcel map submitted, except for airspace parcel maps. For each airspace parcel map application submitted, the Bureau of Engineering shall charge actual Bureau of Engineering costs and a deposit for such costs as determined and collected pursuant to the provisions of Section 61.15 of this Code.
(b) For each subdivision that is located entirely or partly within a Very High Fire Hazard Severity Zone as determined pursuant to the provisions of Section 57.4908 of this Code, the Bureau of Engineering shall charge and collect a surcharge in the amount of 50% of the fee imposed pursuant to the provisions of Paragraph (a) of this subdivision.
(c) In addition to the fee and surcharge imposed pursuant to the provisions of Paragraphs (a) and (b) of this subdivision, the Bureau of Engineering shall charge and collect a resubmission fee of $824 for each and every map or any part of a map submitted to the City Engineer more than three times, including the original submission, and the fee shall be paid to the Bureau of Engineering upon each and every submission to the City Engineer thereafter.
(d) In addition to all other fees charged pursuant to the provisions of this subdivision, if a final map is filed for the purpose of reverting subdivided land to acreage or for merger and re-subdivision of land pursuant to the provisions of Section 17.10 or 17.10.1 of this Code, the Bureau of Engineering shall charge and collect a fee of $1,854.
(e) Before acceptance for examination by the City Engineer, the Bureau of Engineering shall charge and collect a fee of $1,262 to review and process each application for a final map waiver requested pursuant to the provisions of Section 17.50 D. and Section 13B.7.5. of this Code.
4. Appeals. Each appeal of a parcel map shall be accompanied by the payment of a fee pursuant to Section 19.01 B.
5. Modifications. Each request for a modification of an approved Preliminary Map or Recorded Final Map shall be accompanied by the payment of the appropriate fee indicated in Section 19.02 F.
C. Private Street Map.
1. In the event the person plotting or dividing land as lots or building sites pursuant to Article 8 of this chapter shall elect to subdivide land in accordance with Article 7 of this chapter within one year from the filing date of the private street map, the fees required and paid under this subsection may be applied against the payment of the fees required by Subsection A of this section.
2. For each request for modification of the requirements governing private streets pursuant to the provisions of Section 18.12 and Section 13B.7.7.H., a fee of $3,323 shall be paid. For each and every lot or building site shown on a private street map, excepting the lots or building sites as are shown at the request of the City Engineer to facilitate the description of the land to be acquired by condemnation proceedings, a fee of $59 shall be paid.
3. Before acceptance for examination by the City Engineer, the Bureau of Engineering shall charge and collect for each private street map application a fee of $6,304, and shall charge and collect for each modified or revised street map application requiring a revised engineering report a fee of $630.
D. Mobile Home Park Impact Reports.
Type of Application | Base Fee |
Mobile Home Park Impact Report (Section 17.04) | $13,682 |
If no request for hearing is filed within the time periods set forth in Section 47.09 D.5. of this Code, upon written demand by park management, a refund of $5,229 shall be made to park management.
E. Condominium Conversion for Subdivision and Parcel Maps.
1. Residential Dwellings:
Type of Application | Base Fee |
1 to 4 Units | $15,822 |
5 to 49 Units | $18,743 |
50 to 99 Units | $22,561 |
100 Units or More | $25,336 |
For the approval of any relocation assistance plan required by Section 12.95.2 F.6., a fee of $186.
2. Commercial/Industrial:
Type of Application | Base Fee |
Less than 50,000 Square Feet of Floor Area | $13,819 |
50,000 to Less Than 100,000 Square Feet of Floor Area | $14,769 |
100,000 to Less Than 250,000 Square Feet of Floor Area | $15,655 |
250,000 Square Feet of Floor Area or More | $16,667 |
3. Mixed-Use: Where the project involves a combination of Residential, Commercial, and/or Industrial uses, the highest fee shall be charged at 100%, the second highest at 50%, and the third and subsequent fee at 25%. This fee discounting shall not apply to the fee required by Section 19.02 E.1.(a) of this Code.
F. Map Related Fees.
Type of Application | Base Fee |
Review of Revision of Tentative/Preliminary Map | $3,174 |
Modification to Approved Tentative/Preliminary Map or Recorded Final Map | $8,912 |
Reversion to Acreage (Section 17.10) | $8,922 |
Time Extension for Maps | $1,067 |
Letter of Clarification or Correction (initiated by Applicant) | $4,786 |