A. Purpose and Objectives. See Sec. 13B.4.3. (Project Compliance (with Design Review Board)) of Chapter 1A
of this Code.
B. (This subsection intentionally left blank.)
C. (This subsection intentionally left blank.)
D. Design Review Boards. See Sec. 13A.1.11 (Design Review Board) and Sec. 13B.4.3 (Project Compliance (with Design Review Board)) of Chapter 1A
of this Code.
E. Design Review Procedure. See Sec. 13B.4.3. (Project Compliance (with Design Review Board)) of Chapter 1A
of this Code.
1. Application. All applications for design review shall be submitted to the Department of City Planning on a form supplied by the Department.
(a) If an applicant requests an optional preliminary design review, the following materials must be submitted in addition to any material required by applicable specific plans or ordinances: Conceptual drawings without finished details and plans and materials which include, but are not limited to the following:
(1) Proposed site plan showing proposed improvements;
(2) Building elevations;
(3) General description of materials and colors to be used;
(4) Proposed landscape plan;
(5) Photographs of the site and surrounding properties;
(6) Information on existing trees on the site and within 20 feet of the property; and
(7) Additional information that demonstrates adherence to the specific plan design criteria.
(b) An application for a mandatory final review shall be deemed complete only if it includes, in addition to any material required in the applicable specific plan or ordinance, the following materials:
(1) Drawings with finished details;
(2) Environmental review clearance;
(3) Results of technical review, if required;
(4) Written narrative addressing specific plan design criteria and guidelines and a finding of the project’s consistency with either the Specific Plan or an approved Project Exception;
(5) Vicinity map of appropriate scale, indicating the location of the project site in relation to nearby access streets, significant physical features of the project, and other relevant issues affecting the project. Where possible, the map shall show the location of buildings on adjoining properties having a bearing on the project;
(6) Color photographs of the site and surrounding area and buildings to clearly represent the context of the design;
(7) Site plan of appropriate scale that clearly represents all the features of the site and significant design issues;
(8) Plans of appropriate scale, including all significant items or floor levels necessary to clearly represent design intent;
(9) Elevations of appropriate scale, including all sides of the item or building to clearly represent design intent;
(10) Sections, as deemed necessary by the architect or designer, of appropriate scale to clearly represent design intent;
(11) Either perspective drawings or model material sample board to be presented at the design review board meeting;
(12) Sign plan, if applicable, indicating proposed sign(s) and all existing signs on the property;
(13) Landscape plans which shall include the approximate size, maturity and location of all plant materials, the scientific and common names of the plant materials, the proposed irrigation plan, and the estimated planting schedule. The plan shall specify the length of time required to attain plant maturity; and
(14) Mailing labels with the names of the owners of all properties abutting, across the street or alley from, or having a common corner with the subject property. Should these properties not be owner- occupied, mailing labels shall also be provided for the occupants.
2. Fees.
(a) The filing fee for processing an optional preliminary application shall be one-half of the fee for processing a design review application.
(b) The filing fee for processing an optional technical review requested by the applicant shall be as set forth in Section 19.09.
(c) The filing fee for processing a final design review application shall be as set forth in Section 19.01.
(d) The filing fee for processing an applicant’s appeal from the Director’s decision shall be the fee for an appeal from a specific plan design review decision as set forth in Section 19.01. The filing fee for processing an appeal by a person other than the applicant shall be as provided in Section 19.01 K.2.
(e) The filing fee for processing a modification to a design review determination, if requested by the applicant, shall be one-half of the fee for processing a final design review application.
(Amended by Ord. No. 187,712, Eff. 1/23/23, Oper. 1/22/24; Ord. No. 187,930, Eff. 7/7/23.)
17.00 Title.
17.01 Tract Maps – General Provisions.
17.02 Definitions.
17.03 Advisory Agency.
17.04 Subdivision Committee.
17.05 Design Standards.
17.06 Tentative Map Standards and Appeals.
17.07 Final Map Standards.
17.07.1 Notification Regarding Street Lighting Maintenance Assessments.
17.07.2 Notification Regarding Sewer Pumping and/or Drainage Facilities and Maintenance Districts.
17.08 Improvements.
17.09 Private Streets.
17.10 Reversion to Acreage.
17.10.1 Merger and Resubdivision.
17.10.5 Maps – Local Drainage Districts – Exemption from Fees.
17.11 Modifications.
17.12 Park and Recreation Site Acquisition and Development Provisions.
17.13 Subdivision Requiring Import or Export of Earth.
17.14 Modification of Recorded Final Maps.
17.15 Vesting Tentative Maps.
17.50 Parcel Maps – General Provisions.
17.51 Filing of Preliminary Parcel Maps.
17.52 Parcel Map – Standards of Review Authority of Advisory Agency.
17.53 Approval of Preliminary Parcel Map Standards of Review.
17.54 Appeals.
17.55 Map Identification and Reproduction.
17.56 Parcel Map.
17.57 Approval of Map Shall Not Authorize Violation of Other Laws.
17.58 Park and Recreation Site Acquisition and Development.
17.59 Modification of Recorded Parcel Maps – Standards of Review.
17.60 Sales Contrary to Parcel Map Regulations Are Voidable.
A. Scope.
1. No person shall subdivide land in the City of Los Angeles into five or more parcels unless a Final Map has been recorded as provided in this Article and pursuant to Div. 13B.8. (Division of Land) of Chapter 1A of this Code.
2. No building or structure shall be constructed or enlarged on any land which has been subdivided in violation of the provisions of this Article and Div. 13B.8 (Division of Land) of Chapter 1A of this Code, nor shall any permit be issued therefor.
3. The provisions of this Article shall not be construed as preventing the recording of a final tract map containing less than five lots or creating fewer than five condominium units in accordance with the procedures outlined in Div. 13B.8 (Division of Land) of Chapter 1A of this Code and in the Subdivision Map Act.
4. (a) General Rule. The provisions of this Article shall be applicable to a commercial / industrial, commercial / industrial to residential, residential, or residential to commercial / industrial conversion project as defined in Section 12.03 (Definitions) of the Municipal Code, except as follows.
(b) Stock Cooperative Conversions. The provisions of this Article shall not apply to any conversion for stock cooperative purposes which satisfies either of the following criteria: (1) the application for stock cooperative (DRE Form 658 or its equivalent) was filed with the California Department of Real Estate prior to July 1, 1979, or (2) a subdivision public report for stock cooperative was issued pursuant to Business and Professions Code Section 11018 prior to November 10, 1979.
(c) New Stock Cooperatives. The provisions of this Article shall not apply to any stock cooperative project, other than a commercial / industrial, commercial / industrial to residential, residential, or residential to commercial / industrial conversion project, where the application for stock cooperative (DRE Form 658 or its equivalent was filed with the California Department of Real Estate prior to March 21, 1980.
(d) Subdivision of Air Space. The provisions of this Article shall apply to a division of the space above or below a lot with a definite width, length, and upper and lower elevation occupied or to be occupied by a use, group of buildings or portions thereof, and accessory buildings or portions thereof, or accessory uses, (Air Space Lot, as defined in Section 12.03 (Definitions) of this Code).
B. Purpose. The purpose of this Article is to regulate and control the division of land, within the City of Los Angeles, to provide for the dedication of land, the payment of fees in lieu thereof, or a combination of both, for the acquisition and development of park and recreation sites and facilities to serve the future inhabitants of the subdivision, to supplement the provisions of the Subdivision Map Act concerning the design, improvement and survey data of subdivisions, the form and content of Tentative Maps and Final Maps. The establish procedure to be followed in securing the official approval of the City of Los Angeles on such maps must be done pursuant to Div. 13B.8 (Division of Land) of Chapter 1A
of this Code, in a manner that is consistent with the applicable general and specific plans as well as the public health, safety and welfare.
It is also the intention of this Article that the subdividing of land in the City of Los Angeles be done in accordance with the grading regulations of the City contained and set forth in Article 1 (Building Code) of Chapter 9 (Building Regulations) of this Code and to establish when possible beauty and attractiveness in the hills consistent with watershed drainage, erosion and fire control requirements, and good engineering practices.
C. Interpretation. This Article and Div. 13B.8 (Division of Land) of Chapter 1A
of this Code shall not be interpreted or construed to invalidate any previous act on the part of the City approving or authorizing private streets, or authorizing the issuance of building permits for structures on lots served by private streets.
For the purpose of this Article the following words and phrases are defined as follows; for any words or phrases not defined here, see Div. 13C.1. (Administration Definitions) of Chapter 1A of this Code:
Alley – A public way, other than a street or highway, providing a means of vehicular access to abutting property;
Average Natural Slope – The average of the ungraded slopes at selected contours within a given parcel of land divided by its area as computed from either the City’s Engineer’s topographic maps or a topographic map prepared by a California registered civil engineer or California licensed land surveyor. Regardless of which map is used, calculations cannot be derived or interpolated from a map that originally had contour intervals of greater than 25 feet for subdivisions or greater than five feet for parcel maps. Average natural slope shall be computed by the following formula:
S | = | C × L | × | 100 |
A |
Where: S = average natural slope in percent.
C = contour interval in feet, at no greater than 25-foot intervals for subdivisions or five-foot intervals for parcel maps, resulting in at least five contour lines.
L = total accumulated length of all contours of interval “C” in feet.
A = the area being considered in square feet.
Slopes may be computed only by the entire subdivision or parcel map area. The calculation “L” (contour lengths) and “A” (area in square feet) can be computed by 500-foot grid increments, as shown on the City Engineer’s topographic maps. The “L” for each grid increment must be added to the “L” for every other grid increment and the “A” for each grid increment must be added to the “A” for every other grid increment to determine the “L” and the “A” for the entire subdivision or parcel map, prior to calculating the average natural slope for that subdivision or parcel map. In any matter where the average natural slope is used to calculate density pursuant to Sections 17.05 (Design Standards) or 17.50 (Parcel Maps – General Provisions) of this Chapter, the subdivision file shall contain copies of all maps and all calculations so that the figures can be verified. All maps and all calculations are required to be submitted at the time of the filing of a subdivision application or the application is deemed incomplete.
Building Site – Any parcel of land which conforms to the definition of a lot as defined in this article.
City Engineer – The City Engineer.
Design – Design of a subdivision shall include:
(1) street alignments, grades and widths;
(2) drainage and sanitary facilities and utilities, including alignments and grades thereof;
(3) location and size of all required easements and rights-of-way;
(4) fire roads and firebreaks:
(5) lot and size configuration;
(6) traffic access;
(7) grading;
(8) land to be dedicated for park and recreation purposes, and
(9) such other specific requirements in the general plan and configuration of the entire subdivision as may be necessary or convenient to insure conformity to or implementation of the general plan or any adopted specific plan.
Drip Line – A line which may be drawn on the ground around a tree directly under its outermost branch tips and which identifies that location where rainwater tends to drip from the tree.
Engineer – The Registered Civil Engineer employed by the owner or by the subdivider to prepare the Subdivision Maps and improvement plans.
Fire Protection – Such fire hydrants and other protective devices as required by the Chief Engineer of the Fire Department.
Flood Hazard – A hazard to land or improvements due to overflow water having sufficient velocity to transport or deposit debris, scour the surface soil, dislodge or damage buildings, or erode the banks of water courses.
Freeway – A highway in respect to which the owners of abutting land have no right or easement of access to or from their abutting lands or in respect to which such owners have only limited or restricted right or easement of access, and which is declared to be such in compliance with the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California.
Frontage Road – A street lying adjacent and approximately parallel to and separated from a freeway, and which affords access to abutting property.
Future Street or Alley – Any real property which the owner thereof has offered for dedication to the City for street or alley purposes but which has been rejected by the City Council of the City of Los Angeles, subject to the right of said Council to rescind its action and accept by resolution at any later date and without further action by the owner, all or part of said property as public street or alley.
Highway, Major – Any street designated as a major highway on the Highways and Freeways maps of the Transportation Element of the General Plan.
Highway, Secondary – Any street designated as a secondary highway on the Highways and Freeways maps of the Transportation Element of the General Plan.
Hillside Grading Areas – Hillside Grading Areas as defined in Section 91.7003 (Grading, Excavations and Fills; Definitions) of this Code.
Improvement – Such street work and utilities to be installed, or agreed to be installed by the subdivider on the land to be used for public or private streets, highways, ways, and easements as are necessary for the general use of the lot owners in the subdivision and local neighborhood traffic and drainage needs and required as a condition precedent to the approval and acceptance of the Final Map or Parcel Map. Such street work and utilities include necessary monuments, street name signs, guardrails, barricades, safety devices, fire hydrants, grading, retaining walls, storm drains and flood control channels and facilities, erosion control structures, sanitary sewers, street lights, street trees, traffic warning devices other than traffic signals and relocation of existing traffic signal systems directly affected by other subdivision improvements and other facilities as are required by the Bureau of Street Lighting or Bureau of Street Maintenance in conformance with other applicable provisions of this Code, or as are determined necessary by the Advisory Agency for the necessary and proper development of the proposed subdivision and to insure conformity to or the implementation of the general plan or any adopted specific plan.
Inundation – Ponded water or water in motion of sufficient depth to damage property due to the presence of the water or to deposit of silt.
Lot – A parcel of land conforming to the definition of Lot contained in Section 12.03 (Definitions) of this Chapter, which is identified on a final Map or a Parcel Map recorded in the Office of the County Recorder with a separate and distinct letter or number.
Model Dwelling – A one-family residential unit having all the following characteristics:
(a) Said unit is constructed upon a proposed lot or in a proposed building previously designated as a model dwelling site by the Advisory Agency in a subdivision or a multiple unit development for which the Advisory Agency has approved or conditionally approved a tentative map, but for which a final map has not yet been recorded.
(b) The proposed lot upon which the unit is constructed is recognized as a legal building site for the duration of the model dwelling permit.
(c) No Certificate of Occupancy for such unit has been issued by the Superintendent of Building.
(d) Where applicable, temporary access thereto is permitted over future streets previously restricted to public access.
(e) Said unit is intended to be temporarily utilized as an example of the dwellings which have been built or which are proposed to be built in the same subdivision or multiple dwelling development.
Problem Areas – Those portions of the City of Los Angeles determined by resolution of the Board of Public Works to be actually or potentially dangerous by reason of geological conditions, being subject to inundation or overflow by storm water, or because of any other potentially dangerous condition, including but not limited to areas subject to rapid spread of fire.
Protected Tree – Any of the following Southern California native tree species, which measures four inches or more in cumulative diameter, four and one half feet above the ground level at the base of the tree:
(a) Oak tree including Valley Oak (Quercus lobata) and California Live Oak (Quercus agrifolia), or any other tree of the oak genus indigenous to California but excluding the Scrub Oak (Quercus dumosa).
(b) Southern California Black Walnut (Juglans californica var. californica).
(c) Western Sycamore (Platanus racemosa).
(d) California Bay (Umbellularia californica).
This definition shall not include any tree grown or held for sale by a licensed nursery, or trees planted or grown as a part of a tree planting program.
Public Way – Any street, channel, viaduct, subway, tunnel, bridge, easement, right of way or other way in which a public agency has a right of use.
Residential Planned Development – A group of residential buildings and appurtenant structures located and arranged in accordance with the requirements of the RPD residential planned development district Sec. 13.04 (“PRD” Residential Planned Development Districts) of this Chapter in which the property is located. A residential planned development may include schools. It may also include churches, hospitals, infirmaries, recreational and commercial uses, as an integral part of the development and intended for use by its occupants, to an extent commensurate with the planned population of the RPD district.
Roadway – That portion of a right of way for a street or alley used or intended to accommodate the movement of vehicles.
Service Road – That part of a major or secondary highway, containing a roadway which affords access to abutting property and is adjacent and approximately parallel to and separated from the principal roadway.
Slope – The plane or incline of land usually expressed as a percentage where % slope =
vertical distance | × | 100 |
horizontal distance |
Street, Collector – A street including the principal access streets of a subdivision which carries traffic from local streets either directly or via other existing or proposed collector streets to a major or secondary highway.
Street, Local – Any street other than a collector street, major or secondary highway, or freeway, providing access to abutting property and serving local as distinguished from through traffic.
Surveyor – A licensed land surveyor authorized to practice in California.
Tree Expert – A person with at least four years of experience in the business of transplanting, moving, caring for and maintaining trees and who is (a) a certified arborist with the International Society of Arboriculture and who holds a valid California license as an agricultural pest control advisor or (b) a landscape architect or (c) a registered consulting arborist with the American Society of Consulting Arborists.
Water Supply – Such water system supply and distribution facilities as are necessary to provide a reliable and adequate water supply for private use and public fire protection purposes.
Vehicular Access Rights – The right or easement for access of owners or occupants of abutting lands to a public way other than as pedestrians.