Use of Public Sewers Required
52.001 Depositing unsanitary matter
52.002 Discharging to natural outlets
52.003 Privies, privy vaults, septic tanks and cesspools
52.004 Toilet facilities
52.005 through 52.014 Reserved
Private Sewage Disposal
52.015 Private sewage disposal systems
52.016 through 52.029 Reserved
Building Sewers, Connections and Maintenance
52.030 Permit required
52.031 Certificate of competency
52.032 Filing; bond
52.033 Revocation
52.034 Junction piece to be placed by village
52.035 Connections
52.036 Notice
52.037 Master sewer builder; permit
52.038 Drainage work
52.039 Storm sewer system
52.040 Encountering water, gas or other pipes or drains; approval
52.041 Encountering gas or water mains or other pipes; protection
52.042 Steam traps or heating apparatus
52.043 Proper openings
52.044 Installation of drains
52.045 Building sewer pipe requirements
52.046 Dead ends
52.047 Receiving basins
52.048 Intercepting basins
52.049 Floor drains
52.050 Roof and area run-off
52.051 Subhouse drains
52.052 Soil or vent pipe
52.053 Motors, air compressors and air tanks
52.054 Automatic water ejectors
52.055 Metallic rain leaders and eave or cornice gutters
52.056 Downspout connection
52.057 Rain leaders along sidewalks or passageways
52.058 Conductor pipes
52.059 Subsoil drains
52.060 Catch basins
52.061 Disposal into sewer system
52.062 Building sewer permits
52.063 Costs and expenses
52.064 Separate building sewers
52.065 Use of old building sewers
52.066 Conformance to specifications of the American Society of Testing Materials
52.067 Building sewer elevation
52.068 Connections to building sewer connected to public sanitary sewer
52.069 Connection of building sewer to conform
52.070 Inspection
52.071 Excavations
52.072 Replacement of defective material
52.073 Installations and maintenance
52.074 Repairs
52.075 through 52.084 Reserved
Use of Public Sewers
52.085 Discharge of stormwater, surface water and the like
52.086 Discharge of prohibited items
52.087 Discharge of industrial users
52.088 Discharge of wastes that may harm the sewer system
52.089 Grease, oil and sand interceptors
52.090 Maintenance of flow-equalizing facilities
52.091 Control manholes
52.092 Industrial wastes
52.093 Measurements, tests and analyses
52.094 Special agreements
52.095 through 52.104 Reserved
Protection of Sewer System from Damage
52.105 Damage to sewer system
52.106 through 52.119 Reserved
Powers and Authority of Inspectors
52.120 Permission to enter properties
52.121 Observance of safety rules
52.122 Entrance; easements
52.123 through 52.134 Reserved
Extraneous Flows Into the Sanitary Sewer System Through Illegal Connections from Private Properties
52.135 Extraneous flows
52.999 Penalty