(A)   All buildings or parts of buildings unless exempted herein shall be kept provided with proper metallic rain leaders and eave or cornice gutters for conducting rain water from the roof in a manner as shall protect the walls and foundations of the building and adjacent structures from damage.
   (B)   The following structures are exempt from the requirements of this section, provided that the roofs are so arranged as to discharge on the premises of which they are a part draining equally from all sides of the roof, and in a manner that they do not cause any damage to the same adjoining property, or become a nuisance to the occupants of same:
      (1)   Sheds located on the rear of lots, not adjoining any building on the same lot and having a roof area not greater than 250 square feet;
      (2)   Porch, bay window or show window roofs or balconies not greater in area than 24 square feet; and
      (3)   Roofs of rear porches entirely within the lot line and not greater in area than 24 square feet.
   (C)   (1)   Every rain leader located without the walls of a building shall be substantially constructed of galvanized sheet iron, sheet copper or other suitable material, and shall be thoroughly supported in place. Rain leaders run within a building shall be considered a downspout and shall be constructed in accordance with the requirements of this chapter. Short connections to rain leader pipes passing through attic or other parts of buildings shall be considered a downspout and shall be constructed of lead pipe or extra heavy cast iron pipe or galvanized wrought-iron pipe with recessed fittings. No gutter or rain leader shall be of less size than the following.
Roofs Containing
Up to 100 sq. ft.
2 inch
4 inch
101 to 500 sq. ft.
3 inch
5 inch
501 to 1,500 sq. ft.
4 inch
6 inch
1,501 to 2,500 sq. ft.
5 inch
8 inch
2,501 to 4,500 sq. ft
6 inch
10 inch
      (2)   The foregoing sizes of rain leaders are based on diameter of circular rain leaders and gutters are based on semi-circular sheet metal gutters with top dimensions given. Rectangular leaders and gutters or those of other shapes shall have the same sectional area as the circular leaders and gutters given in the table. In all cases where gutters and rain leaders are provided and there is no public storm sewer available, the rain leader shall discharge in accordance with § 52.039.
(Ord. 703, passed 10-10-1983; Ord. 1365, passed 11-18-2024)