(A)   It is the purpose of this section that the entry of extraneous flows into the sanitary sewer system be prohibited and be discontinued, where the entry may be occurring accidentally or knowingly. EXTRANEOUS FLOWS are those flows, other than domestic sewage or industrial waste, consisting of ground waters, surface waters, stormwaters and other drainage or clear waters.
   (B)   (1)   It shall be unlawful to discharge or cause to be discharged, directly or indirectly, into the sanitary sewer system of the village, any ground waters, surface waters, stormwaters or any other extraneous flows.
      (2)   It shall be unlawful to make a connection or to maintain or operate a connection which serves any home, building or any other establishment premises or facilities, and which contributes, directly or indirectly, to the sanitary sewer system of the village, any ground waters, surface waters, stormwaters or any other extraneous flows.
   (C)   All drains or connections designed or intended to receive and discharge ground waters, surface waters, stormwaters and other drainage, shall be considered illegal connections if they discharge directly or indirectly into the sanitary sewer system. These illegal connections include, but are not limited to, roof drains, downspouts, areaway drains, drain tiles (and sump pumps used to collect and discharge same), yard drains, catch basins and inlets, and those connections shall not be allowed to discharge directly or indirectly into the sanitary sewers.
   (D)   The proper maintenance and operation of a building service sewer, house connection or sanitary sewer line to the point of connection to the municipal sanitary sewer system shall be the responsibility of the owner of the premises served by the sanitary sewer pipes. Maintenance means keeping the sanitary sewer connection, sewer lines or other sewer facilities or structures in satisfactory working condition and good state of repair (including, but not limited to, preventing any obstruction or extraneous materials or flows from entering the facilities, protecting the facilities from any damage and keeping same free from defects or malfunctions), and making necessary provisions and taking necessary precautions to assure that the sewer facilities are at all times capable of satisfactorily performing the services and adequately discharging the functions and producing the final results and purposes the facilities are intended to perform, discharge or produce.
   (E)   All downspouts or roof drains shall discharge in accordance with § 52.039. Sump pumps installed to receive and discharge ground waters or other stormwaters shall discharge in accordance with § 52.039. Sump pumps installed to receive and discharge floor drain flow, laundry tubs or other sanitary sewage shall be connected to the sanitary sewers. Yard, driveway and other outdoor area drains shall discharge in accordance with § 52.039. A sump pump shall be used for one function only, either the discharge of stormwaters, or the discharge of sanitary sewage.
   (F)   Subsequent to the adoption of this chapter, and within 60 days after notice to the property owner by the village of the presence of illegal connections, the property owner shall, at his or her expense, disconnect all illegal connections observed.
   (G)   In addition to visual inspections on the outside, the Village Manager is hereby authorized and directed to cause an inspection to be made of plumbing fixtures and facilities, downspouts, sump pumps, building drains, yard drains, driveway drains and to make other tests and inspections of the municipal sewer systems, including smoke tests, dye tests and TV monitor tests, as he or she deems necessary in order to locate illegal connections and sources of extraneous flows as may exist. The Village Manager is hereby directed to attempt to conduct inspections and testing with the consent of the property owners involved, but the Village Manager is hereby authorized and directed to seek judicial authorization for village employees to enter and conduct those inspections and tests if consent is denied, withheld or unobtainable after reasonable effort.
(Ord. 719, passed 9-9-1985; Ord. 1365, passed 11-18-2024)