§ 52.032 FILING; BOND.
   Every person desiring a permit to work on sewers shall file with the Building Commissioner a copy of his or her state certificate, accompanied by a bond with good and sufficient sureties, to be approved by the Village Board, in the penal sum of an amount as established in the annual fee ordinance conditioned that he, she or they will indemnify and save harmless the village from all accidents and damages caused by any negligence in either the execution or protection of his or her work, either by himself, herself or anyone acting under his or her direction, or for any unfaithful or inadequate work done under and by virtue of his or her permit; and that the permittee will conform to the ordinances of the village, and will pay the cost of restoring any street, alley, sidewalk or pavement disturbed by him or her, so as to leave same in as good state and condition as he or she found it. The Building Commissioner shall investigate the application and report on the responsibility and skill of the applicant. A master sewer builder who holds a state master plumber’s certificate may file a single bond in the penal sum of an amount as established in the annual fee ordinance to cover both classes of work and liability.
(Ord. 703, passed 10-10-1983)