No master sewer builder shall open any street pavement or sidewalk for the purpose of making a new connection to the sewer or for any other purpose, nor shall he or she tunnel under any part of the street pavement without a permit issued by the Building Commissioner, and no permit shall be issued except to bonded master sewer builders upon deposit by the applicant therefor of a sufficient sum to secure the cost of restoring the pavement or sidewalk, which deposit shall be not less than an amount as established in the annual fee ordinance and shall be returned to the person making it upon the restoration being approved by the Building Commissioner. All street openings and sidewalk tunnels shall be backfilled by the applicant with clean sand and thoroughly compacted, and all tunnels under street pavements shall be backfilled with a one to 12 mixture of cement and limestone screenings or a 1:4:8 concrete aggregate.
(Ord. 703, passed 10-10-1983)