Extension of the service connection from the stop cock box or valve at or near the curb into the premises to be supplied with water shall be at the expense of the customer and may be made by the Division of Water or by a licensed plumber. If extended by a plumber the pipe must be left uncovered in the trench until it has been tested and inspected by the Division. The water shall not be turned on until the pipe has been inspected and approved.
(Ord. No. 99566. Passed 5-22-33)
(a) No building permit under Section 3105.01 or water service connection permit shall be issued until the Division of Water has determined the location of any previously installed service connections and arrangements have been made with the Division of Water to plug or cap previously installed service connections under rules and regulations promulgated by the Commissioner. All necessary work involving plugging or capping previously installed service connections shall be done by the Division of Water, and the applicant shall pay the fees established in Section 535.06 of the Codified Ordinances for each connection to be plugged or capped.
(b) The City shall not be responsible for any damages resulting from previously installed service connections which have not been plugged or capped under this section.
(Ord. No. 778-06. Passed 6-5-06, eff. 6-9-06)
(a) Any existing connections to a premises for the general supply of water or for fire protection may be altered or the total number of connections to a premises increased upon application to the Commissioner of the Division of Water. Such alterations or increases in connections shall be made only when the Commissioner determines, based upon engineering analysis, that such alteration or additional connections are necessary to adequately provide service to the premises.
(b) Where a general or fire protection supply is being serviced by a four (4) inch or larger service connection and additional connections of the same size or larger size are installed, a control valve must be located between the two (2) connections. Such control valves shall be installed by the Division of Water at the expense of the applicant pursuant to rules and regulations promulgated by the Commissioner.
(Ord. No. 776-91. Passed 5-13-91, eff. 5-22-91)
The Division of Water shall determine the size of service connection that is to be granted for any purpose. No connection shall be inserted in any of the distributing mains within the metropolitan area above the size of one (1) inch diameter of opening unless by special consent of the Commissioner of Water, and such size shall in no case exceed eight (8) inches in diameter. Nor shall any two (2) ferrules or corporation cocks be inserted into any of the distributing mains within the distance of eighteen (18) inches from each other.
(Ord. No. 501-51. Passed 4-10-51)