Pipes used for hose service or sprinkler systems shall be furnished with gate and check valves at entrances to premises, and a test valve shall be placed between the gate valve and check valve, except that the check valve and test valve shall not be required at the premises if a back-flow prevention device of the type approved by the State of Ohio Environmental Protection Agency and the Commissioner of Water has been installed at the premises.
(Ord. No. 124-77. Passed 4-4-77, eff. 4-12-77)
All tanks or cisterns maintained for fire purposes shall be supplied by a pipe separate from the fire service pipe and connected directly with the main in the street or with the service pipe used for the general supply of the premises. If connected directly with the main in the street, such supply shall be metered at the expense of the premises or parties supplied. The use of bypasses for filling tanks, cisterns, etc., shall not be permitted.
(Ord. No. 99566. Passed 5-22-33)