§ 531.61 Permit for Special Use of Hydrants
   At the discretion of the Commissioner of Water, a special permit may be issued for the use of a fire hydrant for building or construction purposes upon payment of charges as fixed by the provisions of the Building Code, and subject to such conditions as the Commissioner imposes and stipulates in the special permit.
§ 531.62 Responsibility for Violations
   In all cases where any servant, employee, apprentice or minor is guilty of any violation of the provisions of this chapter, or any other ordinance for the management and protection of the City water system, the master, employer, parent or guardian of such person shall be held responsible for such violation, as well as the person committing the offense.
§ 531.63 Revocation of License
   In case any person violating any of the provisions of this chapter or any other ordinance for the management and protection of the City water system has a license as a sewer builder or plumber, or is an employee of such licensee, the license shall be revoked by the officer issuing such license. Such person or licensee, or both, shall, in addition thereto, be prosecuted and fined as provided in Section 531.99(b).
§ 531.64 Interfering with Fire System
   No person shall violate any of the provisions of this chapter or any other ordinance for the management and protection of the City water system, when such violation is designed or tends to interfere with, diminish or prevent the supply of water for extinguishing fires.
§ 531.65 Removing Covers, Valves, etc. from Cisterns or Hydrants
   No person, unless authorized by the Director of Public Utilities through the Commissioner of Water shall, except in time of fire, displace or remove the cover from any public cistern or fire hydrant or turn any public or private valve or stop cock, or remove the cover from any valve or stop cock.
§ 531.66 Waste in Reservoirs; Bathing; Walking or Riding on Turf
   No person shall put filth, animal matter, chips, shavings or any substance into any City reservoir, or bathe therein, or do any injury thereto, or walk or ride on the turf thereof.
§ 531.67 Fouling or Tampering with Hydrants and Waters Fixtures
   No person shall place or deposit any dirt or material in any fire hydrant or in any valve box or stop cock box, or commit any act tending to obstruct the use thereof, or injure in any manner any fixture connected with the City water system.
§ 531.68 Obstructing Use of Water System Apparatus
   No person shall commit any act tending to obstruct the use thereof in any manner, any building, machinery, pipe, apparatus or other fixture of the City water system.