In all cases where fire hydrants, meters, covers, vaults or other fixtures or property belonging to the Division of Water have been broken or injured in any way or manner, the person causing such break or injury shall pay to the Division the cost of making all necessary repairs of replacements.
(Ord. No. 99566. Passed 5-22-33)
Upon request of a customer or owner of premises, for the removal or change in location of a fire hydrant, meter vault or other fixture connected with the water supply system, such work shall be done by the Division of Water at the expense of the party making the request. The estimated cost of such work shall be paid in advance, subject to adjustment after the work is completed.
(Ord. No. 101523. Passed 5-28-34)
In the case of leaks or breaks in mains, services, pumping and auxiliary machinery, reservoirs or other Division of Water equipment, or other emergency arising, the water may be shut off by the Division without notice and without incurring any responsibility or liability for any inconvenience, damage or injury or other losses arising therefrom.
(Ord. No. 99566. Passed 5-22-33)
If any person refuses or neglects to pay for a service connection put in, or for repairs made on service pipes or private meters, or permits any waste or use of water contrary to the provisions of these rules or ordinances for the management and protection of the Division of Water, the water shall be immediately turned off without any preliminary notice, and not turned on again until all charges and damages have been paid. In case the water has been turned off on account of waste or unauthorized use of the same, the Commissioner of Water may charge and collect the further sum contained in Section 535.06 of the Codified Ordinances for turning it off and on.
(Ord. No. 778-06. Passed 6-5-06, eff. 6-9-06)
In cases where the water has been turned off for nonpayment of water rent or for any other cause, and it is found turned on again, or when in the opinion of the Commissioner of Water the turning off of the water at the stop cock is not a sufficient protection against the use or waste of water, the Commissioner may cause the ferrule to be drawn or the corporation cock to be turned off and disconnected. On a re-application for water where the service pipe has been so disconnected, the charges set forth in Section 535.06 of the Codified Ordinances will be made together with all additional expense for opening and closing the street and repaving.
(Ord. No. 778-06. Passed 6-5-06, eff. 6-9-06)
The right is further reserved to the Director of Public Utilities to make such further rules and regulations not in conflict with those herein established as he or she may deem necessary for the safe, economical and efficient management and protection of the water works.
(Ord. No. 99566. Passed 5-22-33)