No person shall violate any of the provisions of this chapter or any other ordinance for the management and protection of the City water system, when such violation is designed or tends to interfere with, diminish or prevent the supply of water for extinguishing fires.
No person, unless authorized by the Director of Public Utilities through the Commissioner of Water shall, except in time of fire, displace or remove the cover from any public cistern or fire hydrant or turn any public or private valve or stop cock, or remove the cover from any valve or stop cock.
No person shall place or deposit any dirt or material in any fire hydrant or in any valve box or stop cock box, or commit any act tending to obstruct the use thereof, or injure in any manner any fixture connected with the City water system.
No person unless authorized by the Commissioner of Water shall, except in time of fire, displace or remove the cover from any public cistern or fire hydrant, or turn any public or private valve or stop cock, or remove the cover from any valve or stop cock.
(Ord. No. 99566. Passed 5-22-33)