The copper service pipe shall be made at least one and one-half (1-1/2) feet longer than the length required to connect the tap in the main and the stop cock at the curb. The pipe shall be laid in the trench so that the stop cock shall be at least one (1) foot back of the curb line. The extra length shall be at the main.
(Ord. No. 1195-16. Passed 10-31-16, eff. 11-2-16)
Service pipe between the main and the street line shall be laid not less than six (6) feet below the established grade of the street, and between the street line and the building, shall not be less than five and one-half (5-1/2) feet below the surface of the ground.
(Ord. No. 99566. Passed 5-22-33)
Service pipes between the main and the meter shall not be laid in a sewer trench except in rock excavation, in which case the service pipe may be put in on a shelf not less than eight (8) inches wide, cut in on the side of the trench. In all other cases there shall be not less than five (5) feet between centers of sewer pipe and water service pipe.
(Ord. No. 99566. Passed 5-22-33)
Backfilling of earth into any water service trench in any street or other public way or place shall not be commenced until the pipe has been inspected and approved by the Commissioner of Water, or his or her authorized agent. Backfilling over the service pipe with cinders, slag or rubbish shall not be permitted.
(Ord. No. 99566. Passed 5-22-33)
Every service connection from five-eighths (5/8) inch to one (1) inch inclusive, shall be provided with a stop cock. Every service connection over one (1) inch shall be provided with a square head valve. Each stop cock shall be placed within an iron box extending from the same to the surface of the sidewalk or lawn. The word “water” in raised letters shall be cast on the top of the stop cock box and the box shall be placed in the sidewalk or lawn within one (1) foot of the line of the curb stone, so that the word “water” can be read from the sidewalk. Square head valves on the larger connections may be placed in roadways and provided with adjustable valve boxes at the option of the Commissioner of Water. All stop cocks shall be of the pattern known as the round waterway and all valves shall be straightway valves. All connections up to and including one (1) inch shall be provided with corporation cocks, and all corporation cocks, stop cocks and valves and all boxes for the same and the pipe from the water main to one (1) foot back of the curb line shall be furnished by the Division of Water. Stop cock boxes must be set truly vertical and the plug in top of the box must be screwed in tightly by the person setting the box. In backfilling around the boxes the earth must be thoroughly tamped.
(Ord. No. 99566. Passed 5-22-33)
Where a service pipe is permitted to be connected with a main in one (1) street to be used to supply premises on another street having no main, the person making the application shall deposit in advance with the Commissioner of Water, an estimated amount to cover the cost of the service connection from the main pipe to approximately one (1) foot back of the curb line and the building of a brick vault for a meter between the curb and property line. This estimated amount is also to cover the cost of installing a new permanent service connection in front of the premises supplied after a main is laid in the street, and the plugging at the main of the temporary connection.
(Ord. No. 99566. Passed 5-22-33)
In cases where any stop cock or valve has to be placed deeper than six (6) feet, an extension coming up to the ordinary depth of the cock or valve must be put in. The top of this extension shall be formed like the top of the stop cock or valve, and the rod of such extension shall work in a guide immediately below its top or handle.
(Ord. No. 99566. Passed 5-22-33)
In cases where stop cock boxes or meter covers are set into the flagging or pavement of the sidewalk, the stones shall be neatly and accurately cut, and the top of the boxes set even with the surface of the pavement or flagging. In all cases they shall be set flush with the surface of the sidewalk or lawn. If from any cause the stop cock box or other fixture is above or below the surface of the sidewalk or lawn, it must be brought to the surface of the same at the expense of the customer.
(Ord. No. 99566. Passed 5-22-33)
Every service pipe must be provided with a compression stop and waste cock or valve at the entrance of the pipe into any cellar, basement or building and also with a compression stop and waste cock or valve for each separate tenement or place supplied with water; all shall be easily accessible and so situated that the water can be conveniently shut off and drained from the pipes. Every service pipe shall also be provided with a nipple two (2) feet in length and with a union attached, immediately back of the main stop and waste cock in the basement to provide a suitable space for a meter which is to be set on the service pipe and so arranged that the meter will be above the floor line of the basement.
(Ord. No. 99566. Passed 5-22-33)