No plumber shall make any attachments, additions to or alterations in any service pipe cock or other fixture connected with the service water pipes, unless he or she first procures a permit from the Commissioner of Water for such work, and makes a written return of the same as prescribed in these rules and regulations.
Before permits for extending connections are issued, the plumber must present a permit from the Director of Public Service authorizing him or her to open the street, lane or alley in which connection is to be made. No licensed plumber will be granted a permit for work to be done by a person not in the employ of such plumber.
Not later than the fifth of each month, all licensed plumbers shall make a true return in writing on blanks furnished at the office of the Division of Water, of all work, authorized by permit of the Commissioner of Water, completed during the previous calendar month, or if no such work has been completed, the return shall be made bearing a statement to that effect.
In cases where stop cock boxes and street washers are set into the flagging or pavement of the sidewalk, the stones shall be neatly and accurately cut, and the top of the boxes set even with the surface of the pavement or flagging. In all other cases they shall be set flush with the surface of the sidewalk or lawn. If from any cause the stop cock box or other fixture is above or below the surface of the sidewalk or lawn, it must be brought to the surface of the same.
The service pipe between the main and the stop cock at the curb, including stop cock and box, shall be kept in repair and protected from the frost by the Commissioner of Water, except that in case any service pipe, corporation cock, stop cock, valve or box is damaged, broken, removed or covered with pavement, flagging, cement sidewalk or any other way, by or on account of the neglect or carelessness of any plumber, sewer builder, contractor or any other person, occupant or owner of premises, all necessary repairs shall be made by the Commissioner at the expense of the party who caused the same. The service pipe from the stop cock at the curb into the building, and all fixtures connected therewith, must be kept in good repair and protected from frost by and at the expense of the occupant or owner of the premises.