533.01   General Provisions
533.02   One Meter Allowed per Service Connection
533.03   Meters for Lawn Sprinklers and Emergency Supplies; Costs
533.04   Conditions when Fire Service Connections Shall be Metered
533.05   Conditions when Customer Furnishes Meter
533.06   Meters for Building Purposes
533.07   Private Meter Setting to be Paid in Advance
533.08   Meter Space to be Unobstructed
533.09   Customers to Protect Meters; Liability
533.10   Lost or Stolen Meters
533.11   Meter Testing Required
533.12   Tests of Private Meters
533.13   Meter Inspection; Fee
533.14   Repairs to Private Meters; Costs
533.15   Tampering with Meters; Fee
533.16   Charges for Reading Registering Meters
533.17   Metering Service to Elevators or Large Motors
533.18   Meter Inspection Within City; Fee – Repealed
533.19   Charges for Installation of Meters
   Note: The legislative history of this chapter, except where specifically noted at the end of a section, is as follows: Ordinance No. 63410-A, passed September 22, 1924.
   Tampering with water hydrants, pipes or meters, CO 531.67
   Water connections: regulations and specifications, CO Ch. 531
Statutory reference:
   Power to regulate and provide water system, RC 715.08, 717.01, 743.01
   Tampering with water hydrants, pipes or meters, RC 4933.22
§ 533.01 General Provisions
   (a)   All Connections.
      (1)   All water service connections and service pipes from water distribution mains supplied with water by the City shall be metered by a water meter, except connections for construction purposes or fire protection.
      (2)   Metering devices shall be supplied by the Division of Water, and shall remain the property of the City.
      (3)   Charges for metering devices and their installation and/or replacement shall be under Section 535.06 of the Codified Ordinances.
      (4)   Charges for metering devices supplied by the City and for their installation by the City shall be borne by the owner of or the person applying for water service to the premises.
      (5)   Excepting private re-registering and sewer-exempt meters, the following apply:
         A.   Metering devices shall be replaced and/or repaired by and at the expense of the Division; and
         B.   At the Director's discretion, ancillary plumbing repair, for the service pipe or connected fixtures in the building, necessary for the replacement or installation of a meter or for the purpose of a Division-sponsored system improvement, may be performed by and at the expense of the Division pursuant to the rules and regulations by the Director.
   (b)   New Connections.
      (1)   All new service connections and service pipes from all water distribution mains supplied with water by the City shall be metered by a water meter pursuant to the rules and regulations of the Division of Water.
      (2)   When vaults are required, they shall be furnished by the owner or customer and approved by the Commissioner. Vaults shall be installed by the owner or customer in strict conformity with the rules and regulations of the Department of Public Utilities.
      (3)   Once access to domestic water is established, but prior to a meter being installed, water consumption shall be estimated and billed at the amounts shown in the table below, at the applicable service district rates where the premise is located.
Connection (Size)
Daily MCF to be Billed
Connection (Size)
Daily MCF to be Billed
5/8 in.
3/4 in.
1 in.
1-1/2 in.
2 in.
3 in.
4 in.
6 in.
8 in.
10 in.
12 in.
   (c)   Existing Connections.
      (1)   Meters on existing service connections and service pipes shall be replaced on request of the owner or when deemed necessary by the Commissioner, subject to approval by the Director, to prevent waste or to protect the integrity of the water system or to continue the policy of metering all consumers, pursuant to rules and regulations by the Commissioner, subject to approval by the Director.
      (2)   Replacement, repair and maintenance of metering devices shall be performed only by authorized employees of the Division or by other authorized representatives of the Division.
      (3)   Charges for installation and/or replacement of metering devices may be prorated on the water bill for a period of not more than four (4) years or may be paid in a lump sum.
   (d)   Rules and Regulations. The Director shall make and amend written rules and regulations necessary to effectuate the provisions of this chapter. The rules and regulations shall not conflict with nor waive any provisions of these Codified Ordinances.
(Ord. No. 563-13. Passed 5-13-13, eff. 5-16-13)
§ 533.02 One Meter Allowed per Service Connection
   One (1) meter only shall be set on one (1) service connection, except re-registering meters which shall be set by the Division of Water at the expense of the customer.
(Ord. No. 99566. Passed 5-22-33)