§ 531.09 Size of Service Connections
   The Division of Water shall determine the size of service connection that is to be granted for any purpose. No connection shall be inserted in any of the distributing mains within the metropolitan area above the size of one (1) inch diameter of opening unless by special consent of the Commissioner of Water, and such size shall in no case exceed eight (8) inches in diameter. Nor shall any two (2) ferrules or corporation cocks be inserted into any of the distributing mains within the distance of eighteen (18) inches from each other.
(Ord. No. 501-51. Passed 4-10-51)
§ 531.10 Tapping Mains with 16-inch Inside Diameter
   Mains with an inside diameter of more than sixteen (16) inches shall not be tapped for any purpose except to make connections with other mains.
(Ord. No. 99566. Passed 5-22-33)
§ 531.11 Material for Service Pipes
   (a)   All service pipe one (1) inch or less in nominal diameter that is to be installed between the main and the stop cock or valve at the curb shall be of copper material. All service pipe greater than one (1) inch and less than three (3) inches in nominal diameter shall be of extra heavy copper, extra heavy brass or extra heavy galvanized wrought iron or steel material. All service pipes greater than three (3) inches in nominal diameter shall be of cast iron or extra heavy galvanized wrought iron or steel material.
   (b)   All pipe that is to be installed between the stop cock or valve at the curb and the building, whether the meter is outside or inside of the building, shall be of copper or brass material where the pipe is one (1) inch or less in nominal diameter. Where the pipe is greater than one (1) inch and less than three (3) inches in nominal diameter, it shall be of extra heavy brass, extra heavy copper or extra heavy galvanized wrought iron or steel material. Where the pipe is greater than three (3) inches in nominal diameter, it shall be of cast iron or extra heavy galvanized wrought iron or steel material.
   (c)   Any pipe made of any other material than herein specified shall not be used without special permission, in writing, for each proposed installation.
(Ord. No. 1195-16. Passed 10-31-16, eff. 11-2-16)
§ 531.12 Standard Weight of Lead Pipe – Repealed
(Ord. No. 1195-16. Passed 10-31-16, eff. 11-2-16)
§ 531.13 Standard Dimensions and Weight of Copper Pipe
   Weights of copper pipes or tubes shall be not less than the following:
3/4 in. bore
thickness .065 inch, weight per foot 0.640 lb.
1 in. bore
thickness .065 inch, weight per foot 0.838 lb.
(Ord. No. 99566. Passed 5-22-33)
§ 531.14 Length of Copper Pipe
   The copper service pipe shall be made at least one and one-half (1-1/2) feet longer than the length required to connect the tap in the main and the stop cock at the curb. The pipe shall be laid in the trench so that the stop cock shall be at least one (1) foot back of the curb line. The extra length shall be at the main.
(Ord. No. 1195-16. Passed 10-31-16, eff. 11-2-16)
§ 531.15 Depth of Service Pipe
   Service pipe between the main and the street line shall be laid not less than six (6) feet below the established grade of the street, and between the street line and the building, shall not be less than five and one-half (5-1/2) feet below the surface of the ground.
(Ord. No. 99566. Passed 5-22-33)
§ 531.16 Service Pipe Not to be Laid in Sewer Trench
   Service pipes between the main and the meter shall not be laid in a sewer trench except in rock excavation, in which case the service pipe may be put in on a shelf not less than eight (8) inches wide, cut in on the side of the trench. In all other cases there shall be not less than five (5) feet between centers of sewer pipe and water service pipe.
(Ord. No. 99566. Passed 5-22-33)