(a) If, in the judgment of the Commissioner of Water, an approved backflow prevention device is necessary for the safety of the public water system, the Commissioner will give notice to the water consumer to install such an approved device immediately. The water consumer shall, at his or her own expense, install such an approved device at a location and in a manner approved by the Commissioner and shall have inspections and tests made of such approved devices as required by the Commissioner.
(b) No person, firm or corporation shall establish or permit to be established or maintain or permit to be maintained any connection whereby a private, auxiliary or emergency water supply other than the regular public water supply of the City of Cleveland may enter the supply or distributing system of said Municipality, unless such private, auxiliary or emergency water supply and the method of connection and use of such supply shall have been approved by the Commissioner of Water of the City of Cleveland and by the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency.
(c) It shall be the duty of the Commissioner to cause surveys and investigations to be made of industrial and other properties served by the public water supply where actual or potential hazards to the public water supply may exist. Such surveys and investigations shall be made a matter of public record and shall be repeated as often as the Commissioner shall deem necessary.
(d) The Commissioner or his or her duly authorized representative shall have the right, after obtaining all necessary warrants, to enter at any reasonable time any property served by a connection to the public water supply or distributing system of the City of Cleveland for the purpose of inspecting the piping system or systems thereof. On demand, the owner, lessees or occupants of any property so served shall furnish to the Commissioner any information which he or she may request regarding the piping system or systems or water use on such property. The refusal of such information, when demanded, shall, within the discretion of the Commissioner, be deemed evidence of the presence of improper connections as provided for in this ordinance.
(e) The Commissioner is hereby authorized and directed to discontinue, after reasonable notice to the occupant thereof, the water service to any property wherein any connection in violation of the provisions of this ordinance is known to exist, and to take such other precautionary measures as he or she may deem necessary to eliminate any danger of contamination of the public water supply distribution mains. Water service to such property shall not be restored until such conditions shall have been eliminated or corrected in compliance with the provisions of this ordinance and until the occupant has received written approval from the Commissioner indicating that a proper prevention control device has been installed in accordance with this ordinance and all rules and regulations pertaining to same.
(f) The Director of Public Utilities is hereby authorized to promulgate all necessary rules and regulations as to the installation and maintenance of backflow prevention control devices. Said regulations shall at all times be on file in the offices of the Division of Water of the City of Cleveland and shall be available for inspection during regular business hours. All backflow prevention control devices required by this ordinance shall be installed in accordance with said regulations.
(Ord. No. 1069-80. Passed 11-10-80, eff. 11-14-80)
(a) No person shall be deemed qualified to inspect and maintain backflow prevention devices unless his or her qualifications have been established to the satisfaction of the Commissioner of Water as hereinafter required. To determine the qualifications of any person to inspect and maintain backflow prevention devices, the Commissioner shall have the authority to conduct examinations to determine the qualifications. Upon successful completion of such examination and such training as the Commissioner shall prescribe, the person so examined shall receive from the Division of Water a Certificate of Competence. Any limitations or conditions imposed by the Division on the examinee in the inspection and maintenance of backflow prevention devices shall be stated upon the fact of the certificate issued to the examinee. The Division shall make available to owners of properties on which backflow prevention devices are maintained, a list of persons qualified to inspect and maintain devices. Every person, after receiving a Certificate from the Division shall be issued such identification as the Division deems appropriate. Such identification shall be kept in the immediate possession of every person holding a Certificate while the person is inspecting or maintaining any backflow prevention device.
(b) Every person desiring to qualify to inspect or maintain backflow prevention devices shall make application to the Division. At the time of making application every such person shall pay a fee as set by the Commissioner and subject to the approval of the Board of Control and Council. The fee shall not be refundable, and shall cover the expense of the Division in processing the applications, Certificates and any documents of identification required by the Division.
(c) Every person holding a Certificate issued by the Division under the provisions of this section shall be required to renew the Certificate every three (3) years.
(d) Every person receiving a Certificate under the provisions of this section shall be responsible for the competency and accuracy of all inspections and maintenance performed on any backflow prevention device by any person under his or her authority and control.
(e) Any person issued a Certificate who violates or fails to comply with any of the provisions of this section or willingly falsifies inspection or maintenance reports shall have the Certificate immediately revoked, and shall not be considered for recertification for a period of two (2) years.
(f) The Division may, at the request of the user and the discretion of the Commissioner, make such tests or perform such installments and maintenance as may be necessary for which the user shall pay the City the actual cost thereof, plus administrative and overhead expenses.
(g) The Commissioner may promulgate rules necessary to effectuate the provisions of this section. However, such rules shall not conflict with nor waive any provisions of these Codified Ordinances or the laws of the State. Such rules shall become effective ten (10) days after publication in the City Record unless disapproved by ordinance of Council.
(Ord. No. 2246-74. Passed 5-5-75, eff. 5-12-75)
(a) Two (2) or more service pipes, intended for the supply of one (1) premises, shall not be connected together except by special permission of the Commissioner of Water. Before such permission is granted, plans in duplicate showing how the proposed connection is to be made must be submitted to and be approved by the Commissioner. One (1) set of plans shall be kept on file in the office of the Division of Water.
(b) If the connecting pipes are outside of the building they shall be of either copper or brass for sizes five-eighths (5/8) inch to one (1) inch; of extra heavy brass or extra heavy galvanized wrought iron for one and one-half (1-1/2) inch and two (2) inch pipe and of cast iron or extra heavy galvanized wrought iron for all pipe over two (2) inches in diameter. On all sizes of pipe one and three-fourths (1-3/4) inches and over a suitable check valve must be placed in each service pipe as close as possible to the main valve. Such check valve, if placed underground, must be located in a vault or pit easily accessible through a manhole.
(Ord. No. 1195-16. Passed 10-31-16, eff. 11-2-16)
(a) Every person desiring a supply of water for a fire service connection with any main in the metropolitan area, must make application for the same in writing, upon blanks on file in the office of the Division of Water. Such applicant must also furnish either directly or through the local fire underwriters’ inspection office, plans of the piping and appliances to be used in connection therewith to be filed at the office of the Division. Such plans shall be made to a scale, and shall include the following:
The size and location of all pipes, branches, risers, by-passes, valves, check valves and all other appurtenances. The size and location of all cisterns, tanks, pumps and all regulating and operating devices in connection therewith, and the number, size and location of hydrants, hose connections and other appliances shall also be included.
(b) The application shall give a description of the proposed method of operation, that is, whether a wet or dry system, or both, or whether the City pressure is to be maintained in the pipe system at all times, or whether a pressure greater than City pressure is maintained by pumps, and any other pertinent information necessary and required by the Commissioner of Water for a complete description.
(c) No changes, alterations or extensions of any fire pipe system shall be made without first making application for the same in the same manner and under the same conditions as for a new connection.
(Ord. No. 99566. Passed 5-22-33)
Plans of and information pertaining to fire pipes now in use so far as required by the Commissioner of Water, shall be furnished as required with an application for a new fire service supply, within sixty (60) days after receipt of a written notice from the Commissioner.
(Ord. No. 99566. Passed 5-22-33)
If at any time a fire service or supply system is found to be contrary to or in violation of any of the City ordinances or rules of the Division of Water, all changes necessary to make the system comply therewith must be made within sixty (60) days after receipt of written notice from the Commissioner of Water.
(Ord. No. 99566. Passed 5-22-33)
No fire protection connection shall be inserted in any of the distribution mains within the metropolitan area below the size of two (2) inches. Such size in no case shall exceed twelve (12) inches in diameter.
(Ord. No. 1593-87. Passed 9-14-87, eff. 9-18-87)