§ 531.40 Fire Service Pipes to be Accessible for Inspection
   (a)   Fire services pipes, valves and equipment shall be so installed as to be accessible for purposes of inspection at all times.
   (b)   Fire service pipes shall not be supplied with water until they and their fixtures have been duly inspected by the Commissioner of Water or his or her authorized agent.
(Ord. No. 99566. Passed 5-22-33)
§ 531.41 Use of Fire Service Water
   Water shall not be used from any fire pipe, nor seals broken or removed except in case of fire or for purposes of testing the system and apparatus. In all cases where seals are broken or removed, written notice of the same must be given to the Commissioner of Water within twenty-four (24) hours after its occurrence.
(Ord. No. 99566. Passed 5-22-33)
§ 531.42 Use of System by Division of Fire
   In case of fire, the Division of Fire shall have the right to use any public or private hydrant, cistern, hose, pipe or other fixtures supplied wholly or in part from any pipe used for fire protection.
(Ord. No. 99566. Passed 5-22-33)
§ 531.43 Permit for Extension of Fire Service Connections
   (a)   Permits to extend any service connection within the metropolitan area, or put in any water pipe or fixtures, or make any other attachments or additions to the service pipes supplied with water by the Division of Water, or repairs in any tap, service pipe, stop cock or other fixture, shall be granted to licensed plumbers only, except that in manufacturing plants employing their own machinists or pipe fitters, special permits may be granted at the option of the Commissioner of Water for the work to be done on the premises only, and provided that such work shall not be done for other parties.
   (b)   At the option of the Commissioner, such permission may also be granted to fire sprinkler companies.
(Ord. No. 99566. Passed 5-22-33)
§ 531.44 Plumber to Turn Water Off after Construction
   No plumber after making any connection with the service pipe for the supply of any premises or after making repairs to any service pipe that has been turned off by the Division of Water, shall leave the stop cock or valve at the curb open in order to supply such premises with water without first obtaining permission from the Commissioner of Water.
(Ord. No. 99566. Passed 5-22-33)
§ 531.45 Approval of Permit for Building Demolition
   Before a permit for tearing down or removing a building from any premises within the metropolitan area shall be given by the Commissioner of Building, or officer in charge of such permits in the various municipalities or other political subdivisions of the metropolitan area, the application for such permit must have the approval of the Commissioner of Water.
(Ord. No. 99566. Passed 5-22-33)
§ 531.46 Permit and Written Return for Plumbing Work
   No plumber shall make any attachments, additions to or alterations in any service pipe cock or other fixture connected with the service water pipes, unless he or she first procures a permit from the Commissioner of Water for such work, and makes a written return of the same as prescribed in these rules and regulations.
§ 531.47 Permit to Open Street, Lane or Alley
   Before permits for extending connections are issued, the plumber must present a permit from the Director of Public Service authorizing him or her to open the street, lane or alley in which connection is to be made. No licensed plumber will be granted a permit for work to be done by a person not in the employ of such plumber.
§ 531.48 Permission to Let Water on Premises
   No plumber after making any connection with the service pipes, or after making repairs or putting in any new attachment, shall leave the stop cock open, or let the water on the premises without permission from the Director of Public Utilities.
§ 531.49 Monthly Return
   Not later than the fifth of each month, all licensed plumbers shall make a true return in writing on blanks furnished at the office of the Division of Water, of all work, authorized by permit of the Commissioner of Water, completed during the previous calendar month, or if no such work has been completed, the return shall be made bearing a statement to that effect.