Article 1: Title, Purpose, Scope, and Adoption of Plan
   9-5.101   Title
   9-5.102   Components
   9-5.103   Purpose
Article 2: Definitions
   9-5.201   Purpose
   9-5.202   Rules for construction
   9-5.203   Definitions
Article 3: Establishment of Districts
   9-5.301   Districts established and defined
Article 4: [Reserved]
Article 5: Sign Regulations
   9-5.501   Sign code
   9-5.502   Purpose
   9-5.503   Relation to other parts of code
   9-5.504   Permits
   9-5.505   Sign types and definitions
   9-5.506   Nonconforming signs
   9-5.507   Noncurrent, abandoned, or unsafe signs
   9-5.508   General regulations
   9-5.509   Residential districts
   9-5.510   Professional office district (C-O)
   9-5.511   Convenience commercial (C-1)
   9-5.512   Neighborhood/community commercial
   9-5.513   Service commercial (C-3) and regional commercial (C-4) districts
   9-5.514   Industrial districts (M-1 and M-2)
   9-5.515   Advertising signs
   9-5.516   Service stations
   9-5.517   Historical signs
   9-5.518   Temporary signs
   9-5.519   Tabacco related signs
Article 6: Height and Area Regulations and Table
   9-5.601   Height and area regulations
   9-5.602   Legally established yard setbacks
   9-5.603   Accessory buildings
Article 7: Multi-Family Residential Objective Design Standards
   9-5.701   Purpose and applicability
   9-5.702   Procedures
Article 8: Projections Into Yards
   9-5.801   Projections into yards
Article 9: Special Use Regulations
   9-5.901   Home occupation use permits
   9-5.902   Prohibited activities; residential districts
   9-5.903   Conversion of residential properties
   9-5.904   Low barrier navigation center
Article 10: Landscaping and Irrigation
   9-5.1001   General requirements
   9-5.1002   Required landscape plans
   9-5.1003   General design standards
   9-5.1004   Specific design standards
   9-5.1005   Provisions in covenants, conditions and restrictions (CC&R’s)
   9-5.1006   Adoption of the Model Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance
Article 11: Site Obstructions at Intersections
   9-5.1101   Site obstructions at intersections
Article 12: Tree Preservation and Regulation
   9-5.1201   Purpose and intent
   9-5.1202   Approval required to remove trees
   9-5.1203   Tree removal permit applications; developed property
   9-5.1204   Restrictions on removal of established trees from undeveloped property
   9-5.1205   Established tree preservation and/or removal in conjunction with property development
   9-5.1206   Bonds and penalties
   9-5.1207   Tree planting restrictions
   9-5.1208   Definition of restricted trees
   9-5.1209   Regulations of planting restricted trees
   9-5.1210   Regulations on tree locations
   9-5.1211   Declaration of public nuisance
   9-5.1212   Required abatement of public nuisance
Article 13: Screening of Mechanical Equipment/Outdoor Storage
   9-5.1301   Screening of mechanical equipment/outdoor storage
Article 14: Refuse Storage Area Design Guidelines
   9-5.1401   Refuse storage area design guidelines
Article 15: Underground Utilities
   9-5.1501   Underground utilities
Article 16: Fences, Walls, Hedges and Screen Plantings
   9-5.1601   General requirements
   9-5.1602   Height restrictions
   9-5.1603   Setbacks; streetside and sideyard fences
Article 17: Parking Requirements
   9-5.1701   Purpose
   9-5.1702   Basic requirements
   9-5.1703   [Reserved]
   9-5.1703.1   Off-street parking requirements by use
   9-5.1704   Parking reductions
   9-5.1705   Off-site parking facilities
   9-5.1705.1   Tandem parking
   9-5.1706   Parking spaces for the handicapped
   9-5.1707   Bicycle parking
   9-5.1708   Shopping cart storage
   9-5.1709   Parking space dimensions
   9-5.1710   Loading space dimensions
   9-5.1711   Application of dimensional requirements
   9-5.1712   Parking access from street
   9-5.1713   Driveway widths and clearances
   9-5.1714   Parking area screening
   9-5.1715   Lighting
   9-5.1716   Parking lot landscaping; design standards
   9-5.1717   Garage and carport design
   9-5.1718   Recreational vehicle access
   9-5.1719   Additional design standards
   9-5.1720   Location and design of loading spaces
Article 18: Building Moving
   9-5.1801   Planning Commission approval
   9-5.1802   Action by the Planning Commission
   9-5.1803   Approval findings
   9-5.1804   Denial
   9-5.1805   Action following Planning Commission action
Article 19: Noise Attenuation Requirements
   9-5.1901   Noise attenuation requirements
Article 20: Swimming Pools and Hot Tubs
   9-5.2001   Swimming pools and hot tubs
Article 21: Fire Retardant Roofing Materials
   9-5.2101   Purpose
   9-5.2102   Applicability
   9-5.2103   Criteria and standards
Article 22: Home Size Modifications
   9-5.2201   Purpose
   9-5.2202   Process
   9-5.2203   Review
   9-5.2204   Issues to be addressed
Article 23: Planned Development District
   9-5.2301   Purpose
   9-5.2302   General provisions
   9-5.2303   Relationship to land subdivision
   9-5.2304   Uses permitted
   9-5.2305   Relationship to existing plans
   9-5.2306   Submittal requirements
   9-5.2307   Establishment and development
   9-5.2308   Findings required
   9-5.2309   Lapse of approval
   9-5.2310   Extension and renewal
   9-5.2311   Changed plans and new applications
   9-5.2312   P-D Districts approved prior to adoption
Article 24: Hillside Planned Development District
   9-5.2401   Purpose
   9-5.2402   General provisions
   9-5.2403   Relationship to land subdivision
   9-5.2404   Uses permitted
   9-5.2405   Relationship to existing plans
   9-5.2406   Establishment and development
   9-5.2407   Development standards and criteria
   9-5.2408   Grading
   9-5.2409   Lapse of approval
   9-5.2410   Extension and renewal
   9-5.2411   Changed plans and new applications
   9-5.2412   HPD Districts approved prior to adoption
Article 25: Planning Commission and Zoning Administrator
   9-5.2501   Purpose
   9-5.2502   Created
   9-5.2503   Membership qualifications
   9-5.2504   Terms of office
   9-5.2505   Vacancies
   9-5.2506   Chairman and Vice-Chairman
   9-5.2507   Rules of procedure; quorum and 60-day deadline
   9-5.2508   Duties and responsibilities
   9-5.2509   Appeals
Article 26: Design Review Duties and Responsibilities
   9-5.2601   Purpose
   9-5.2602   Created
   9-5.2603   [Reserved]
   9-5.2604   [Reserved]
   9-5.2605   [Reserved]
   9-5.2606   [Reserved]
   9-5.2607   Site plan and design review required
   9-5.2608   Minor design review
   9-5.2609   Design guidelines and objective design standards
   9-5.2610   Applications
   9-5.2611   Appeals
Article 27: Design Review, Use Permits, Administrative Use Permits and Variances
   9-5.2701   Purpose
   9-5.2702   Notice and public hearing
   9-5.2703   Required findings
   9-5.2703.1   Administrative variance
   9-5.2704   Conditions of approval
   9-5.2705   Appeals; Zoning Administrator and Planning Commission
   9-5.2706   Appeals; Design Review Board
   9-5.2707   Lapse of approval
   9-5.2707.1   Violation; revocation; fine
   9-5.2708   Changed plans; new application
   9-5.2709   Temporary use permits
Article 28: Amendments
   9-5.2801   Authorized
   9-5.2802   Findings required
   9-5.2803   Petition; initiation
   9-5.2804   Petition; hearings
   9-5.2805   Petitions; Commission action
   9-5.2806   Petitions; Council action
Article 29: Interpretations, Enforcement and Penalty
   9-5.2901   Interpretation
   9-5.2902   Permits and licenses
   9-5.2903   Enforcement
   9-5.2904   Penalty; public nuisances
Article 30: Nonconforming Uses and Structures
   9-5.3001   Purpose
   9-5.3002   Applicability
   9-5.3003   Nonconforming uses and nonconforming structures
   9-5.3004   Loss of nonconforming status
   9-5.3005   Nonconforming parcels
   9-5.3006   Exemptions
   9-5.3007   Nuisance abatement and enforcement
Article 31: Condominium Conversions
   9-5.3101   Purpose
   9-5.3102   Applicability
   9-5.3103   Applications
   9-5.3105   Physical development standards
   9-5.3106   Building inspection
   9-5.3107   Waiver of requirements
   9-5.3108   Application submittal requirements for conversions
   9-5.3109   Freeze on rent increases
   9-5.3110   Findings requiring disapproval
   9-5.3111   Findings required for approval
   9-5.3112   Tenant protection provisions
   9-5.3113   Hearings
   9-5.3114   Fees
Article 32: Development Agreements
   9-5.3201   Authorized
   9-5.3202   Contents
   9-5.3203   Rules, regulations and official policies
   9-5.3204   Enforcement
   9-5.3205   Periodic reviews
   9-5.3206   Intention to adopt agreements; public hearings
   9-5.3207   Approval by ordinance; findings of General Plan consistency
   9-5.3208   Amendments or cancellation
   9-5.3209   Recording; effect
   9-5.3210   Compliance with state and federal laws
Article 33: Specific Plans
   9-5.3301   Purpose
   9-5.3302   Procedure for adoption
   9-5.3303   East Antioch Specific Plan
   9-5.3304   Hillcrest Corridor Specific Plan
   9-5.3305   Southeast Area Specific Plan
   9-5.3306   East Lone Tree Specific Plan
   9-5.3307   East 18th Street Specific Plan
   9-5.3308   Hillcrest Station Area Specific Plan
   9-5.3309   Downtown Specific Plan
Article 34: Senior Housing Overlay District
   9-5.3401   Senior Housing Overlay District
Article 35: Density Bonus Program
   9-5.3501   Purpose
   9-5.3502   Density bonus provisions
Article 36: Zoning Map
   9-5.3601   Zoning map
Article 37: Determination of Boundaries
   9-5.3701   Determination of boundaries
Article 38: Land Use Regulations
   9-5.3801   Summary of zoning districts
   9-5.3802   Introduction to land use regulations
   9-5.3803   Table of land use regulations
   9-5.3804   [Reserved]
   9-5.3805   Accessory dwelling units
   9-5.3806   Heliports
   9-5.3807   Antennas and microwave equipment
   9-5.3808   Adult entertainment businesses
   9-5.3808.1   Adult boutiques
   9-5.3809   Agricultural uses
   9-5.3810   Boat, R.V., and outdoor storage
   9-5.3811   Reverse vending machines
   9-5.3812   Small collection facilities
   9-5.3813   Large collection facilities
   9-5.3814   Heavy processing facilities
   9-5.3815   Automobile service stations
   9-5.3816   Mechanical or electronic games
   9-5.3817   Small and large family day care homes
   9-5.3818   [Reserved]
   9-5.3819   Bed and breakfast inns
   9-5.3820   [Reserved]
   9-5.3821   Temporary construction buildings and uses
   9-5.3822   Removal of earth
   9-5.3823   Sidewalk cafe; outdoor food service
   9-5.3824   Nurseries; horticulture
   9-5.3825   Vehicle equipment sales and rentals
   9-5.3826   Hazardous waste facility
   9-5.3827   “H” Overlay Zone
   9-5.3828   Special outdoor events
   9-5.3828.1   Outdoor retail sales
   9-5.3829   Christmas and pumpkin sales lots
   9-5.3830   Parking and storage of motor vehicles on residential parcels
   9-5.3831   Liquor establishments
   9-5.3832   Churches, preschools, private elementary, middle and high schools, and day care centers in residentially zoned districts
   9-5.3833   Firearm sales
   9-5.3834   Study District (S)
   9-5.3835   Computer gaming and internet access businesses
   9-5.3836   Community supervision programs
   9-5.3837   Exclusive Parking District (P)
   9-5.3838   Boarding and rooming houses
   9-5.3839   Emergency shelters
   9-5.3840   Residential care facilities
   9-5.3841   Residential hotels
   9-5.3842   Correctional facilities
   9-5.3843   Tobacco and paraphernalia retailers
   9-5.3844   Bingo operations
   9-5.3845   Cannabis businesses
   9-5.3846    Wireless communications facilities
   9-5.3847   Withdrawals of planning applications and actions
   9-5.3848   Temporary cannabis events
   9-5.3849   Commercial infill housing overlay district
   9-5.3850   Innovative housing overlay district
Article 39: Reasonable Accommodation
   9-5.3901   Purpose
   9-5.3902   Application
   9-5.3903   Jurisdiction
   9-5.3904   Grounds for accommodation
   9-5.3905   Appeal
   9-5.3906   Fee
Article 40: Residential Growth Management
   9-5.4001   Citation
   9-5.4002   Purpose
   9-5.4003   Numerical limits on rate of growth
   9-5.4004   Evaluation of growth limits
Article 41: RRMP Roddy Ranch Master Plan District
   9-5.4101   Purpose
   9-5.4102   Uses permitted
   9-5.4103   Procedure
   9-5.4104   Relationship to land subdivision
   9-5.4105   Findings required
   9-5.4106   Lapse of approval
   9-5.4107   Extension and renewal
   9-5.4108   Plan modifications
Article 42: Prohibition on Conversion of Senior Mobilehome Parks
   9-5.4201   Purpose and intent
   9-5.4202   Definitions
   9-5.4203   Prohibition on conversion