Multi-Family Objective Design Standards apply to residential mixed use and multiple-family dwellings in any district in which they are permitted or conditionally permitted, except for projects in the CIH Overlay, which are subject to § 9-5.3848 Commercial Infill Housing Overlay District regulations, and cottage communities in the IH Overlay, which are subject to § 9-5.3850 Innovative Housing Overlay District regulations. Multi-Family Objective Design Standards shall be adopted by resolution and may be amended from time to time. The purpose of these regulations is to promote high-quality design and provide a pleasant residential environment within the context of higher-density development; ensure the provision of amenities for residents of multi-family developments; foster pedestrian access; and create visually attractive street frontages that offer architectural and landscape interest.
(Ord. 2089-C-S, passed 6-24-14; Am. Ord. 2224-C-S, passed 2-14-23; Am. Ord. 2235-C-S, passed 11-28-2023)