§ 9-5.2401 PURPOSE.
   (A)   The Hillside Planned Development District (HPD) is intended to promote a more harmonious visual and functional relationship between the natural and built environments.
   (B)   The district shall provide for the following:
      (1)   The preservation of significant features of hillside areas, such as drainage swales, streams, steep slopes, ridgelines, rock outcroppings and native vegetation;
      (2)   The encouragement in hillside areas of an alternative and varied development approach that would provide the maximum in safety and human enjoyment while utilizing the opportunities presented by the natural terrain;
      (3)   The concentration of dwelling units and other structures through clustering so as to preserve the most sensitive terrain in its natural state;
      (4)   A mixture of housing stock so as to provide variation in appearance;
      (5)   Compliance with the land use densities specified in the General Plan with the understanding that in areas featuring steeper slopes, densities shall diminish as the slope of the terrain increases;
      (6)   Consistency with the Open Space Element of the General Plan and evidence that detailed and effective arrangements for the preserva-tion, maintenance and control of open space and recreational lands are provided;
      (7)   The minimization of grading and cut and fill operations consistent with the retention of the natural character of the terrain; and
      (8)   The minimization of water runoff and soil erosion problems in the modification of the terrain to meet on-site and off-site development needs.
(Ord. 897-C-S, passed 10-25-94)