(A)   RE Rural Estate Residential District.  
      (1)   This district is consistent with the General Plan Designation of Estate Residential, allowing up to one dwelling units per gross developable acre according to divisions (a) through (c), as well as within any Focused Planning Area designated by the General Plan that permits residential development allowing up to one dwelling unit per gross developable acre.
         (a)   A gross developable acre equals 43,560 square feet, exclusive of public and private rights-of-way existing at the time a development application for the subject property is deemed complete.
         (b)   New public or private rights-of-way to be created as part of the proposed development are counted as part of the gross developable acreage of the site.
         (c)   Where a park or school site is to be dedicated as part of a proposed application, the land subject to such dedication may be counted as part of the gross developable acreage of the site, and subsequently yield development density to the proposed project, only if there is no further compensation for the site.
      (2)   This district establishes areas for single-family homes on lots that average one-half acre or larger on land that is relatively uneven and constrained by geologic formations, a lack of urban services and unique environmental constraints. Where natural features dictate, clustering of units is appropriate.
   (B)   RR Rural Residential District. This district is consistent with the General Plan Designation of Estate Residential allowing up to one dwelling units per gross developable acre, as well as with any Focused Planning Area designated by the General Plan that permits residential development, allowing up to one unit per gross developable acre, allowing large custom-built homes on large lots. Typical lot sizes should conform to a minimum of one unit per half acre lot. Lot size and dimensions will depend on topography and surrounding land uses. The district provides areas in close proximity to urban services which may incorporate many characteristics of residential development on the urban fringe including deep front yards, maintenance of existing grade and vegetation.
   (C)   R-4, R-6 Single-Family Residential Districts. These districts are the standard single-family zones allowing a maximum of four (R-4 District) or six (R-6 District) dwelling units per gross acre respectively. The districts are consistent with the Low Density Residential General Plan Designation, of two to four dwelling units per gross developable acre, and with the Medium-Low Density Residential General Plan Designation of four to six dwelling units per gross developable acre. The R-4 district is also consistent with any Focused Planning Area designated by the General Plan permitting single family residential development up to four dwelling units per gross developable acre. The R-6 district is also consistent with any Focused Planning Area designated by the General Plan permitting single family residential development up to six dwelling units per gross developable acre.
   (D)   R-10 Medium Density Residential District. This district allows residential densities for attached single-family and multiple-family units. This district is consistent with the Medium Density Residential General Plan Designation which allows six to 10 dwelling units per gross developable acre. Typical development would include attached and/or cluster-type, ownership, oriented units including some with private yards and common recreation areas.
   (E)   R-20 Medium Density Residential District. These districts allow multiple-family densities of up to 20 dwelling units per gross developable acre respectively. The districts are consistent with the High Density Residential General Plan Designation of up to 35 dwelling units per gross developable acre and with any Focused Planning Area designated by the General Plan. Higher densities may be allowed where measurable community benefit is to be derived such as the provision of senior housing or low to moderate income housing units as specified within this chapter and pursuant to applicable requirements of state law.
   (F)   R-25 High Density Residential District. This district allows multiple-family development at a minimum density of 20 and a maximum density of 25 dwelling units per gross acre. This district is consistent with the High Density Residential General Plan Designation of up to 35 dwelling units per gross developable acre and with any Focused Planning Area designated by the General Plan. Higher densities may be allowed where measurable community benefit is to be derived, such as the provision of senior housing or low or moderate income housing units as specified in this chapter and pursuant to applicable requirements of state law. Typical development would include multiple-family dwellings on sites that create an attractive and high-quality living environment and include amenities such as usable open space.
   (G)   R-35 High Density Residential District. This district allows multiple-family development at a minimum of 25 and maximum of 35 dwelling units per gross acre. This district is consistent with the High Density Residential General Plan Designation of up to 35 dwelling units per gross developable acre and with any Focused Planning Area designated by the General Plan. Higher densities may be allowed where measurable community benefit is to be derived, such as the provision of senior housing or low to moderate income housing units as specified in this chapter and pursuant to applicable requirements of state law. Typical development would include multiple-family dwellings on sites that create an attractive and high-quality living environment and include amenities such as usable open space.
   (H)   C-0 Professional Office District. This district allows development of business office centers and institutional or professional buildings. This district is consistent with the Office, Neighborhood/Community Commercial, Regional Commercial, and Transit-Oriented Development General Plan Designations, as well as with Focused Planning Areas permitting professional office uses.
   (I)   C-1 Convenience Commercial District. This district usually occupies one to four acres of area and contains a mix of retail uses that provide goods and services to the immediate residential neighborhood area. These uses typically have a service area of a one mile radius or less.
   (J)   C-2 Neighborhood/Community Commercial District. This district allows limited commercial offices, retail stores and service establishments which are compatible with, and dependent upon residential developments. The neighborhood district may typically occupy four to 10 acres of area and be located at appropriate arterial and/or collector street intersections. The primary purpose of the Neighbor-hood Commercial District is to provide for the sale of convenience goods, food, drugs, sundries and personal necessities. It meets the daily needs of the neighborhood area of a one to three mile radius. Usually one supermarket is the primary anchor. The Community Commercial District provides for both neighborhood uses and adds a junior department store, large variety store, or discount store as an anchor. This district may occupy 10 acres or more and serves residents within three to five miles. This district is consistent with the Neighborhood/Community Commercial and Transit-Oriented Development General Plan Designations, as well as with Focused Planning Areas permitting commercial land use types.
   (K)   C-3 Regional Commercial District. This district provides for retail and service commercial uses of a regional nature, including those in and adjacent to large centers with one or more full-time department stores with a typical minimum of 75,000 square feet of floor area. Regional commercial uses typically serve a population residing within an eight to 20-mile radius and occupy 30 to 50 acres or more. This district also provides for highway or travel-oriented functions along freeways, major thoroughfares, and major roadways. This district is consistent with the Regional Commercial, and Transit-Oriented Development General Plan Designations, as well as with Somersville Road Corridor Focused Planning Area and other Focused Planning Areas permitting the types of commercial uses intended for this district.
   (L)   M-1 Light Industrial District. This district allows light industrial uses and excludes those heavy industrial uses with potentially hazardous or negative effects. This district is consistent with the Business Park, Light Industrial, and Rail-Served Industrial General Plan Designations, as well as with the Eastern Waterfront, SR-4/SR-160 Business Park, and East Lone Tree Focused Planning Areas. Uses include the fabrication, assembly, processing, treatment, or packaging of finished parts or products from previously prepared materials typically within an enclosed building.
   (M)   M-2 Heavy Industrial District. This district allows heavy industrial uses which may generate adverse impacts on health or safety. This zone applies primarily to existing heavy industrial uses. The district is consistent with the General and Rail-Served Industrial General Plan Designations. Uses include production of and extraction of metals or chemical products from raw materials, steel works and finishing mills, chemical or fertilizer plants, petroleum and gas refiners, paper mills, lumber mills, asphalt, concrete and hot mix batch plants, power generation plants, glassworks, textile mills, concrete products manufacturing and similar uses.
   (N)   PBC Planned Business Center. This district provides sites in landscaped settings for office centers, research and development facilities, limited industrial activities (including production and assembly, but no raw materials processing or bulk handling), limited warehouse type retail and commercial activities, and small-scale warehousing distribution. Individual business centers would have a common architectural and landscape treatment, while architectural variation is encouraged between centers. The district is consistent with the Business Park and Light Industrial General Plan Designations, as well as with the Somersville Road Corridor, Eastern Waterfront, SR-4/SR-160 Business Park, and East Lone Tree Focused Planning Areas.
   (O)   T Manufactured Housing Combining District. This combining zone provides a district designation which shall be applied to land uses such as manufactured housing or trailer park uses, establish rules and regulations by which the city may regulate standards of lot, yard, and park area, landscaping, walls or enclosures, signs, access, and vehicle parking in relation to mobile home or trailer parks pursuant to the powers granted to the city under the California Health and Safety Code, and name the Commission as its agent for executing the provisions of this section. The provisions of this section shall apply to travel trailer parks, recreational trailer parks, and temporary trailer parks or tent camps, unless specifically exempted by Cal. Health and Safety Code Part 2 of Division 13 or by the provisions of this chapter. This combining zone is consistent with all principal zones to which it is attached.
   (P)   P-D Planned Development District. This district accommodates various types of development, such as neighborhood and district shopping centers, professional and administrative offices multiple housing developments, single-family residential developments, commercial service centers, and industrial parks, or any other use or combination of uses which are appropriately a part of a planned development. This district is intended to enable and encourage flexibility in the design and development of land so as to promote its most appropriate use; to allow diversification in the relationship of various uses, structures, and space; to facilitate the adequate and economical provision of streets and utilities; to preserve the natural and scenic qualities of open space; to offer recreational opportunities convenient to residents to enhance the appearance of neighbor-hoods through the preservation of natural green spaces; and to counteract the effects of urban con-gestion and monotony. The minimum area required for the establishment of a residential Planned Development shall be three contiguous acres of land and the minimum area for an exclusively non-residential Planned Development shall be one contiguous acre of land.
   (Q)   HPD Hillside Planned Development District. This district is similar to the Planned Development District. The purpose of this zone is to assure the preservation of the predominant hillsides, ridges, ridgelines, and other natural features and land forms by promoting a more harmonious visual and functional relationship between the existing natural environment and the needs of a growing community.
   (R)   OS Open Space/Public Use District. This district allows undeveloped public open space and areas for public use where shown on the General Plan and in Specific Plans. This zone also can apply to public utility easements for electrical lines, gas lines and canals to prevent encroachment by urban development. This district is consistent with the Public/Institutional and Open Space General Plan Designations, as well as within Focused Planning Areas.
   (S)   MCR Mixed Commercial/Residential District. This district allows retail, office, and residential uses to exist in a compatible manner through the use of special design standards. The intent is to allow uses that do not contribute to the furthering of a commercial strip pattern. This district is compatible with the Transit-Oriented Development, General Plan Designation, as well as with Focused Planning Areas that permit mixed use development.
   (T)   DSP Downtown Specific Plan District. This district applies to the area contained within the Downtown Specific Plan planning area, adopted by the City Council on February 13, 2018, as amended. Properties with this designation are subject to the land use regulations, development standards, and other policies contained within the Downtown Specific Plan. For general matters not specifically addressed in the Downtown Specific Plan, this code shall apply.
   (U) WF Urban Waterfront District. This district applies specifically to the Rivertown/Urban Waterfront and Eastern Employment Area Focused Planning Areas shown on the General Plan. Uses could include a mix of commercial and industrial uses generally restricted to those which are thematically compatible with a waterfront setting. Water related uses include marinas, and boat sales, and maintenance in conjunction with a marina and compatible public uses. This district is consistent with the Urban Waterfront General Plan Designation Retail uses could include restaurants commercial, recreation, and other water oriented uses. Public open space, walkways and other elements are also allowed to provide access to the river.
   (V)   H Hospital/Medical Center Overlay District. This overlay district is intended to protect the Delta Memorial Medical Center area of influence from potentially incompatible land uses to and allow for the expansion of medical services. Compatible uses include medical offices, medical supply and retail sales, laboratories and medical related housing (short and long term care). This overlay zone is consistent with the Delta Memorial Medical Center General Plan Overlay Designation.
   (W)   MUMF Mixed Use Medical Facility District. This district accommodates medical office buildings, hospitals/acute care facilities, ancillary medical and other complementary uses including professional office, retail (as support to the medical facilities, such as restaurants, convenience shops, and the like) residential (including congregate or convalescent care), parking structures and helicopter pads. Non-medical uses are not permitted unless they are compatible with medical uses, but are otherwise not required with medical uses. The minimum area required for the establishment of a Mixed Use Medical Facility District shall be one contiguous acre of land.
   (X)   SH Senior Housing Overlay District.
      (1)   This overlay district provides additional densities beyond the minimum required by state law for senior housing projects that include increased percentages for elderly and/or affordable units.
      (2)   The Senior Housing Overlay District may be combined with any residential zoning district. The senior housing density bonus applies to housing developments consisting of five or more dwelling units.
      (3)   The Senior Housing Overlay District applies only to projects zoned with the overlay district prior to the effective date of this section.
   (Y)    S Study District. This district is intended as an interim designation which is utilized until all necessary detailed land use studies are completed for a given area. This district is most appropriately applied to properties at the time that they are prezoned prior to annexation by the city.
   (Z)   SP Specific Plan District. This district is intended to provide a base designation to further implement the goals, objectives, and policies of the General Plan with respect to specific areas and uses which, because of their unique character, require a more comprehensive and intense evaluation and planning effort. This district will apply to individual parcel(s) only after the adoption of a specific plan by the City Council, pursuant to Government Code § 65450 et seq. Within the SP zoning district, permitted uses and development standards shall be as specified in the adopted Specific Plan.
   (AA)   TOD Transit-Oriented Development District. This district is intended to provide for a mix of high-density uses that are oriented toward rail or bus transit stations within and adjacent to the city. This district thus accommodates development of an integrated mix of residential, commercial, and employment-generating uses as appropriate in both horizontal mixed-use (different types of uses located in adjacent buildings) and vertical mixed-use (different types of uses within the same building) patterns.
   (BB)   RRMP Roddy Ranch Master Plan District. This zoning designation applies to the Roddy Ranch Focus Area, as described and defined in the General Plan. This district accommodates various types of development, consistent with the General Plan, including residential, neighborhood and district shopping centers, visitor serving commercial uses as well as significant open space and recreational uses. This district is intended to enable and encourage flexibility in the design and development of the land, pursuant to a discretionary non-legislative final development plan prepared according to the regulatory zoning requirements described in this article, so as to promote its most appropriate use in the context of Roddy Ranch’s unique natural qualities and existing recreational uses.
   (CC)   ES Emergency Shelter Overlay District. This overlay district provides sites suitable for the development of emergency shelters. It allows emergency shelters by right when they are developed in accordance with a set of standards and requirements. The allowance for emergency shelters supersedes any land use regulation for shelters of the base zone; otherwise, all regulations of the base zone apply.
   (DD)   CB Cannabis Business Overlay District. This overlay district provides sites suitable for the establishment of a cannabis business when compatible with the underlying zoning designation and upon approval by the City Council.
   (EE)   CIH Commercial Infill Housing Overlay District. This overlay district provides sites suitable for the development of high-quality medium-and high- density residential mixed- use projects on infill sites in commercial areas of the city when compatible with the Commercial Infill Housing description in the Land Use Element of the Antioch General Plan. This overlay district allows residential development at a minimum of 12 dwelling units per gross acre. This overlay district is consistent with the Commercial Infill Housing General Plan description.
   (FF)   IH Innovative Housing Overlay District. This overlay district facilitates affordable housing development on sites currently developed with religious assembly uses.
(Ord. 897-C-S, passed 10-25-94; Am. Ord. 930-C-S, passed 7-29-97; Measure K Initiative, adopted 11-8-05; Am. Ord. 1064-C-S, passed 12-13-05; Am. Ord. 2072-C-S, passed 10-22-13; Am. Ord. 2089-C-S, passed 6-24-14; Am. Ord. 2143-C-S, passed 6-26-18; Am. Ord. 2158-C-S, passed 12-11-18; Am. Ord. 2190-C-S, passed 8-25-20; Am. Ord. 2211-C-S, passed 4-26-22; Am. Ord. 2224-C-S, passed 2-14-23; Am. Ord. 2235-C-S, passed 11-28-2023)