The application may be approved if the Planning Commission finds that:
   (A)   Upon completion, the structure will be in architectural harmony with other improvements on properties in the vicinity;
   (B)   The exterior design and appearance of the structure is not of an inferior quality such as to cause the nature of the neighborhood to depreciate in appearance or value, or both;
   (C)   The building materials and the workmanship are of a quality equal to other structures in the vicinity;
   (D)   The structure will be finished and the property landscaped in a manner which will not make the surrounding properties less desirable; and
   (E)   The applicant agrees to comply with such terms and conditions as may be imposed by the Building Inspector or the Planning Commission, including, but not limited to, the requirements of such changes, alterations, additions, and repairs with respect to the building to be moved as is deemed necessary to preserve the public health, safety, and welfare and to guard against any detrimental or injurious effect to property in the area to which the building is to be moved.
(Ord. 897-C-S, passed 10-25-94)