The Commercial Infill Housing (CIH) Overlay District will comply with the following standards and regulations. Any standards not included in this section will comply with the site's underlying zoning standards.
   (A)   Site qualification. Sites shown within the CIH Overlay District on the Antioch Zoning Map are qualified by-right for development of infill housing and can submit an application to the Planning Department for ministerial review. For sites outside of the CIH Overlay District, a rezone of the site to be included in the CIH Overlay District is required with approval from City Council prior to submitting an application to the Planning Department.
   (B)   Residential density. Residential development under 12 dwelling units per acre shall not be permitted within the CIH Overlay District. Residential development of 12 to 35 dwelling units per acre are allowed by-right. Development over 35 dwelling units per acre require the approval of a use permit.
   (C)   Off-street parking required. Off-street parking requirements shall follow the requirements in Table 9-5.1703.1, Off-Street Parking Required.
   (D)   Building height. Development of two to four stories (up to 45 feet in building height) shall be allowed by-right. Development higher than four stories (more than 45 feet in building height) shall require the approval of a use permit.
   (E)   Objective design standards. Development shall comply with the objective design standards contained in the city's Commercial Infill Housing
   (F)   Review process. Applications for residential or mixed-use development on qualified Commercial Infill Housing Overlay District sites shall be submitted to the Planning Department for ministerial processing and must include an application packet and design plans. Applications will be processed administratively by staff and reviewed for conformance with the Commercial Infill Housing Overlay District Objective Design Standards.
(Ord. 2211-C-S, passed 4-26-22)