Where the exact boundaries of a district cannot be readily or exactly determined by reference to the zoning map of the city, the boundary shall be deemed to be along the nearest street line or lot line, as the case may be. If a district boundary line divides or splits a lot or parcel of land of less than 12,000 square feet of area, the entire lot or parcel shall be deemed to fall within the zoning district in which the preponderance of such lot or parcel lies. Where said preponderance cannot be determined, such lot or parcel shall be deemed to fail entirely within the more restrictive zoning district. In the case of parcels in acreage in excess of 12,000 square feet and in all cases where the methods of determination of this section are inappropriate, the boundaries shall be determined by scaling the location of such boundaries as shown upon the zoning map.
(Ord. 897-C-S, passed 10-25-94)