(A)   Permitted continuance. Nonconforming signs lawfully existing on July 26, 1973, may be maintained without being made to comply with the requirements of this article, except as otherwise provided in this article.
   (B)   Conformance. All paper, cloth, or other temporary type signs on fences and buildings (including A-frames) shall be removed on or before August 25, 1973. Any other nonconforming sign associated with an existing business shall be brought into conformity with the provisions of this chapter immediately in any of the following instances:
      (1)   For a change in the type of business;
      (2)   For any change in signing; or
      (3)   In any case where the damage to an existing sign exceeds 75% of its replacement value. Ordinary maintenance and repairs may be made to an existing nonconforming sign provided such work does not exceed 15% of the replacement cost of the sign in any one-year period.
(Ord. 918-C-S, passed 5-28-96)