   These are subject to the following regulations:
   (A)   Any proprietor owning or operating a business lawfully in existence on August 26, 1982, shall be deemed to have been issued a permit pursuant to this article, provided such proprietor, within 30 calendar days after said date, submits on a form prescribed by the City Manager a record of information on such existing business. No filing fee or permit fee shall be payable therefor. The provisions of this section shall apply to subsequent proprietors at the same location.
   (B)   Machines may be replaced without a change in such permit. In the event machines are added after August 26, 1982, to total more than three machines for the establishment, a use permit will be required under the provisions of this article.
   (C)   It shall be unlawful for any proprietor to install, operate, or maintain to be operated any mechanical or electronic game without first having obtained a use permit. The permit shall be con-spicuously posted at the location of the games in the premises and shall not be removed during the period for which the license was issued. In cases where the mechanical or electronic games occupy more than 50% of the premises' customer floor space, or account for 50% or more of the premises' gross revenue, or where 10 or more such games are proposed, the use permit shall be referred to the Council for final approval pursuant to the provisions of this article. The use permit shall state the number of games, and the use of additional games shall require a new or modified use permit.
   (D)   No operator shall install or allow any mechanical or electronic game to be installed in any proprietor's place of business which game requires a permit as provided for in this article unless such proprietor has been issued such permit.
   (E)   Applicants for use permits shall undergo a background check by the Police Department. The permit may be denied if the applicant has been convicted of a crime which has relevance to the operation of the premises.
   (F)   No such use permit shall apply to any premises other than the location originally approved. Upon change of ownership, the new owner shall receive clearance from the Police Department; however, no other use permit proceedings shall be required for such transfer if the new owner received police clearance.
   (G)   The permit provided for in this article may be revoked or suspended as provided for in this chapter. In addition, the violation of any provision of this article shall be grounds for revocation or suspension.
   (H)   The following shall be considered as standard use permit conditions which can be used as the basis for use permit revocation or suspension:
      (1)   There shall be adult supervision during the hours of operation.
      (2)   There shall be no minors consuming alcohol on the premises.
      (3)   There shall be no use, sale, exchange, or presence of drugs or other illegal substances on the premises.
      (4)   Patrons shall not become a nuisance to the properties within the immediate vicinity.
   (I)   It shall be unlawful for any proprietor of a mechanical or electronic game to cause, permit, or allow such game to be located, operated, or main-tained to be operated within 1,000 feet of the nearest street entrance to or exit from any public playground or public or private school of elementary or high school grades, such distance to be measured from such entrance or exit in the most direct line or route on, along, or across such street or streets adjacent to such public playground or public or private school of elementary or high school grade. The restrictions established by this section shall not apply to businesses lawfully in existence and operating on August 26, 1982.
   (J)   It shall be unlawful for any proprietor or employee to allow any minor under 18 years of age to play or use any such games during the academic year for public schools in the city, except during school holidays and on Saturdays and Sundays, and between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m. on all days preceding school days and between 7:00 a.m. and 11:00 p.m. on all other days.
   (K)   This article shall not apply to the following:
      (1)   Any operation involving three or fewer mechanical or electronic games, except where such games provide the main or primary source of income for the proprietor thereof;
      (2)   The operation or maintenance of such games within recreational enterprises, such as bowling alleys or poolrooms, where a use permit has already been obtained; and
      (3)   Premises or operations licensed by the Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control of the State for on-sale consumption of alcoholic beverages, excepting therefrom any such premises or operations which lawfully permit minors, such as bona fide public eating places.
(Ord. 897-C-S, passed 10-25-94) Penalty, see § 9-5.2904
   (A)   The use of a dwelling as a small or large family day care home shall be considered a residential use of property. No business license fee or tax shall be imposed by the city for the privilege of operating a small family or large family day care home. Also, such use of a residence shall not constitute a change of occupancy for the purposes of the State Housing Law and the Uniform Building Code.
   (B)   Small and large family day care homes shall comply with all building code standards, standards established by the State Fire Marshal, and state licensing requirements.
(Ord. 897-C-S, passed 10-25-94; Am. Ord. 2178-C-S, passed 1-28-20) Penalty, see § 9-5.2904
§ 9-5.3818 [RESERVED].