(A)   Bicycle parking spaces shall be provided in all districts as required by this section.
   (B)   The following minimum off-street bicycle parking facilities shall be required for all new or expanded developments:
      (1)   Office uses. One bicycle parking space for every 15 off-street vehicle parking spaces required.
      (2)   Commercial, retail, wholesale, and industrial uses. One bicycle parking space for every 25 off-street vehicle parking spaces required.
      (3)   Restaurant. One bicycle parking space for every 50 off-street vehicle parking spaces required.
      (4)   Restaurant (fast food). Five bicycle parking spaces per establishment.
      (5)   Hospitals. One bicycle parking space is required for every 50 off-street vehicle parking spaces required.
      (6)   Emergency shelters. One bicycle parking space is required for every ten beds.
   (C)   For each bicycle parking space required, a stationary object shall be provided to which a user can secure both wheels and the frame of a bicycle with a six-foot cable and lock. The stationary object may be either a freestanding bicycle rack or a wall-mounted bracket, as approved by the Zoning Admini-strator.
   (D)   Bicycle parking spaces shall be located near the entrances to major tenants but out of the travelled pathway.
(Ord. 897-C-S, passed 10-25-94; Am. Ord. 2089-C-S, passed 6-24-14) Penalty, see § 9-5.2904