Section R404., Foundation Walls For Conventional Light Frame Wood Construction, of the IRC, are hereby established by adding the following sections and table:
Section R404. Foundation Walls For Conventional Light Frame Wood Construction As an alternate to the requirements of this code the following Table 'Foundation Walls for Conventional Light Frame Construction' may be used:
Table - ‘Foundation Walls for Conventional Light Frame Construction’
Height of Foundation Wall (Net measured from top of basement slab to top of foundation wall)* | Thickness of Foundation Walls | Reinforcement type and placement within Foundation Wall** | Reinforcement type and placement within Foundation Wall** (maximum 12’ span between corners and supporting cross walls) | Type of Mortar | ||
Unit | ||||||
Gross | Net | Concrete | Masonry | Concrete | Masonry | Masonry |
8 | 7’ 8” | 7 ½” | 8” | ½” horizontal bars, placement in the middle, and near the top & bottom – ½” bars @ 6’ max. vertically | 0.075 square inch bar 8’ o.c. vertically in fully grouted cells. If block is 12” nominal thickness, may be unreinforced. | Type M or S. Grout & Mortar shall meet provisions of Chapter 21 IBC |
9 | 8’ 8” | 8” | See Chapter 18 IBC | ½” bars 2’ o.c. horizontally & 20” vertically o.c. (5/8” bars 2’ o.c. horizontally & 30” vertically o.c.) | See Chapter 18 IBC | Same as above |
10 | 9’ 8” | 8” | See Chapter 18 IBC
See Chapter 18 IBC | Same as above | |
*Concrete floor slab to be nominal 4”. If such floor slab is not provided prior to backfill, provide 1) 36” vertical #4 rebar embedded in the footing @ maximum 7’ O.C. spacing -and/or- 2) full depth nominal 2”depth x 4”width keyway in footing | ||||||
** All reinforcement bars shall meet ASTM A6184 grade 40 minimum and be deformed. Placement of bars shall be in center of wall and meet the provisions of this Code. | ||||||
NOTE: Cast in place concrete shall have a compressive strength of 3,000 lbs @ 28 days. Footings shall contain continuous reinforcement of 2 - ½" diameter rebar throughout. Placement of reinforcement and concrete shall meet the requirements of this Code. | ||||||
NOTE: Material used for backfilling shall be carefully placed granular soil of average or high permeability and shall be drained with an approved drainage system as prescribed in Section R405.1 of this Code. Where soils containing a high percentage of clay, fine silt or similar materials of low permeability or expansive soils are encountered or where backfill materials are not drained or an unusually high surcharge is to be placed adjacent to the wall, a specially designed wall shall be required | ||||||
Note: Foundation plate or sill anchorage shall be installed in accordance with this code as applicable. | ||||||
Section R405, Foundation Drainage, of the IRC, is hereby amended by adding a new section as follows:
Section R405.3 Sump Pumps Footing drains and drainage systems shall be discharged to a sump pump plumbed to a discharge system separated from the sanitary sewer and in accordance with the standard specifications adopted by the City Council. Exceptions may be granted by the Code Official in accordance with said engineering standards based on local conditions as determined by the Ankeny Public Works Department/Development Engineering Division or Storm Water Coordinator.
Section R507.3, Footings, of the IRC, is hereby amended by deleting existing exception #2 and inserting in lieu thereof the following exception #2:
Section R507.3 exception 2 Decks not supported by a dwelling and not greater than thirty inches (30") above grade plane need not be provided with footings that extend below the frost line.
Section G2411.2 (310.2) CSST, of the IRC, is hereby amended by deleting said section (not including subsections) and inserting in lieu thereof the following:
Section G2411.2 (310.2) Existing CSST - Bonding Required Where alterations, repairs or additions requiring a permit occur, CSST shall be bonded in accordance with the Ankeny Fuel Gas Code, unless deemed technically infeasible by the Code Official.
Section G2411.3(310.3) CSST, of the IRC, is hereby amended by deleting said section and inserting in lieu thereof the following:
Section G2411.3(310.3) CSST Only CSST with an Arc Resistant Jacket or Covering System listed in accordance with ANSI LC-1 (Optional Section 5.16)/CSA 6.26-2016 shall be installed. Installation shall be in accordance with the terms of its approval, the conditions of listing, the manufactures instructions and this code including electrical bonding requirements in Section G2411. CSST shall not be used for through wall penetrations from the point of delivery of the gas supply to the inside of the structure. CSST shall not be installed in locations where subject to physical damage unless protected in an approved manner.
Section P2603.5 Freezing, of the IRC, is hereby amended by deleting the last sentence of said section and inserting in lieu thereof the following:
Section P2603.5 Freezing Exterior water supply system piping shall be installed not less than sixty (60) inches below grade.