Section Number | Title | IBC Section |
Section Number | Title | IBC Section |
Short Title | ||
Adoption of Building Code | ||
Amendments, modifications, additions and deletions | ||
Referenced Codes -- Conflicts
| ||
Title | 101.1 | |
Referenced Codes | 101.4 | |
Energy | 101.4.6 | |
Existing CSST – Bonding Required | 102.6.3 | |
Creation of Enforcement Agency | 103.1 | |
Required (permits) Platting | 105.1 | |
Work exempt from permit | 105.2 | |
Expiration | 105.5 | |
Revocation of Permit | 105.6.1 | |
Schedule of Permit Fees | 109.2 | |
Plan Review Fees | 109.2.1 | |
Work Commencing Before Permit Issuance | 109.4 | |
Certificate Issued | 111.2 | |
Temporary Occupancy (Fees) | 111.3 | |
Underground Utility Installation | 112.4 | |
Means of Appeal | 113 | |
Definitions | 202 | |
Eight Or Fewer Persons Receiving Care In A Dwelling Unit | 305.2.3 | |
Care Facilities Within A Dwelling Unit | 310.4.1 | |
Separation (Dwelling Units) | 406.3.2.1 | |
Storm Shelters - Group E Occupancy | 423.5 | |
Storm Shelters - Required Occupant Capacity | 423.5.1 | |
General (live/work unit) | 508.5 | |
Limitations (live/work unit) | 508.5.1 #3 | |
Occupancies (live/work unit) | 508.5.2 | |
Continuity | 707.5 | |
Materials | 713.3 | |
One-Hour Shaft Enclosures | 713.3.1 | |
Two-Hour Shaft Enclosures | 713.3.2 | |
Basements | 903. | |
Alarms | 903.4.2 | |
FACP (Fire Alarm Control Panels) | 907.1.4 | |
Group R-4 | 907.2.24 | |
Monitoring | 907.6.6 | |
Fire Department Connections | 912.1.1 | |
Continuity and Components | 1009.2 #11 | |
Two-way Communication | 1009.8 | |
Hardware | 1010.2.2 | |
Handrails (elevation/#risers) | 1011.11 | |
Additional Exit Signs | 1013.1.1 | |
Continuity (handrails) | 1014.4 exc.#6 | |
Access to a Public Way | 1028.5.1 | |
Operational Constraints | 1031.2.1 | |
Window Wells | 1031.3.4 | |
Compliance (accessibility) | 1102.1 | |
Multistory Buildings and Facilities exc #2 | 1104.4 | |
Energy Efficiency | Chapter 13 | |
Vinyl Siding (weather-resistive barrier required) | 1404.14.2 | |
Ground Snow Loads | 1608.2 | |
Design and Construction | 1612.2 | |
Establishment of Flood Hazard Areas | 1612.3 | |
Special Inspections and Tests | 1704.2 | |
Special Inspections For Wind Resistance | 1705.12 | |
Structural Wood | 1705.12.1 | |
Cold-Formed Steel Light-Frame Construction | 1705.12.2 | |
Foundation Walls For Conventional Light Frame Wood Construction | 1807.1.5.1 & Table | |
Frost Protection | 1809.5 | |
Swimming Pools, Spas and Hot Tubs (General) | 3109.1 | |