For use in this chapter the following terms are defined:
1. “Lodging” means rooms, apartments, or sleeping quarters in a hotel, motel, inn, public lodging house, rooming house, or manufactured or mobile home which is tangible personal property, or in a tourist court, or in any place where sleeping accommodations are furnished to transient guests for rent, whether with or without meals. Lodging does not include rooms that are not used for sleeping accommodations.
2. “Renting” or “rent” means a transfer of possession or control of lodging for a fixed or indeterminate term for consideration and includes any kind of direct or indirect charge for such lodging or its use.
3. “Sales price” means the consideration for renting of lodging and means the same as the term is defined in Section 423.1 of the Code of Iowa.
(Code of Iowa, Sec. 423A.2)